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Villains Wiki

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Villain Overview

How are you planning to beat security?
~ Lewis Dodgson asking Dennis Nedry how he's going to get past all the security systems at InGen.
You never know when someone is going to stab you in the back.
~ Dodgson's warning to Daniel Kon as he prepares to leave Isla Nublar.
When we're afraid, what do we do? What have we done before? We follow through. That's what we do, right?
~ Dodgson encouraging Henry Wu to continue working on the Hexapod Allies project.

Dr. Lewis Dodgson is the main antagonist of Universal Pictures' Jurassic Park franchise, which is based on the 1990 science fiction novel of the same name by Michael Crichton.

He is a shady individual who comes from Biosyn, a bio-engineering company that is rivals with InGen and Mantah Corp. At first, Dodgson was an employee who appointed Dennis Nedry to steal fifteen dinosaur embryos from InGen as a corporate spy, leading to the downfall of Jurassic Park in the process. He eventually became the CEO of Biosyn years later where he schemes with Daniel Kon three years later to buy the dinosaurs captured by Mantah Corp for his own company.

After the dinosaurs spread across the world, Dodgson seemingly plans to help stop the spread of giant unidentified locusts across the world nine years later, all while using a facility used as a dinosaur preserve in the Dolomite Mountains as part of his cover, but in reality is plotting to use them to wipe out his competitor's food products, eventually deciding to use them to scheme a way to blackmail the world's population to either rely on his company's GMOs to survive or starve to extinction. He is also the former boss of Henry Wu, Ian Malcolm, and Ramsay Cole and the archenemy of Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, and Ian Malcolm.

In the film series, he was portrayed by Cameron Thor in Jurassic Park and Campbell Scott in Jurassic World: Dominion. In Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, he was voiced by Adam Harrington, who also voiced Andrew St. John in Telltale's The Walking Dead.


Malcolm: [to employees] I think that by lending my cachet to this joint, I admit, it may seem as if Biosyn wasn't rotten to the core.
Dodgson: That's enough, Ian.
Malcolm: See, here's how they get you. They give you so many promotions in a short period of time, that it bludgeons your capacity for critical thinking.
Dodgson: Oh my God.
Malcolm: So then, there are doors that you don't open, things that you ignore, but mainly, he's exploiting your enchantment... [holds up a dinosaur figure] ...with these!
Dodgson: Is there an actual concern here or you just—
Malcolm: [turns to Dodgson] You're racing toward the extinction of our species, and you don't care! You know exactly what you're doing, but you won't stop! You can't.
Dodgson: [annoyed] You know, I thought you might be different, but you're just like everyone else: you see what you want to see. You imagine unchecked avarice, so that's what you'll find. You envision what: an evil unbound Prometheus, so that's what I am to you?!
Malcolm: [angrily] Prometheus got gored, and so will you... you rapacious rat bastard!
~ Malcolm calling out Dodgson while exposing his true corrupt nature to his employees.

When he first appeared, Lewis Dodgson was a very secretive and humorless man, as shown by the fact that he wore a hat and sunglasses to make himself look inconspicuous, and told Nedry not to use his name, only for Nedry to announce him at the outdoor restaurant because no one cared about who he was. Dodgson was also very impolite and rude, as he coldly left the car door open when he walked out which prompted another person in the car to shut the door for him while glaring, and also chuckling at the thought of Nedry getting past the InGen security to steal all of the fifteen dinosaur embryos from Isla Nublar.

However, despite this, Dodgson was also a shady manipulator toward people he knew - as he bribed Nedry with 1.5 million dollars to persuade him to steal the embryos for him and used a gadget like ones from sci-fi movies to further pique his interest. After becoming CEO of Biosyn, he was also able to fool people all over the world into believing that he was a benevolent authority figure trying to stop the spreading famine across the world caused by swarms of an unidentified species of locust, and is creating GMOs to combat the famine, but even this is a façade as Dodgson is a shady and untrustworthy man; who was hiding his criminal background to the public, seeing as to how he maintained this position for nine years as well as the fact that his actions are what led to the locusts spreading and devouring half of the crops in the United States.

Not even the employees working at his facility seemed to know the full scope of his plans, as Malcolm had to tell Dodgson what he was doing in front of them for them to realize the truth. Even when Dodgson may have a respectful admiration towards Henry Wu due to his pioneering in genetics, this is merely a ruse as he only thinks of Wu as a mere pawn to his goals; plus Wu himself is greatly afraid and disgusted by Dodgson's actions.

Dodgson also had sociopathic and obsessive tendencies, which is shown when Malcolm confronted Dodgson about how he is bringing about humanity's extinction through his grandiose plans, that he didn't care, and that he knows precisely what his actions will result in, yet refuses to stop due to being blind by his zealous ambition and pride. In retrospect, Malcolm was showing Dodgson's employees that, while his original plan was just to use the locusts to leave competitors without a chance to make more money than him, Dodgson was willing to go through any means necessary to destroy the reputation of his corporate rivals, even if it meant letting the giant locusts devour all crops and possibly all plants in the world and cause a global famine, in which humanity would be forced to either die out or rely on Dodgson's GMOs in order to survive. His lack of care for anyone but himself has extended to the point that he was willing to let billions of innocent people and animals starve to death, putting the entire food chain and balance of nature near the point of complete eradication, proving himself to be a greater threat than even the deadliest of dinosaurs.

Ironically, despite Dodgson's disregard for life, he seems to hold the dinosaurs in high regard and hold great respect for them, seeing them as the first step in genetically bringing back extinct animals for a variety of purposes other than to build another theme park. However, he doesn't share the benevolence and moral standards that John Hammond, Benjamin Lockwood, and Simon Masrani held, wanting to share the wonder and majesty of the dinosaurs with the world, prior to their deaths, as Dodgson only thinks of the dinosaurs as a great means of generating profit for himself as his company. He is also implied to be a bit of a misanthrope who hold humanity in very low regard, while also feeling great disinterest when around people and often prefers to seclusion away from human interaction unless necessary, focusing more on the Dinosaurs and his company rather care for the lives of his own species.

Beyond all the charm and charisma, he had yet three other defining traits that would ultimately lead to his downfall: his pride, his dislike for humanity and obsessively toxic ambition for greed. With InGen defunct and no longer a threat to his plans, Dodgson was confident that his plans were going to work the way he intended them, as Malcolm even said that when Dodgson sees his machinations, he goes for them while ignoring everything else, and when he sees someone that he perceives as a threat, he couldn't bring himself to admit. Part of his big ego is shown early on when Dodgson only didn't want his name used back when he was a spy, yet when he became CEO, he wanted his company to be superior to all his rival companies so he could make even more money than before.

Dodgson was also a hypocrite, as he accuses Ramsay Cole of setting him up even though he did the same with Nedry almost a few decades ago, something that he holds no remorse for. When his plans went awry, Dodgson attempted to escape in the tunnels to start over with his plans again, which left him trapped there after Ellie and Claire reverted the power from the tunnel to the Aerial Deterrent System, ultimately leading him to his unexpected, yet well-deserved death by a pack of hungry Dilophosaurus, sharing the same fate with his paid spy Dennis Nedry 29 years ago.





  • Dilophosaurus pack - Killers.

Other Media[]

Jurassic Park: Redemption[]

Main article: Lewis Dodgson (IDW)

Jurassic Park: The Game[]

Dodgson is mentioned several times by his associate Miles Chadwick, who was going to Nedry's contact at the docks. Chadwick calls Dodgson about Dennis Nedry's absence from the docks and that he's stuck somewhere in a doorway, but when Dodgson asks him for a Plan B, Chadwick tells him that he already has a Plan B and claims that Nedry won't betray them due to how much money he'll get and that it doesn't matter if Nima Cruz knows who he is. He proves his point by trying to hand the phone to Cruz and says that Dodgson is calling, but she just shrugs him off, so Chadwick tells him that she doesn't care and hangs up the phone.

Eventually, time passes and Chadwick calls Dodgson again. Upon finding out that the Barbasol canister is missing from Nedry's truck, and because of his experience with Dodgson, he becomes very worried that Dodgson might kill him for his failure. However, Chadwick, too, ends up being killed by a pack of Dilophosaurus.

Jurassic World: Evolution 2[]

Dodgson appears in Jurassic World: Evolution 2 in the Dominion Biosyn Expansion pack where he, alongside Ramsay Cole and Issac Clement, supervises the player in the creation of the Biosyn Sanctuary in the first half of the campaign. He is shown to have a habit of gloating about how Biosyn will do a significantly better job than InGen ever could and how the latter company will be nothing more than forgotten history.

At the beginning of the second half of the campaign, which takes place after the events of Jurassic World: Dominion, Claire narrates how Dodgson secretly masterminded the creation of giant locusts to control the world's crops, and how his actions caused a wildfire in the sanctuary and led to his own demise. The player is then tasked with restoring the sanctuary from the damage that Dodgson caused.


Appearances in the Franchise


  • Jurassic Park
  • Jurassic World: Dominion

TV Series[]

Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous[]

  • "Out of the Pack"
  • "Clean Break"

Graphic Novels[]

  • Jurassic Park: Redemption

Video Games[]

  • Jurassic Park: The Game (mentioned)
  • Jurassic World: Evolution 2


Jurassic Park[]

Dodgson: $750. On delivery, $50,000 more for each viable embryo. That's $1.5,000,000 if you get all 15 species off the island.
Nedry: I'll get them all.
Dodgson: Remember, viable embryos. They're no use to us if they don't survive.
Nedry: How am I supposed to transport them?
Dodgson: [opens a Barbasol can with a secret storage compartment] The bottom screws open.
Nedry: That's great! Oh, my god.
Dodgson: It's cooled and compartmentalized inside.
Nedry: You guys, that's great.
Dodgson: Customs can even check it if they want to.
Nedry: Let me see.
Dodgson: Go on. There's enough coolant inside for thirty-six hours.
Nedry: No menthol?
Dodgson: The embryos have to be here in San José by then.
~ Lewis Dodgson and Dennis Nedry conspiring to sabotage InGen.

Jurassic World: Dominion[]

Dodgson: Doctors, respected, renowned. Doctor Sattler, Doctor Grant. I'm—well, this is big. I'm—I'm Lewis.
Ellie: Dodgson. Yeah.
Dodgson: Hi.
Alan: You're Lewis Dodgson.
Dodgson: And how do you do?
Ellie: We didn't actually expect to see you here.
Dodgson: Oh, well, I wouldn't be anywhere else. I mean, the people you see here who are changing the world. Would you mind if—
Alan: We just.
Dodgson: It would mean a lot.
Ellie: Yeah. One, two, one, oh.
Dodgson: Great. Thank you so much. Oh, that's good. That's good fun.
~ Dodgson inviting Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler to the Biosyn Research Facility.
Dodgson: So, you are going to see some remarkable things today. We are unlocking the true power of the genome, or this close we'd be.
Ellie: You could make a fortune with that.
Dodgson: No, it's not about money. No, we've already identified dozens of applications for paleo DNA. We're talking about cancer, elzonris, autoimmune. We will be saving lives. Um, anyway, I wish I could take you around myself, but it's so you're in more than capable hands with Ramsay. He's basically a young me, only smarter and taller. Do you have food? Like one of my bars? Pardon?
Ramsay: Um.
Dodgson: No, never mind. I'll—I'll find something. So, I want to do more of this later on if we—oh, we booked you a private pod for the trip out, so it's beautiful. You'll love it, though, we gotta hurry. Malcolm's on. He's a bit of a contrarian, but I like him. He keeps us on our toes. Anyway, thank you for being here. It's—
~ Dodgson taking Alan and Ellie to see Malcolm.
Wu: Lewis, you're not listening to me! The locusts' prehistoric DNA has made them stronger than they should be. They're multiplying like crazy and they're not dying! What part of this don't you understand?!
Dodgson: Oh, I do understand.
Wu: We need to eradicate the ones we released!
Dodgson: What?!
Wu: All of them!
Dodgson: No, no, Henry!
Wu: Like yesterday!
Dodgson: We don't want to cause a panic, we want control!
~ Dodgson selfishly refusing Wu's warnings about the imminent consequences of leaving the unleashed locusts unchecked.
Dodgson: We found the girl. She's on route… cost me a fortune.
Wu: What?! Wait, you found-
Dodgson: Yeah, I found them both, her and the little raptor. Blue reproduced all on her own just like you said. You're so smart, Henry. That's why this works. You understand the value of these creatures. You always have… I do too. And we don't stop because of what: little side projects went south? If they trace the locusts back to us, they come for the dinosaurs. All your work… gone. Billions of dollars in assets… gone! Diamonds with no one to mind them! You really think she's the solution? Okay, everything involved in the girl goes through me, right?!
Wu: Is she alright?
Dodgson: She better be… she's the most valuable intellectual property on the planet.
~ Dodgson admitting to Wu that he had Maisie and the baby raptor kidnapped for his own ambition.
Dodgson: They land yet?
Santos: Second plane is incoming.
Dodgson: Who said anything about a second plane?
Santos: We flew them separately. I'm not taking any chances. And we'll need payments before delivery. I didn't like what happened last time.
Dodgson: Okay, okay. Just call me when it's done.
~ Dodgson calling Santos about the progress in bringing Maisie and Beta to the Biosyn Research Facility.
Dodgson: What kind?
Santos: The parents, Grady and Dearing. They're here.
Dodgson: Can you take care of it?
Santos: Not for free.
Dodgson: Well, do it.
~ Dodgson telling Santos to stop Owen and Claire.
There isn't, no.
~ Dodgson in the control room.
Shut off the ADS.
~ Dodgson ordering his technicians to turn off the Aerial Deterrent System in order to unleash pterosaurs to attack Watts' plane with Watts, Grady, and Dearing inside.
Dodgson: What's that?
Worker: It's Grant and Sattler.
Dodgson: Is this live?
Worker: 12 minutes ago. We were tracking an escaped asset. The guys missed it. They stole a DNA sample.
Dodgson: How'd they get in there?
Worker: They used an access key. Yankee White clearance. One of our cameras saw Ian Malcolm put something in Sattler's pocket.
Dodgson: Right. I want to see him. And get Ramsey up here too. Where are they now?
~ Dodgson discovering from one of his workers that Malcolm helped Alan and Ellie expose his plot before he halts the hyperloop at the amber mines, where Alan, Ellie, and Maisie would get attacked by Dimetrodons.
Dodgson: [to Ramsay] No. Nothing we can't handle, listen.
Malcolm: You're right?
Dodgson: Uh, good. Dr. Malcolm, you are… fired.
Ramsay: What?
Malcolm: It was such a cushion gig.
Dodgson: And uh, do you have your access key to security if you still have it?
Worker: The hypolepods are shut down at amber mines.
Dodgson: What? Wow. This day. Uh, which… which pod are we, are there?
Malcolm: Are there, um, dinosaurs in the mines?
Worker: There are dinosaurs everywhere. I mean, you know, technically, birds are dinosaurs, genetically speaking.
Ramsay: Okay, Lewis. Grant and Sattler are in this pod, we need to send a security team out there.
Dodgson: Absolutely, Ramsay. Thank you. Uh, let's all just stay in our lanes though. We can take care of it. Thank you, doctor.
Malcolm: That's it, huh? Nothing else to see here.
Dodgson: I'm not sure I admire your tone right now. You need to leave.
~ Dodgson firing Malcolm.
Ramsay, will you help Doctor Malcolm gather his things? His room and then to the airfield. That's it.
~ Dodgson telling Ramsay to help Malcolm pack up his items after firing the latter.
Shhh! Jeffrey. [begins throwing a tantrum] GOD… DAMMIT!! GOD… JUST… [regains composure] …just call it!
~ Dodgson's villainous breakdown as he watches his sanctuary burn down thanks to his foolish mistake of burning the locusts, before reluctantly ordering an evacuation.
Dodgson: Here's what I'm thinking: We get started again, you and me. I can get money. Yeah, money's cheap these days. What… what's the matter? Don't look so worried. Just there's opportunity in everything, peach. Even this, you'll earn that. I've been thinking maybe you take more of the lead now. Okay? You ready, I think?
[Cole drops the paperwork.]
Dodgson: What the hell is the matter with you?!
[Cole looks up at Dodgson and smirks, revealing he was the true spy within Biosyn's ranks.]
Dodgson: It was you… you told Malcolm about the program. You—you—you set this whole thing up. You set me up! I gave you every opportunity I did not have. We have an understanding, Ramsay, and you DO NOT break that! I would not break this!!
Cole: I'm not you.
~ Dodgson attempting to frame Cole for the events by promoting him, only for Cole to refuse and leave while admitting that he's the true spy.
No, no, no, no, no.
~ Dodgson as the power to the hyperloop he's trying to evacuate in goes out.
What's your story?! [gets sprayed in the face with paralyzing venom] Wait!
~ Dodgson's final words after witnessing a pack of three Dilophosaurus breaking into the hyperloop train that he was in as he snaps at them before they paralyzed him and make a meal out of him and leading to his demise.


  • Lewis Dodgson and his team were completely written out of The Lost World: Jurassic Park, having been replaced by Peter Ludlow and the InGen crew.
    • Lewis Dodgson's crew from the novel The Lost World was completely omitted out of the film continuity.
  • His name is a reference to Lewis Carroll (the author of Alice In Wonderland) who’s real name was Charles Dodgson.
  • For Jurassic World: Dominion, Cameron Thor was recast as Lewis Dodgson with Campbell Scott due to Thor being convicted and sentenced to six years in prison in 2016 for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl back in 2014. Although he was since released from prison in 2019, it's proven unlikely that Cameron Thor was able to resume his role as Lewis Dodgson because of his criminal background and sex offender status. As a result, he no longer makes any work in different films.
  • Lewis Dodgson is the very first villain to make an appearance in the opening of Jurassic Park franchise. Ironically, Dodgson is also the very last antagonist to be killed off at the final movie's climax.
  • Lewis Dodgson's second appearance and death in Jurassic World: Dominion are 29 years after his first appearance in the first Jurassic Park film.
  • Some netizens have pointed out that Lewis Dodgson's second appearance and hairstyle are based upon Apple CEO Tim Cook, to match with how the Biosyn Sanctuary was partially based on Apple Park, which is in Cupertino, California, the foundation of Biosyn in the book series.
  • Following the release of Jurassic World: Dominion, which reveals that Dodgson somehow recovered the Barbasol can from Jurassic Park without any explanation of how he got it, Colin Trevorrow has hinted that how Dodgson got the can back will be revealed in the fifth and final season of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous. With the release of Season 5, Dodgson does indeed appear and finds the can buried in the sand.
  • In Dodgson's brief appearance in Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous Season 5 when he gets the Barbasol can back from the original Jurassic Park film, he mistakenly said that he could've used it twenty-five years ago. However, since Season 5 takes place in 2016, it had actually been roughly 23 years.
  • Unlike Vic Hoskins and Eli Mills, Dodgson is the only main human antagonist in the Jurassic World trilogy who didn't directly interact with Owen Grady and Claire Dearing. However, he is aware of their true occupations as Maisie's adoptive parents, considering the fact that he tried to have them murdered as part of his plot for greed and power.
  • Dodgson was shown to be married by the time of the first Jurassic Park movie; if one looks closely during the scene he is bribing Nedry, Dodgson is wearing a wedding ring. However, since he's not shown wearing the ring in Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous nor Jurassic World: Dominion, it's likely he got divorced,or his wife died.
  • Dodgson was also implied to be a misanthrope, or at least doesn't like people too much, but he showed a fascination with the Dinosaurs as shown in Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous as he focused his attention on Toro, the Carnotaurus who pursued the Campers in Season 1, rather than shake hands with Daniel Kon or any of the group. While expressing interest in the chips, he ironically showed more interest in gaining more dinosaur DNA after retrieving the Barbosal can. It is also implied that he secretly planned to blackmail or betray Kon, as indicated by his statement "You never know when someone is going to stab you in the back," while later grinning and speciously, likely mockingly, waving farewell when he got in the plane. It is also likely the Atrociraptor Handler works for him and order her to have the Campers and by extension Kon killed, due to how much information they know about Bioysn's involvement in the events after the Jurassic World incident.

External Links[]


          JurassicParkLogo Villains

John Hammond | Dennis Nedry (Universal Pictures) | Ed Regis | Billy Yoder | Laura Sorkin | Edgar Prather | Peter Ludlow (IDW) | Dieter Stark | Irene Corts (Clones) | Cobb | Dr. Kanada | Vic Hoskins | Henry Wu | Eddie | Danny Nedermeyer | Computer Interface | Kent Reave

Lewis Dodgson (Universal Pictures | IDW) | Dennis Nedry (Universal Pictures) | Miles Chadwick | Bill Steingarten | Jeff Rossiter | George Baselton | Jeremiah Fischer | George Lawala | Brennan | Lana Molina | Jeffrey | Henry Wu | Denise Roberts | Angus Hetbury | Sundar Kumar | Carolyn O'Hara | Soyona Santos | Rainn Delacourt

Indominus rex | Indoraptor

Mantah Corp
Daniel Kon | Kenji Kon | Kash D. Langford | Hawkes | Godinez | The Twins | Mr. Gold | Cyrus | BRADs

Lockwood Manor Auction
Eli Mills | Ken Wheatley | Gunnar Eversol | Henry Wu | Jack | Dan | Radovan | Hansen | Hawkes | Reed | Dawson | Anton Orlov | Glenn | Gregor Aldrich | Rand Mangus

The Broker's Smuggling Ring
Soyona Santos | Atrociraptor Handler | Dr. Sarr | Captain Lang | Sullivan

Amber Clave Night Market
Soyona Santos | Rainn Delacourt | Maltese Smuggler | Wigi

Gabriel Cazares | Tiburón | Rafael Santos | Carlito | Tonio | Solo | Dick Kulpa | Bieber | Shandy | Wyatt | Sinjin Prescott | Dianne Nedermeyer | Hooded Figure | Robbie | Mitch & Tiff | Dudley Cabrera | Jensen | Jared | Bobby Nublar
