Legendars are the field officers of the Daruga Imperial Army and antagonists in the second half of Genseishin Justirisers. They are responsible for enforcing the Daruga Empire's regime and eliminating anyone who resists it.
The Legendar Drake took part in the Hades Army's war against Planet Riser.
Legendars did battle against the Riser resistance which rose up to oppose the Daruga Imperial Army after Planet Riser was destroyed. The Legendar Valgan pursued the Riser resistance member to Earth, where it ended up fighting against the Justirisers.
After being assigned by Majin Daruga to lead the vanguard for the Earth invasion, Commander Adorocs made use of the Legendars under him to obtain the Justirisers' powers and prepare Earth for a full assault. In separate attempts, Adorocs sent the Legendars Gargoid, Gameleon and Armyul to defeat the Justirisers and steal the Justi Crystal from Mio.
When Daruga finally arrived to lead the conquest of Earth personally, he brought with him Drake to command the massive army of Zakoal summoned to invade the planet.