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Leo Glynn is an antagonist in Oz.
Glynn is the Warden of Oz and often clashed with the more liberal Tim McManus who runs his own special Unit, Emerald City. Despite their different political opinions Glynn likes McManus and admired his idealism. Throughout most of the show he is benevolent to his employees and fair to the inmates but occasionally he shows a nastier side to his personality for which he could be considered a villain.
Season 1[]
Glynn shows no Villainous qualities this season though he is apathetic to Ricardo Alvarez's Alzheimers as he sees it as being deserved because of Ricardo's past crimes. Glynn is almost killed by Donald Groves who is inspired by speeches from Muslim Radical Kareem Said . Groves is unsuccessful and is later executed.
At the riot Glynn tries to be reasonable and negotiate with the prisoners but this is rendered moot by Governor Devlin Sending in The S.O.R.T Team.
Season 2[]
Glynn is aware that CO Diane Wittlesey murdered Scott Ross but helps cover it up as he feels it would be wrong to ruin her life for the sake of an unlikable biker like Scott.
Glynn's brother Mark has committed a murder and Peter Schibetta threatens to have him sent to prison unless Glynn allows him control of the prison kitchen which he reluctantly does. Glynn's daughter Ardeth is raped by a Latino so Glynn takes it on Miguel Alvarez, assaulting him then sending him to solitary when he defends himself. He realised how unfair he was being when Sister Pete tells him how how highly she thinks of him and lets Miguel out
Miguel knows who raped Ardeth and tortures Leo with the knowledge . Glynn then tries to assault Alvarez but is stopped by Father Mukada. Peter offers to find out who attacked Ardeth but Glynn refuses both because he doesn't want to be any more in debt to Peter and because of his personal moral Code. Glynn eventually decided he can't keep protecting his brother at the expense of others and has him turn himself in, eliminating Peter's leverage over him.
When Alvarez blinds Eugene Rivera Glynn gladly uses the excuse to send him to solitary.
Season 3[]
When leader of The Aryans Brotherhood, Vernon Schillinger's son Andrew Schillinger comes to Oz he is moved to Em City where his enemies Ryan O'Reily, Tobias Beecher and Chris Keller all reside. Vern comes to Glynn, begging for help protecting his son but Glynn coldly refuses and mocks Vern. Later Andrew dies because of a plan Beecher had and was assisted by Keller and Ryan in enacting it.
Glynn has problems when Clayton Hughes, The son of his friend Samuel comes to Oz. Clayton is incompetent and gets into several avoidable incidents.He tries to put him in the library where he'll be safe but he is later moved to Em City. Glynn is remarkably lenient which does not go unnoticed by his staff.
When McManus is falsely accused of harassment Glynn doubts his innocence and they have a massive fight.
When Clayton accuses Glynn of betraying his own people he finally had enough of him and fires him on the spot. Clayton then gives a gun to Simon Adebisi before he leaves.
Season 4[]
Glynn is offered a chance to to run as Devlin's Lieutenant Govenor and though he knows this is just to appeal to the black voters he agrees. Glynn also tries to stop the drug traffic by placing Undercover Cop Johnny Basil into Em City.
Glynn is pushed by Devlin to fire McManus for the sake of publicity but he refuses. After McManus makes a fool of himself at the funeral of Officer Joe Howard and sings a racist dialect Son Glynn immediately gets rid of him. Glynn hires Martin Querns to run Em City. Said tries to warn Glynn of Querns's corruption but he is too distracted by his election campaign to pay attention. Glynn supports Dr.Nathan when she comes back to work after being raped by Patrick Keenan.
Glynn becomes corrupted by Devlin as he shamelessly exploits Ardeth's rape in order to get more Votes. When Hughes tries to Kill Devlin Glynn announces that even though Clayton's actions disgust him he feels compelled to stand by him in his hour of need and drops out of the election to support Clayton.
Glynn discovers that Clayton is being mistreated by both inmates and guards at Lardner where he is serving his sentence and arranges for him to be transferred to Oz where he can protect him. Menawhile he encourages Basil to reconnect with his wife before Clayton kills him and Glynn is forced to put him in solitary confinement. In Solitary Clayton goes crazy and threatens Officer Travis Smith. Glynn goes into try to reason with him and is almost killed but is saved by Greg Penders. Even though Clayton tries to kill him Glynn cares for him and comforts him as he dies. Glynn reveals at the end of the season that he is being divorced from his wife and ends the season in a bad mental state.
Season 5[]
When Peter is raped by Schillinger and the Aryan Brotherhood, Sister Pete wants to bring them to justice but Glynn is apathetic and says that in Oz it is a "levelling affect" much to her disgust. Despite Alvarez's genuine attempts at reform Glynn tries to keep him from getting out by talking to the parole board.
Season 6[]
Glynn starts dating McManus's ex-wife Elanore. He investigates the murder of Wilson Lowen which leads to Devlin ordering his death. McManus then comforted Elanor about Glynn.
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