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Villains Wiki

I have been waiting for this moment for quite some time Mr. Kaiba. For years I stood by and watched you rise to power, A power that should have been mine! As your step-father's right hand man, I not only helped run Kaiba Corp, I helped raise you. And how did you repay me? By taking away everything I worked so hard to gain!
~ Lector to Seto Kaiba.

Lector, also spelled Leichter, known in Japan as Kogoro Daimon is one of the Big Five from the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. He is the former vice president of Kaiba Corp and the most skilled duelist of the Big Five. Lector has brown hair and brown beard and mustache.

He is voiced by Eiji Takemoto Hisashi Izumi in Japanese and by Eric Stuart and Tom Sourhada in English.


Lector was next in line to run Kaiba Corp until Seto Kaiba paid Gozaburo back with a loan to earn the name Kaiba. Lector's role, at Seto's command, was to buy 51% of a company, which Seto forced its president to buy back at the price Gozaburo demanded by threatening his workers. Lector was angered that Seto never gave him any credit for his help, though Seto later told him that he never came up with any ideas and only followed his orders. After the Big Five helped Seto take over Kaiba Corp, Seto took Lector's position of heir to company president and rendered Lector little more then the company figurehead. The Big Five teamed up with Pegasus J. Crawford to take over Kaiba Corp (much like how they teamed up with Kaiba to overthrow Gozaburo Kaiba), but Pegasus was defeated by Yugi, and Kaiba fired them. They trapped Kaiba in the virtual world, but were trapped in the vitual world when the Five Headed Dragon was destroyed. After a while, their bodies were destroyed.

They joined forces with Noah Kaiba and entered his virtual world. Since their bodies were destroyed, they targeted Yugi's gang to steal their bodies. Lector went after Seto, using "Jinzo" as his deck master to destroy all Seto's trap cards. His strategy revolved around paying life points to prevent Seto from using magic cards or to power up his "Injection Fairy Lily", employing cards that increased his life points to continue utlilzing said strategy. He also summoned the formidable "Satellite Cannon", which could only be destroyed by monsters over level 7, which Seto accomplished with his level 8 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", defeating Lector and digitizing him.

Lector was not destroyed, however, and returned alongside Gansley, Crump and Johnson to steal the bodies of Joey, Duke and Serenity by force. When Lector was trying to choose between the two siblings, Crump argued with him over who gets to choose first til Gansley broke up the fight. Soon after, they were stopped by Noah.

He later entered Tristan's body with Nezbitt, who had stolen it earlier, and dueled Yugi and Joey at once. After one turn each by Gansley, Johnson and Nezbitt and two turns by Crump, Lector took over for the remainder of the duel. He had the longest dueling time against Yugi and Joey of any of the Big Five members. He summoned Five Headed Dragon, using all the Big Five's deck masters, and when it was destroyed, used a trap card "A Deal with dark ruler" to summon Berserk Dragon to replace Five Headed Dragon as deck master, but when Joey turned Yugi's Dark Magician into Dark Magician Knight and powered him up, he destroyed Berserk Dragon, defeating the Big Five.


Noah imprisons the Big Five.

They then tried to take the bodies by force, but Noah stopped them. He gave them no more chances following their defeat and imprisoned each of them in a different corner of the virtual world.

Lector was killed along with Gozaburo, and the other members of the Big Five when Noah used a satellite attack to destroy the fortress the virtual world was stationed in, deleting the virtual world and anyone in it, but Noah saved himself on a backup file.


Unlike the other four, Lector does not seem to have a particular theme or obsession. Unusually of the Big Five, he seems morally opposed to Seto's shady tactics, though this could be simply confronting Seto with his demons or anger at him for using him as well. Furthermore, he goes back on his deal to return Tristan's body, saying he does not believe in playing fair (although he originally planned to return Tristan's body before Johnson and the others talked him out of it). He also gets into fights with Crump.


Lector's deck focuses on locking down his opponent and preventing them from countering him; this is exemplified by the special ability of his Deck Master, "Jinzo", which prevents Trap cards from being activated while it is on the field. He combines the effect of his Deck Master with "Injection Fairy Lily" to prevent his opponent from playing any Spells or Traps, then overwhelming them with the brute force provided by the latter. Lector also uses cards that replenish his Life Points so that he can continuously utilize the effects of both "Injection Fairy Lily" and "Imperial Order".


  • Lector is arguably one of the best Duelists out of the Big Five alongside Gansley, as he was able to hold his own against Kaiba as well as Yugi and Joey.


           Yu-Gi-Oh logo Villains

Dark Yugi | Shadi | Seto Kaiba | Mokuba Kaiba | Yami Bakura | Maximillion Pegasus | Croquet | Pegasus' Guards | Duke Devlin | Mr. Ishtar | Weevil Underwood | Rex Raptor | Paradox Brothers | Bandit Keith | Bonz | Zygor | Sid | Panik | Gozaburo Kaiba | Noah Kaiba | Hitotsu-Me Giants | Zigfried von Schroeder | Leon von Shroider | Imitator of Death | Witty Phantom| Reaper of the Cards | Thief King Bakura | Jinzo | Diabound | Zorc Necrophades
Rare Hunters
Marik Ishtar | Yami Marik | Odion Ishtar | Seeker | Arkana | Strings | Lumis and Umbra
Big Five
Gansley | Crump | Johnson | Nesbitt | Lector
Dartz | Rafael | Alister | Valon | Gurimo | Paradius | The Great Leviathan
Toei anime only
Aileen Rao | Kekeru Goyu | Tetsu Trudge
Anubis | Paradox | Diva

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Vellian Crowler | Jean-Louis Bonaparte | Pierre the Gambler | Zane Truesdale | Society of Light | The Light Brigade | Alien of Light | Wheeler's Doctor | Wheeler | Lorenzo | Howard X Miller | Bob Banter | Battle Footballer | Axel Brodie | Gravekeeper's Chief | Aster Phoenix | Chazz Princeton | Jagger Princeton | Slade Princeton | Lucien Grimley | Grim Reaper | Mr. Stein | Marcel Bonaparte | Martin Empire | Blaze | Frost | Thunder | T-Bone | Dr. Eisenstein | Princess Rose | Prince Ojin | Brron | Zure | Duel Ghouls | Scarr | Goblin Elite Attack Force | Kozaky | Chaos Sorcerer | Mr. Shroud | Trueman | Dark World Army | Mad Dog | Makoto Inotsume | Sartorius Kumar | Sarina Kumar | The D | Light of Destruction | Thelonious Viper | Trapper | Adrian Gecko | Echo | Yubel | Supreme King | Guardian Baou | Skilled Dark Magician & Skilled White Magician | Three Masked Knights | Jinzo | Sacred Beasts | Franz | Mike | Yusuke Fujiwara | Sky Scout | Skull Knight
Shadow Riders
Kagemaru | Nightshroud | Camula | Tania | Don Zaloog and The Dark Scorpions | Abidos the Third | Titan | Amnael

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
Rex Goodwin | Roman Goodwin | King of the Netherworld | Kalin Kessler | Devack | Greiger | Sayer | Professor Frank | Mr. Armstrong | Z-one | Don Piero | Lester | Primo | Jakob | Lazar | Aporia | Rudolph Heitmann | Carly Carmine | Misty Tredwell | Lawton | Barbara | Malcolm | Radley | Earthbound Immortals
Dark Signers
Rex Goodwin | Roman Goodwin | Devack | Greiger | Kalin Kessler | Misty Tredwell | Carly Carmine
Z-one | Aporia (Lester, Primo, Jakob) | Paradox | Antinomy
Manga only
Luna | Leo

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal
Don Thousand | Dr. Faker | Mr. Heartland | Number 96 | Quattro | Nistro | Vetrix | Triad of Terror (Wolfsbane, Coyote, Jackal) | Scorch | Chills | Parker | Quinton | Trey | Erazor | Chironex | Scritch
Seven Barian Emperors
Vector | Reginald Kastle/Nash | Rio Kastle/Marin | Alito | Mizar | Dumon | Girag

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
Leo Akaba | The Doktor | Barrett | Yuri | Dennis Mcfield | Jean-Michel Roget | Sora Perse | Sergey Volkov | Lucas Swank | Z-ARC

Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Varis | Specter | Dr. Kogami | Faust | Baira | Dr. Genome | Pandor | Queen | Shepherd | Bohman | Harlin | Lightning | Windy | Roboppi | Ai
Knights of Hanoi
Varis | Specter | Dr. Kogami | Faust | Baira | Dr. Genome | Pandor

Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens
Otes | Mimi Imimi | Roa Kassidy | Nail Saionji | Asana Mutsuba | Galian Townsend | Schubel Quill | Yuo Goha | Yujin Goha | Yuka Goha | Yuran Goha | Yuga Goha
Goha Corporation
Otes | Mimi Imimi | Nail Saionji

Yu-Gi-Oh! Go rush
Zuwijo Zwil Velgear | Chupataro Kaburagi | Terza Flatwood | Dinois Velgear | Rovian Kassidy | Yuna Goha | Muda Velgear | The☆Luge | The☆Providence | The☆Moikeda Mbembe| The☆Yeti Yukio | Yuu Hayashi | Tanabe | Quaidur Velgear | Dark Meister | Fukamura | Sabyuas | Bruyeas | Zeyet | Otes

Manga Only
Mr. Karita | Yako Tenma | Mr. Clown (Yu-Gi-Oh!) | Ahmet | Tragoedia

Card Games
The Lswarm | The Construct | Tierra | Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Video Games
Scott Irvine
