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Villains Wiki

Christ, there's a lot of 'em! Did the Russians buy out the whole country?
~ Terrence Sweetwater

The Latin American Militia (Spanish: Milicia de América Latina) are supporting antagonists in the video game Battlefield: Bad Company 2, and its iOS counterpart. Hired and supplied by the Russian Ground Forces, they reside in various parts of South America with many strongholds, taking direct orders from the Russian colonel Arkady Kirilenko, who appears to be their commander.


At some point, during the Second Russo-American War, the Russian military had captured and occupied the entirety of the continent of South America. They later hired local militiamen to assist in their occupation and their goals, equipping them with bulletproof vests and modern weapons similar to those used by the Russians. Kirilenko, a Russian colonel and scientist, would take command of them as he sought out to finish work on the Scalar Weapon, a superweapon that, if completed, would allow the Russian Ground Forces to spearhead a full-scale invasion of the mainland United States.

Their first encounter with Bravo Two was during their arrival to the country of Bolivia. The squad had found the bodies of dead militiamen during a search for Agent Aguire, an operative belonging to the Special Activities Division of the Central Intelligence Agency. Looking for intel that the agent left behind, Bravo Two would find themselves under attack by members of the Militia, forcing the squad to fight through them as they travelled through the country to find Aguire. The squad would later find the agent being helped captive by Militiamen and Russian soldiers. Bravo Two fought their away across Militia outposts around the Bení River, ultimately rescuing Aguire from capture.

Sometime later, the squad would again encounter the Militia after their helicopter was shot down by a Javelin. Militiamen were seen ambushing two of Bravo Two's members, Preston Marlowe and Terrence Sweetwater, in a nearby village. They managed to defeat the assailing Militiamen, and eventually met with their squadmates, Sergeant Redford and George Haggard. They would find that their helicopter pilot, Flynn, had been captured by the Militia, and while Aguire told them to stick to the mission and bring him the compound needed for the Scalar Weapon, the group decided to rescue their pilot, fighting their way through a detention center run by the Militia. Succeeding in the rescue, Bravo Two would later find a working helicopter, and they destroyed the vehicles and men that had pursued them.

The squad rendezvoused with Aguire, only for some Militiamen, Russian soldiers, and Kirilenko to ambush and briefly capture them, with Aguire betraying the squad and giving the compound to Kirilenko before being killed by him. Flynn returnned to rescue the squad from their doom, only to be shot down by a Russian soldier with an RPG. Bravo Two's last encounter with the Militia was in the Colombian city of Medellín, where they, along with the Russians, were doing battle with the United States Army in the city. Bravo Two fought through them and the Russians before the Scalar Weapon went off in a test fire, obliterating Russian and American forces alike. While three-quarters of the squad nearly gave up, they ultimately went on to stop Kirilenko from activating the weapon over the United States.

It is presumed that after the Russians pulled out of South America, the Militia were dissolved.



  • Discounting the bulletproof vests, all of the Militiamen wear improvised uniforms, wearing civilian clothing, along with items like balaclavas and cowboy hats.
  • All Militiamen encountered speak Spanish.
  • The Militia often flew the flag of Bolivia in their Bolivian strongholds.
  • Each skin for the respective enemies equate to the different multiplayer kits, with the exception of the Recon kit.
  • The "Medic" (The one with a cowboy hat) has a repair tool attached to his belt.


           Battlefield logo Villains

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
Commander 31 | The Burning Flag

Bad Company
Legionnaire | Legionnaire Mercenaries

Bad Company 2
Arkady Kirilenko | Rico Escopar | Latin American Militia | James Wyatt

Battlefield 3
Solomon | Faruk Al-Bashir | People's Liberation and Resistance | Amir Kaffarov | Captain Quinton Cole

Battlefield 4
Chang Wei | Bohai | Russia | China

Captain Dawes | Carl Stoddard | Neil Roark | Tony Alpert | Preferred Outcomes | Remy Neltz | Henry Kang | Tyson Latchford

Battlefield 1
German Empire | Ottoman Empire (Tilkici) | Clyde Blackburn | Austro-Hungarian Empire

Battlefield V
Peter Müller | Lieutenant Weber | Schroder
