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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

The story of the manipulative teenage supervillainess Lila Rossi from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir.


Lila's early life is shrouded in mystery. It is known that she developed a talent for lying and manipulating others in order to suit her own needs, and also took the name "Lila Rossi", leaving her real name unknown. At some point, she managed to convince three separate women—an embassy worker, an employee at Style Queen magazine, and a deaf-mute woman—that she is their daughter, leaving them unaware of each other's existence; it is thus unclear who, if anyone, is her real mother. Prior to her first appearance, she moved to Paris and enrolled into Collège Françoise Dupont. At the same time, she enrolled into a second school, Collège Paul Bert, under the identity of Cerise Bianca.

Season 1[]

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Lila speaking with Adrien.

In "Volpina", Cerise under the name of "Lila Rossi" joins on her first day at school, she begins spreading numerous lies about her connections and accomplishments, impressing her peers. Marinette hears about Lila's claims as she is headed to class and asks Alya about her. Alya explains that she is a new student from Italy, pointing to her as she is upstairs with Adrien, before playing a Ladyblog interview in which Lila claims she is close friends with Ladybug. Seeing Lila expressing interest in Adrien, Marinette begins to panic about how he might fall in love with her and follows them both into the library. There, Lila prepares to study with Adrien and notices the Miraculous Spellbook which he had taken from his father. She claims to love superheroes, upon seeing the past Miraculous holder documented inside, and becomes annoyed upon noticing Adrien's crush on Ladybug.

She again claims to be friends with Ladybug, and suggests that she and Adrien meet at the park after school where she can tell Adrien more about their friendship. Adrien hastily attempts to leave for his fencing class, and Lila startles him, making him spill his books; covertly, she slips the spellbook away from him. Once Adrien leaves, she flips the book open to a page about a Fox Miraculous holder, becoming interested and leaving. Later, Lila goes to a jewelry shop to purchase a necklace that resembles the Fox Miraculous, unaware that she is being watched by Marinette and Tikki, the latter wanting to find out if the book is the same one Master Fu lost. While comparing her necklace to the one in the book, Lila spots Adrien and panics, hiding the book in a garbage can, where Marinette and Tikki recover it.

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Lila showing her necklace to Adrien.

Lila sits down with Adrien, and, with her necklace as proof, "reveals" that she is the descendant of the vixen superheroine Volpina, who is far more powerful and celebrated than Ladybug. Enraged, Marinette transforms into Ladybug and exposes Lila's deception to Adrien, making her run off. Furious that her chances with Adrien have been ruined, Lila declares her hatred of Ladybug to a poster featuring her and begins crying. Hawk Moth senses Lila's sadness and sends an Akuma after her, which possesses her necklace. He offers to grant Lila the power to bring her lies to life, also instructing her to pretend to be a real superhero so that she can gain Ladybug and Cat Noir's trust to betray them and steal their Miraculous. Lila eagerly accepts the offer and transforms into Volpina, using her powers to transform the Ladybug poster of one of her carrying Adrien away.

Soon, she uses her powers to create an illusion of a giant meteor hurtling towards Paris. An illusion of herself then flies in to stop and hurl away the meteor with ease; unbeknownst to her, the illusion dissipates upon hitting a pigeon. Before a grateful crowd, Volpina proclaims herself as the only superhero Paris needs. Ladybug and Cat Noir discuss Volpina's appearance, at which point she arrives and suddenly asks for their help. The three run to another rooftop to see Hawk Moth standing out in the open; Volpina claiming that they need to pool their talents in order to take him down. Ladybug becomes skeptical about the meteor and Hawk Moth both appearing in one day and questions Volpina about her Miraculous and abilities, which is cut short when Hawk Moth makes his escape, forcing them to give chase.

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Volpina threatening Ladybug with her fake weapons.

At the Hôtel de Ville, Volpina instructs Ladybug and Cat Noir to help her surround Hawk Moth to capture him, only for Ladybug to rebut her orders with her own, which doesn't bother her. Volpina then flies behind a chimney, where she is dissipated by the real Volpina, who comments that Ladybug and Cat Noir are falling into her trap. Shortly afterwards, Ladybug loses Hawk Moth and is cornered by Volpina and an assembly of weapons. Volpina reveals her true intentions, and, indirectly, her identity; proclaiming that now everyone thinks she is a superhero and that she is the liar. prompted by Hawk Moth, Volpina demands to be given Ladybug's Miraculous, threatening to destroy a nearby building to get her to surrender. Ladybug resists, and Volpina causes the building to collapse, nearly forcing Ladybug to surrender.

However, a pigeon dissipates the illusion, making Ladybug realize what Volpina's powers are. She destroys the weapon illusions and the fake Volpina and calls Cat Noir to tell him the truth, theorizing that Volpina could be headed to the Agreste Mansion to meet Adrien. Cat Noir returns there and detransforms back into Adrien, planning to talk Volpina down. Immediately afterwards, Volpina arrives and declares that she really is a superhero, claiming Ladybug is jealous of her. Ladybug bursts in and confronts Volpina, allowing Adrien to transform back, realizing that his plan isn't going to work. Cat Noir joins Ladybug, and Volpina casts multiple illusions of herself, which Ladybug dispels. Immediately, another Volpina appears outside, holding Adrien hostage. Cat Noir insists that Adrien is actually an illusion, but Ladybug still gives chase.

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Lila refusing to accept Ladybug's apology.

Volpina takes "Adrien" to the Eiffel Tower, pursued by Ladybug and Cat Noir. She threatens to throw him off if the heroes don't surrender their Miraculous; Ladybug nearly gives in, but Cat Noir dispels the Adrien and Volpina illusions with his staff. Ladybug then spots the real Volpina ascending to the top of the tower, where she summons more illusion copies. Ladybug summons her Lucky Charm, creating a chocolate popsicle with a blinding effect; she turns this against the Volpinas, blinding the real one, and allowing Cat Noir to trap her with his Cataclysm. Ladybug destroys Volpina's necklace and de-akumatizes her, then apologizes to Lila for her earlier behavior. However, Lila refuses this and declares that they'll never be friends, before storming off. From his lair, Hawk Moth senses that Lila is still angry, and ominously says that Ladybug hasn't seen the last of Volpina.

Season 2[]

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Lila speaking to her classmates.

In "Catalyst", Lila is shown engaging in a video chat with Ms. Bustier's class on Heroes Day, supposedly in the Kingdom of Achu, telling her classmates that Prince Ali has invited her family to stay at his palace. Marinette tries to debunk her claims by pointing out that Prince Ali is in the U.S., but Lila rebuffs this by reminding her she never said Prince Ali was with them. Lila then tells the class that, for her Heroes' Day assignment, she is going to get Prince Ali's approval for a project to reduce pollution in several different countries, claiming even superheroes like Ladybug can't solve every problem. She finished by telling her classmates that it is getting late in the Kingdom, and says her goodbyes. Once the call is ended, Lila is revealed to have been in her room the entire time, and scowls. Her mother enters the room, wondering who she was talking to on the phone.

Lila lies and says it was her boyfriend Adrien, and further claims that the school is still closed because of the constant akuma attacks. Her mother is subsequently called by Mr. Damocles, although Lila convinces her not to answer him as he's probably been akumatized as well. They are then interrupted by the Heroes' Day parade outside, which irritates Lila. Once her mother leaves for work, Lila is seen bitterly scrolling through news feed of people showing their appreciation for Ladybug. She then comes across an interview where Gabriel Agreste declares that he is financing a movie in tribute to Ladybug, and dismisses shallow imitations like Volpina. Seeing this, Lila is driven over the edge and proclaims her hatred of Ladybug. Having intended to utilize Lila's hatred as part of his latest plan, Gabriel senses her anger and sends an akuma after her, which attaches to her bracelet.

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Volpina using her powers to create an illusion of Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Greeting Hawk Moth, she is offered the power of illusion again and the opportunity to get back at Ladybug, which she readily accepts. Now Volpina again, she creates the illusion of an evil, akumatized Ladybug dueling with Cat Noir over the Heroes Day parade, culminating in Ladybug destroying the latter with his own Cataclysm, imbuing all of Paris with fear and sadness. Pleased, Hawk Moth contacts Volpina and tells her that she played her part perfectly and will see him again soon, Volpina replying that she can't wait. Hawk Moth then revokes Lila's akuma, and she smiles. Following this, Hawk Moth becomes Scarlet Moth with a boost from Catalyst and creates an army of akumas to akumatize those distressed by Volpina's illusion. Ladybug later deduces Volpina involvement in Scarlet Moth's plan after defeating Vanisher.

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Lila looking at her purified akuma in shock.

In "Mayura", as the final step of Scarlet Moth's grand plan, Lila is re-akuamtized into Volpina, and summoned to the Eiffel Tower. There, she creates an illusion of Scarlet Moth to hold Ladybug and Cat Noir's attention, allowing them to be shot by Dark Cupid's arrows and imbued with hatred; thus, making them vulnerable to akumatization by the real Scarlet Moth. However, the plan fails when Ladybug spots Scarlet Moth's reflection on the cover of the Miraculous Box she received from her Lucky Charm, resulting in Hawk Moth's cane being destroyed by Cat Noir, de-akumatizing everyone at once. When this happens, Lila is shown being shocked at the sight of her purified akuma flying away. After everything is reverted back to normal by Ladybug, Lila is last seen bitterly looking down on the picnic Marinette had thrown for her class before closing the shutters on her window.

Season 3[]

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Lila greeting her classmates.

In "Chameleon", Lila returns to school, claiming to have tinnitus. As a result, the class' seating arrangement is redone to suit her hearing problems, placing her beside Adrien. Marinette arrives and discovers what has happened, just as Lila arrives. Marinette skeptically asks about her hearing problem; Lila explaining that she burst her eardrum while saving Jagged Stone's kitten, and then becomes excited with the idea of having Adrien help her catch up on all the school she missed while travelling the world with her parents. Marinette complains about having to sit alone at the back of the class, and Adrien offers to switch spots with Marinette, which both she and Lila firmly oppose. Lila mopes about how her return has caused problems for everyone and how she should have stayed on the other side of the world, gaining everyone's sympathy and forcing Marinette to sit in the back.

Outraged by Lila's lies, Marinette becomes vulnerable to akumatization, but calms down before she can be akumatized; Hawk Moth orders his akuma to remain close, confident her emotions will return. During lunch, Lila has her classmates hand her food, telling them that she can't do it herself due to a sprained wrist. Marinette tries to explain why she believes Lila to be a liar to Alya and Nino, although, without clear proof, they both refuse to believe her. To prove her point, Marinette hurls a napkin at Lila, which she catches with her "injured" wrist, exposing her lie. However, Lila covers herself by pretending to be hurt, lying that she had witnessed a man's eye being gouged out by a napkin in India, and that she was trying to protect Max from the same thing. As Marinette's classmates turn on her, Lila tries to sway their anger by claiming Marinette was really just trying to hand her a napkin, causing the latter to angrily storm off.

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Lila threatening Marinette.

In the bathroom, Lila confronts Marinette on why she doesn't like her, insisting that they should be friends and that she could even help her with Adrien. Marinette rebuffs her by stating they will only be friends when she stops lying to everyone and although she can't prove it, she knows that everything Lila told everyone was untrue. Lila admits this as she remarks that she only tells people "what they want to hear", which Marinette tells her that it's obviously called lying. Unconcerned, Lila smugly remarks that there's nothing Marinette can do about what she's said since people can't resist when they hear her lies and gives her two choices: either she's with her or against her, leaving her to decide by the end of the day. After Lila leaves, Marinette remarks that she is even worse than Chloé and enters a state of distress, making her once again vulnerable to akumatization.

In the hall, Lila meets up with Adrien, asking him when he is going to help her catch up on her studies and if he could also help her learn piano as well, claiming that her uncle was a great pianist who was unable to teach her due to arthritis. Adrien agrees to take up Lila's proposal yet kindly asks her not to lie to him as she did before, even offering to help her out if she has a problem. Upset by Adrien still thinking she's a liar because of Ladybug, Lila storms off, believing that he's trying to act like Ladybug as well by lecturing her. At the same time, Marinette repels the Akuma with help from Tikki, confusing Hawk Moth, who quickly decides to grab onto another source of negative emotions instead. Immediately afterwards, Lila, still furious with superheroes, spots the Akuma and grabs it, allowing it to enter her earring.

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Chameleon taking Adrien's form.

Lila greets Hawk Moth and asks to have supervillain powers so that she can destroy Ladybug, and he agrees. She transformed into the villain Chameleon, and heads off to meet Adrien. She feigns remorse for her actions and says that she wants to make peace, kissing him. Using her powers, she steals his appearance and puts him to sleep, sarcastically remarking that she lied. After stuffing the real Adrien in a locker, Chameleon heads up to Nino, insults him, and steals his cap before hopping away to the Eiffel Tower, with Ladybug following her. Chameleon starts causing chaos in order to slow Ladybug down before hopping up to the Eiffel Tower, remarking how the former always shows up at the first sign of trouble. Chameleon falls off the tower so that Ladybug will save her, and tries to kiss her in gratitude. However, Ladybug refuses this, knowing that she isn't the real Adrien and the two fight.

Ladybug holds Chameleon down and tears Nino's cap, believing it to be her akumatized object, only for nothing to come out. Chameleon escapes, and Ladybug gives chase. She arrives at the park, where a boy named Quentin claims to have seen Chameleon fleeing into the merry-go-round. However, Quentin's mother appears and thanks Ladybug for finding her son, revealing that he is actually Chameleon in disguise. Chameleon leaps towards Ladybug in order to kiss her, only for Cat Noir to show up and take the kiss instead. Now transformed into Cat Noir, Chameleon attempts to steal the real Cat Noir's Miraculous but is stopped by Ladybug. Chameleon summons Cat Noir's Cataclysm and engages Ladybug, who runs away, encouraging the former to follow her. Hawk Moth commands Chameleon to take Cat Noir's Miraculous, but she denies him, wanting to take Ladybug's first.

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Lila pretending to make amends with Ladybug.

Chameleon chases Ladybug onto the Eiffel Tower, where she summons her Lucky Charm and receives a T-shirt, Chameleon engages Ladybug again and tries to kiss her, only for Ladybug to make her Cataclysm the tower, bringing them both to a cafe stand on the lower level. There, Ladybug tricks Chameleon into kissing an oyster, transforming her into one as well. As Cat Noir wakes up and returns to her side, Ladybug has the stand owner pry Chameleon open using a prying tool and the T-shirt, and destroys her akumatized object (now a pearl). Seeing that Lila was Chameleon the whole time, Ladybug advises her that she doesn't have to lie since people will like her for who she is and calls a truce between them. Lila agrees, but stares off hatefully after Ladybug and Cat Noir leave. Hawk Moth senses that she is still holding onto her grudge, and says that Lila's hatred for Ladybug will end up serving his goals one way or another.

Back at school, Lila continues to lie about her relationship with Ladybug. Marinette prepares to call her out, only for Adrien to talk her down, claiming that humiliating Lila will only make things worse. When class resumes, Adrien decides to sit at the back with Marinette, leading to Marinette not paying attention to Miss Bustier. Thinking Marinette has hearing problems as well, Miss Bustier decides to place her at the front of the class with Lila. To avoid this, Lila tells Miss Bustier that Ladybug has healed her tinnitus and sits at the back with Adrien. Ironically, this ends up setting off a domino effect of her classmates switching back to their original seats, leaving Lila sitting at the back. After school, Lila confronts Marinette, declaring that they are both at war and she will make her wind up all alone and Adrien will be hers. However, Marinette was unfazed by this threat and tells her that they'll see about that before calmly walking away as Lila walks away in a huff.

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Lila manipulating Nathalie.

In "Oni-Chan", Lila is shown getting ready for school while listening to a message given to her by her mother, who claims she will again be late tonight but will make sure to spend time with her on the weekend. Lila leaves her house and is met by Nino, who notices that she looks upset. She convinces him that the reason she is troubled is that she will have to pass up a chance to go to a gala with her mother because of all the homework she missed in her first trimester, and that she doesn't want to ask Adrien for help because he will think she's in love with him as his other fans, manipulating Nino into asking him for help. Later, Adrien approaches Lila and offers to help her with her homework; while, at the same time, Marinette spies on both of them. Lila tells Adrien that they would work better at his house, which he disagrees to since his father does not allow his friends to be over, though Lila is sure she can convince him otherwise.

Lila exits the school with Adrien and persuades his bodyguard into letting her come back to the Agreste mansion with them; while, at the same time, Marinette pursues them. Once they reach the mansion, Lila is confronted by Nathalie, who refuses to let her inside until she fools her by saying that Adrien needs help with his math homework. Adrien criticizes Lila for lying, but she blows him off. In Adrien's room, Lila begins to snoop around and becomes jealous after seeing photos of both Kagami Tsurugi and Ladybug. Nathalie comes to tell Lila her time is up, and she takes a photo of her kissing Adrien before leaving, immediately sending to everyone in the school, including Kagami. As she is about to exit the mansion, Gabriel spots her; she proclaims that she is his biggest fan, and quickly rushes out.

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Lila threatened by Oni-Chan.

Outside, Lila spots Marinette fallen into garbage after failing to get into the mansion; she considers posting a photo of her on the internet to humiliate her, but deems this as "too easy". At the same time, Gabriel chastises Nathalie for letting Lila in his house, not wanting his son to be influenced by his friends. He determines that the photo she had sent may be useful in keeping her away from him. Surely enough, Kagami is heartbroken upon seeing Lila's photo, allowing Hawk Moth to akumatize her into the villain Oni-Chan to seek vengeance on Lila. Oni-Chan immediately sets out after Lila and tries to force her to renounce Adrien, becoming further enraged by her continued lies. Cat Noir arrives and fights Oni-Chan while Ladybug helps Lila escape, although she is ungrateful and claims she can take care of herself.

Oni-Chan manages to catch up to them and touches Lila with her sword before she runs away, stating that there is nowhere she can run from her. Lila stops Roger Raincomprix and convinces him to help her. As they are driving away, she notices that a red horn is growing on her forehead. Then, Roger checks his phone to see a strange message, which causes him and Oni-Chan to switch places. Lila runs out and tries to get help from Sabine Cheng in her bakery, only for her to also swap places with Oni-Chan upon checking a strange message on her phone. As Oni-Chan is confronted by Tom Dupain, Lila escapes and lies to Ladybug and Cat Noir by claiming she now trusts them, causing her horn to grow. Ladybug switches places with Oni-Chan after checking a message, making her realize that Oni-Chan transports herself by sending messages to people near Lila.

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Lila pretending to sprain her ankle to lure Cat Noir.

Oni-Chan again catches up to Lila when she runs away and tries to force her to renounce Adrien, which she does, only for her horn to grow. Oni-Chan compliments Lila's acting, but tells her that the only thing that will make her horn go away is if she gives up Adrien sincerely. Lila responds that the only thing that could make her renounce Adrien would be if Oni-Chan eliminates Ladybug for her; a claim which astounds Hawk Moth. As Ladybug and Cat Noir arrive, Lila pretends to have hurt her ankle and has the latter take her away, leaving Ladybug to be defeated and restrained by Oni-Chan. Cat Noir stops Fire Captain Hessenpy for help, who inspects Lila's leg and receives one of Oni-Chan's messages. Cat Noir urges him not to check his phone, since Lila's leg is more urgent, only for him to reveal that it is fine.

Cat Noir realizes what Lila has done and that she truly does hate Ladybug. Lila tries to defend herself only for the red horn on her forehead to grow more. While Cat Noir merely calls out her actions, he orders Hessenpy to check his phone. Lila tells him not to, leaving him conflicted, although he eventually gives in and checks; resulting in him swapping places with Oni-Chan before she can take Ladybug's Miraculous. Formulating a plan, Ladybug has Cat Noir bring Lila back to her, which causes her to receive one of Oni-Chan's messages. As a result, she swaps places with Oni-Chan, leaving her restrained and de-akumatized immediately afterwards. Cat Noir takes Kagami back home, and warns Ladybug about Lila. Ladybug notices that Lila's leg has "healed", and leaves her to walk home by herself.

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Lila allying with Gabriel.

At the same time, Hawk Moth remarks that it was unwise to try and keep Lila away, and that she will make a great ally. The next day, Lila tries to get Adrien to help her with homework again, though he chooses not to, telling her that her lies had gotten Nathalie and his bodyguard in trouble and that he won't help her if she hurts the ones he loves. Then, Lila receives a mysterious call, and picks up. The call turns out to be from Gabriel, who has Lila come to his mansion. He confronts her about lying to get into his home, Lila insisting that Adrien is very lonely. Gabriel admits that Lila is opening his eyes to a problem he hadn't considered, Gabriel remarking that Lila is opening his eyes to a problem he hadn't considered before, and asks what she would do in his place. Lila says that Adrien needs a friend his age who can protect him from negative influences. Gabriel agrees and shakes hands with Lila, telling her that they will meet again soon.

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Lila meeting with Gabriel.

In "Miraculer", Gabriel and Nathalie decide to use Lila as part of their new plan to manipulate Chloé into losing faith in Ladybug. The two drive up to Lila as she is reading in the park, and she tells them of how grateful she is for Gabriel letting her protect Adrien from bad influences. She voices her disdain towards Nino, Marinette, and Chloé; the latter of whom she claims is too busy boasting about being Queen Bee, though Adrien is so perfect he doesn't care. Gabriel tells Lila that Chloé and Adrien won't be easy to separate since they have been friends for a long time and promises that they will meet again soon before driving off. In his limousine, Gabriel expresses confidence that Lila will swiftly take care of Chloé. Surely enough, Lila goes to school and greets Chloé, Sabrina, Marinette, Adrien, Nino, and Alya as the former is complaining about Ladybug not calling on her to help fight akumatized villains.

Upon seeing her, Marinette pulls Alya away to study, and Adrien and Nino follow, leaving Chloé and Sabrina alone with Lila. Chloé fails to recognize her, but Lila brushes this off and brings up the topic of Ladybug. She claims that the both of them are actually good friends, much like how she and Chloé "used" to be, and further claims to have a magic code that, unlike Chloé's Bee Signal, always brings Ladybug to her. Chloé initially shrugs this off, only to become interested when Lila offers to share her code, telling her that she'll know if Ladybug is a true friend or not if it works. Following this, Hawk Moth senses that Lila has succeeded as Chloé's anger is rising and sends Mayura off to further their plan, with her creating the Sentimonster Lollipop Boy to cause destruction.

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Chloé realizing that Lila tricked her.

Seeing the monster, Chloé decides to use Lila's code to bring Ladybug to her—jumping around in a circle on one foot while chanting Ladybug—though this fails to work before Ladybug succeeds in defeating the monster. Chloé angrily realizes that Lila had tricked her and subsequently lashes out her frustration on Sabrina, which makes her vulnerable to being akumatized after Hawk Moth's attempt at doing so with Chloé fails. The next day, Chloé angrily confronts Lila over her deception, though she is quick to point out that she actually did end up spending the day with Ladybug in fighting against Miraculer with her. Realizing that Lila is technically right, Chloé deems that she "isn't totally useless" before walking away, Lila smirking in response.

Startrain 222

Lila annoyed at Sabrina.

In "Startrain", Lila attends her class trip to see Big Ben in England, sitting beside Sabrina on the Startrain. When Marinette and Adrien end up sleeping beside one another, to the approval of their friends, Lila notices and goes over to Marinette to wake her up. Alya stops her from doing so, with Lila claiming that she gets motion sickness while travelling and wants Marinette's advice since she has a solution to everything. Sabrina then offers to help by getting something from her suitcase, which Lila thanks her for. As Sabrina leaves, Lila stares off at her in an annoyed manner. Lila's actions indirectly result in a rogue akuma being released from Sabrina's suitcase, akumatizing the train conductor Claudie Kanté into Startrain, although Ladybug and Cat Noir, with help from Pegasus, manage to defeat her and save Lila and the other passengers.

Gamer 2

Evillustrator facing off with Volpina.

In "Gamer 2.0", Max approaches Lila with the offer to play the new video game he created, but she politely declines the offer, claiming to be busy meeting with Prince Ali after school. Later, when Max is akumatized into Gamer 2.0, Lila is one of the many past akumatized victims summoned to his lair, transformed back into Volpina to serve as a character in his game. Gamer subsequently plays as Volpina in order to face Ladybug as The Evillustrator; Volpina summoning a number of illusions of herself before being easily knocked out of the arena by a boxing glove drawn by Evillustrator, Ladybug additionally remarking she has "wanted to do that for a long time". During the final battle against Gamer 2.0, Ladybug, using the items of the characters she has defeated, summons Cat Noir's ring, Troublemaker's pen, Sandboy's pillow and Volpina's flute to assist her, with her using illusions of herself created by the flute to fool Gamer 2.0 into touching the ground and eliminating himself.

In "Timetagger", Lila babysits Ella, Etta, and Chris for Alya and Nino. When Chris inquires about the rapping game Freestyle Clash 2, Lila claims to have invented it. Chris asks if this is true, with Lila saying that she never lies.

In "The Puppeteer 2", a wax statue of Volpina is seen at the Musée Grévin, and is later brought to life by the Puppeteer to fight Ladybug and Cat Noir, although it is destroyed by the latter.

In "Félix", on the anniversary of the disappearance of Adrien's mother Emilie, Lila is seen on a video chat with Marinette and her other classmates, and supposedly joins in on the latter's plan to send Adrien a comforting video message. After Adrien's cousin Félix disguises himself as Adrien and insults all of his friends in a reply video, Lila shares it with Nathalie and Gabriel, who realize Félix's deception and decide to use the negative emotions it will cause to their advantage.

Ladybug 033

Lila telling Gabriel about her plans for Marinette.

In "Ladybug", a flashback to the events of "Befana" shows Lila looking down angrily on Marinette's birthday party from her room. In the present, Lila meets with Gabriel again, who remarks that she is supposed to be protecting Adrien from Marinette. Lila replies that her plan is taking longer than expected, but he won't be disappointed by the results—another flashback shows her stealing a paper from Ms. Bustier's desk, and planting it in Marinette's schoolbag. She asks if he will keep his promise if she succeeds; Gabriel saying that he always honors his commitments, and driving off. In class, Lila lies to Nathaniel about knowing the most famous manga publisher in Japan, and listens to Miss Bustier as she announces that she has graded the class' mock exam papers.

Before handing the papers out, Miss Bustier has Marinette hand over her bag, and says that she received an anonymous note that she had stolen the exam answers, and finds them in her bag. Marinette and her friends are horrified by this, and Lila remarks that stealing is unlike her. Marinette accuses Lila of planting the exam answers, which Miss Bustier refuses to believe without proof; however, as all of Marinette's friends come to her defense, she agrees to send them both to the principal's office until they can get to the bottom of things. Outside, Lila taunts Marinette and wonders how she is going to get out of this. Marinette states that she isn't going to fall into her trap; however, Lila declares that she already has. She then walks to the bottom of the stairs and begins crying in pain, drawing Mr. Damocles' attention.

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Lila smirking as Scarlet Moth's plan unfolds.

She tells him that Marinette had pushed her down the stairs, and the both of them are brought into his office. Lila accuses Marinette of being a bully, having not only repeatedly called her a liar but now pushing her down the stairs, and also claims that she stole a fox pendant belonging to her grandmother. Marinette and her parents refute this accusation, only for Lila to say that she has proof. Lila and Marinette are brought down to the locker room, where Damocles orders Marinette to open her locker. To her horror, she finds Lila's pendant, which she reclaims. Before Adrien can intervene, Damocles expels Marinette from school, disheartening everyone. From his lair, Hawk Moth remarks that Lila was right about her plan being worth the wait, as Marinette's downfall brings down everyone around her.

To take advantage of this, he akumatizes Natalie back into Catalyst, becoming Scarlet Moth again to send an army of scarlet akumas into the locker room. The akumas infect and transform many of Marinette's friends, and infect Marinette to transform her into Princess Justice; Lila is shown watching this, smirking. However, before the akumatization can be completed, Nathalie's illness begins acting up, forcing Scarlet Moth to detransform and abandon his plan; although Lila still succeeds, and Marinette remains expelled. To prove her innocence, Marinette recruits Alya to search the school for evidence; however, she is unable to find any, which Adrien overhears. He prepares to confront Lila, although is called away to deal with the appearance of Mayura in Paris first (as part of her plan to steal his Miraculous, using a Sentimonster copy of Ladybug).

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Lila on the end card of the episode.

After the battle, Adrien attends a photoshoot, where he discovers that Lila has been employed as his father's new muse. Adrien asks to be left alone with Lila and chastises her for ignoring his pervious warning as she hurt his friend, Marinette. He tells her that since he can't prove that she lied because she's highly skilled at it, he forces her to tell another lie to prove Marinette's innocence. Lila coldly asks why she would do that; Adrien responding that she'll do it because they're friends. Lila is given an approving look by Nathalie from afar, and returns to Mr. Damcloes' office sometime later, telling a moving story to him and Marinette about her rare disease which compels her to lie. Damocles allows Marinette to return to school, and she talks to Lila outside, telling her that she's glad to see that she is capable of coming back to her senses. In response, Lila tells her that, as she said, "things aren't always what they seem to be at first sight" and leaves, meaning that their war isn't over. At home, Marinette watches TV with her parents—and is horrified to see that Lila is to be interviewed about her position as Gabriel's new muse.

Season 4[]

Penalteam 538

Lila meeting with Chloé.

Lila makes numerous minor appearances throughout Season 4, appearing in the background of the episodes "Mr. Pigeon 72", "Guiltrip", "Rocketear", "Wishmaker", "Qilin", and "Ephemeral".

In "Penalteam", Lila appears more prominently, using the excuse of a sprained ankle to get out of playing soccer with the rest of Miss Bustier's class; however, when Chloé is akumatized into Penalty, she is seen running away. Later, once Chloé has been de-akumatized and goes to sit on the benches, Lila welcomes her. Chloé asks who she is, and Lila replies that who she is doesn't matter as much as who she hates, claiming that they have a lot in common on that front, referring to Marinette and Ladybug. Chloé smirks, and decides to form an alliance with her.

Risk 229

Lila taunting Marinette from afar.

In "Risk", Lila is called upon by Gabriel to star in a preview for his latest ad-campaign alongside Adrien. While performing, Lila attempts to lie about having starred in a Hollywood movie before, but to no avail as Adrien pointed out that they both know that's not true. When Gabriel announces to Bob Roth that he intends for the filming of the commercial to take place around the world for a year, Lila is thrilled, and quickly overshadows Adrien's protesting. Following this, the ad campaign is announced to all of Paris—much to Marinette's horror—and Lila talks to her classmates about the trip. During gym class, Lila claims to have "ballophobia" in order to get out of playing dodgeball, although this backfires as Marinette takes her place beside Adrien, learning of his discomfort with the trip and desire to break from his father's control.

Before Marinette (under the influence of Risk) can attempt to confess her love to him, Lila interrupts, asking Mr. D'Argencourt if she and Adrien can have some time to say their goodbyes before leaving for the trip. Soon, Lila delivers her final goodbyes to her peers, claiming that she will be bringing them in her heart. When Marinette attempts to speak up for Adrien, Lila signals for Chloé to push her out of the way, and leaves. Marinette attempts to rally her friends into preventing Adrien from leaving, although they refuse to help, believing her plan is out of jealousy towards Lila rather than trying to help Adrien. Later, at the station for the Startrain, Lila witnesses Ladybug's attempt to convince Adrien (actually Félix in disguise) to stand up to Gabriel, and boards the train with him once she fails.

In "Strikeback", Lila and Nathalie attempt to console "Adrien" about having to go on the trip, seemingly succeeding. Towards the end of the episode, Lila observes Nathalie as she is on the phone with Gabriel and collapses due to her sickness from using the Peacock Miraculous, smirking as this happens.

Season 5[]

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Lila as the Alliance rings' female avatar.

In "Evolution", a past version of Volpina is seen when Ladybug and Rabbit Noir (Cat Noir using Bunnyx's Rabbit Miraculous), travel back to the events of "Heroes Day" as part of their plan to stop Monarch. In the present, Lila approaches Nathalie after she cuts ties with Gabriel and collapses, asking if she is alright, with Nathalie asking for her assistance in getting back her seat.

In "Multiplication", Lila attends Miss Bustier's class, listening to Alim Kubdel's news that his daughter Alix has become the heroine Bunnyx and will return to them once Monarch has been defeated. When Chloé criticizes Ladybug and Cat Noir for their failures, Lila steps up in her defense, pointing out that Ladybug is still young and is bound to make mistakes. Sometime afterwards, Lila and Adrien are both scanned and digitized by a device under Gabriel and Tomoe Tsurugi's supervision. Later, Lila and Adrien star in a commercial for the "Alliance" rings; smart devices produced by Gabriel and Tomoe (secretly able to transmit Monarch's Miraculous powers into his Akumatized villains), which also use Lila and Adrien as the male and female templates for their artificial intelligence. Lila and Adrien also attend the world premiere of the Alliance rings, joining Gabriel and Tomoe on the stage.

Illusion 541

Lila revealed as part of The Resistance.

In "Illusion", Lila sees Adrien sitting in the cafeteria alongside Marinette, Alya and Nino—in their first meeting as the Resistance—and attempts to join them, which Marinette resists. Due to their meeting, Adrien politely declines Lila, and she agrees; although quickly takes a photo of Adrien sitting and posts it across social media. The picture draws Adrien's fans into the cafeteria, forcing him and the Resistance to sneak out of the cafeteria, with Lila following. In the basement, Lila secretly observes Nino going over his plan to have the Resistance cause and film an akumatization to discover how Monarch is giving his villains Miraculous powers, with Gabriel as their target.

As Gabriel arrives at the school for a parent-teacher conference, Lila informs him of the Resistance's plans. As a result, Gabriel avoids falling into their trap and uses an illusion of himself being akumatized into The Collector to manipulate the Resistance, Ladybug and Cat Noir into believing that he is transmitting powers through magic lightning. Following their initial success, Nino expands the Resistance's ranks to include their other classmates, including Lila as "Comrade Sweet and Sour". Lila approaches Marinette and states that, while they haven't always gotten along, they should now make peace; reluctantly, Marinette agrees.

Lila Deflagration

Lila restored to normal after Sole Destroyer and Monarch's defeat.

In "Deflagration", Lila is shown attending a Resistance meeting, where Nino explains their plans to show support for the new Ladybug and Cat Miraculous holders—Scarabella and Kitty Noire—and to help assist with and prevent akuma attacks in the school. During lunch, Lila sits with Chloé and Sabrina in the cafeteria, telling the former that she is being generous to let Marinette get close to Adrien. Provoked by this, Chloé attempts to humiliate Marinette, only to be told off by her peers and dragged back to her seat by Zoé. As a result, she is akumatized into Sole Destroyer by Monarch as part of his plan to ambush Alya and Zoé before they can transform into Scarabella and Kitty Noire, while Lila and Sabrina look on. Later, when Ladybug uses her Lucky Charm to restore Paris, Lila and Sabrina are seen being restored to normal, having been transformed into shoes during Sole Destroyer's rampage.

Lila Perfection

Lila cutting Marinette's face out of photos.

In "Perfection", Lila attends Ms. Bustier's empathetic listening class, and drags Chloé away when she tries to prevent Marinette from sitting with Adrien. As soon as she does, she explains that, in order to make Marinette's life miserable, they must act subtly so that nobody attempts to stop them. Chloé agrees, and acknowledges Lila as her best friend, to Sabrina's disappointment. That night, Kagami calls Lila while on Juleka's houseboat, having been given a "Friendship Test" by her to test if Marinette really is her friend, and failing.

Lila attempts to comfort Kagami by becoming her friend, only for Kagami to dejectedly state she doesn't deserve anyone and hang up. In her room, Lila cuts Marinette's face out of a photo of her and Kagami—one of many photos of Marinette and her friends in her possession—promising that she will soon have nobody, and nothing. After being de-akumatized and patching things up with Marnette, Kagami calls Lila back and asks her if she also wants to be her friend. Lila insists that Kagami is more like a sister to her.

Lila Protection 1

Lila seeing an opportunity to manipulate Kagami.

In "Protection", Lila hangs out with Kagami in the park. As Kagami goes to leave and help Marinette and Adrien's friends try to bring them together, Lila expresses admiration for not letting her feelings for Adrien get in the way of their friendship and proclaims her as her best friend. Lila and Kagami get together again after Adrien plans a date between him and Marinette. Kagami expresses that she is starting to fall in love with Adrien again, but doesn't wish to cause strife for him and Marinette; Lila taking advantage of the moment to tell Kagami she will always be there for her. Lila steps aside, pretending to take a call, although Gabriel coincidentally calls her at that moment. Gabriel berates Lila for not protecting Adrien from Marinette as she promised. Lila informs him that her plan is already in motion.

She tells him about Kagami and how her perception of any emotion being a weakness has made her fall prey to Monarch before. Shocked, Gabriel asks Lila what Monarch has to do with him. Lila elaborates that Kagami is distressed over her feelings for Adrien and will likely fall victim to Monarch, and the knowledge that their romance is causing Kagami such pain will harm Marinette and Adrien's relationship. Gabriel asks if they only have to wait, which Lila affirms. Lila hangs up and approaches Kagami, telling her that she shouldn't have much faith in her friendship with Marinette, claiming that she is a liar who acts weak in order to use other people to get what she wants. She continues, insinuating that Adrien is unprotected from Marinette's lies and that he should be with Kagami instead.

Lila Protection 2

Lila hugging Kagami, and smirking behind her back.

Kagami becomes devastated, and Lila insincerely tries to calm her down, watching as she is Akumatized into Riposte Prime. Riposte Prime is soon defeated by Ladybug and Cat Noir, and admits to Marinette that she was told the "truth" about her by Lila, before being calmed down and apologizing to the former and Adrien. In the aftermath, Gabriel calls Lila and announces that Marinette and Adrien have now begun to doubt their relationship; Lila asks if he wants to find a new partner for his son so that he can be controlled better, which Gabriel agrees to think about. Kagami approaches Lila and sternly declares that her beliefs about Marinette are wrong and that she won't be manipulated again, but that she also wishes to continue being friends. Lila apologizes for misleading her and asserts that her friendship is genuine, embracing Kagami whilst wearing a smirk.

In "Adoration", Lila is shown applying her makeup when Gabriel calls her, again reminding her that she is to protect his son from Marinette. Lila says that she already has a new plan in motion, and exits into Chloé's room. When Chloé fumes over Zoé standing up to her, Lila tells her that Marinette is the real problem for influencing Zoé's behavior, and that she has a plan to get rid of her. For this plan, Lila has Chloé demand that Sabrina steal from others to Marinette; harshly dismissing her when she refuses. Chloé expresses dissatisfaction with this outcome, while Lila merely counts down on her fingers. On cue, Sabrina enters as Vanisher, wielding the Dog Miraculous' power of Fetch, and offers her assistance. Satisfied, Lila and Chloé smirk; although their plan is ultimately foiled by Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Lila Emotion

Lila revealing her knowledge of Monarch's identity.

In "Emotion", Lila approaches Kagami after she is finished training with her mother. Lila senses that something is wrong, and Kagami admits that she is being forced to attend the Diamonds Dance, a party organized by her parents where Paris' wealthiest families present their children. Lila expresses confusion about why she wasn't invited, with Kagami explaining that even if she doesn't feel the same way, Gabriel and Tomoe don't view her as special. Irritated, Lila calls Gabriel, being sent to voicemail, and asks about her invitation to the dance, as she is a treasure of the Agreste brand.

The next day, following Argos and Red Moon's attack on the Diamonds Dance, Lila goes to the Agreste Mansion and contacts him through the security camera. Gabriel snaps at Lila for annoying him with her requests, asking why she thought he would permit her attendance of the Diamonds Dance. Lila replies that it is because she is an image of the Agreste brand—Gabriel tells her that his perfume bottles are also an important image of his brand, and yet he doesn't invite them to his events, and hangs up. Furious, Lila declares that she will show Gabriel that she is more than just a bottle of perfume, revealing that she knows he is Monarch.

In "Revelation", Lila is shown interacting with her other mothers; telling one over the phone that she is helping animals in the savannah, and telling her deaf-mute mother that she was speaking to her agent about how she will miss her mother while she is filming a movie in Mexico. Lila then heads out to her painting class with Sabine Cheng, using her lies and image as the Alliance avatar to manipulate multiple civilians along the way. Lila charms Sabine with her painting skills, before witnessing her Alliance ring go through a major update. To her horror, the update replaces her avatar with Kagami. Lila takes control of the situation by claiming she was tired of fame and suggested the avatar change so she could spend more time with her friends, embracing Sabine.

Later, Lila appears outside of the Agreste mansion and speaks to Gabriel through his security camera, angered that he went back on their agreement. Gabriel responds that their agreement was for her to monitor Adrien and protect him from negative influences like Marinette. As she has failed to do so, he has decided to replace her image with Kagami's to perpetuate the belief that they are a couple and make Marinette jealous. Lila inquires what will happen to her now, to which Gabriel dismisses by replying that she will remain what she is— nothing. Lila becomes enraged, which Gabriel senses, but chooses not to take advantage of knowing that she despises him. Lila storms away from the mansion, promising Monarch that he can't get rid of her so easily. At school, Lila spies on Marinette and Adrien while they discuss the Alliance's new image with their friends, smirking.

In class, Lila witnesses as Chloé is exposed for having used Sabrina to complete her homework for years. When Marinette expresses frustration that Chloé won't be appropriately punished, Lila spins the discussion, indicating that Marinette hasn't been perform her duties as class representative properly. She offers to take Marinette's place, saying that she quit her position as the image of Gabriel to be with her friends, and that the class elections were unfairly held while she was away; conflicted, Miss Bustier agrees to consider her proposal. During lunch, Marinette and Adrien try to convince Alya and Nino that Lila is a pathological liar and a very talented one too, but are still unsuccessful. Meanwhile, Lila instructs Chloé to do everything she says in order to ensure that Marinette will lose everything (which puts Sabrina on the edge herself).

When class resumes, Miss Bustier opens elections for a new class representative. Lila gives her pitch that she can help Chloé to change and help everyone better, enlisting the former as class deputy. After Marinette makes her speech and dismisses Chloé's insincere reform, Lila stands up and withdraws her candidacy. She states that Marinette is right to think that she is an idiot and that her efforts are worthless, admitting that she was really fired from Gabriel and only wanted to be class representative to feel that she has a purpose. She runs away crying, while Marinette, now appearing to be self-centered, is forced to bring Lila back. Lila enters the bathroom and seethes, counting on Monarch to sense her hatred. He does so, deciding that he can now akumatize Lila since her hatred isn't directed at him anymore.

An akuma soon infects Lila; speaking to Monarch, she blames Marinette for all of her problems, and asks for the power to get back at her. Monarch agrees and transforms her into Hoaxer, granting her the ability to convince anyone that her lies are the truth, along with the Fox Miraculous' power of Mirage. As Marinette enters the bathroom, she meets Hoaxer, who promises not to harm her directly, instead allowing her friends to do so. She then transmits herself into the Alliance rings, brainwashing all Alliance users in Paris. The brainwashed citizens begin to hunt for Marinette, convinced by Hoaxer's lies and illusions that she is Monarch. Ladybug and Cat Noir take Roger Raincomprix's Alliance ring to understand Hoaxer's powers, releasing him for her control. The heroes determine that they must force Hoaxer to exit the rings in order to capture her.

Hoaxer senses the removal of Roger's ring and informs her followers. She convinces them that Ladybug and Cat Noir are polluting villains from Saturn, sending them to defeat the heroes. While Cat Noir distracts Hoaxer's minions, Ladybug forms a plan to defeat her, enlisting the help of Alya as Scarabella. Cat Noir is captured by Hoaxer's minions, and she exits the Alliance rings to capture his Miraculous. Simultaneously, Hoaxer's image appears on Nathalie's Alliance ring, brainwashing her. Hoaxer convinces Nathalie that Gabriel is an alien and that she must expose all of his secrets without him knowing, and erase all evidence of the transaction. Cat Noir frees himself and continues to fight Hoaxer, at which point Marinette appears, with Scarabella standing by to enact their plan.

Marinette tells Hoaxer that she is willing to talks even if she dislikes her. Hoaxer pretends to be touched and rejects Monarch's power, to his frustration, but Lila secretly smirks, knowing her plan worked. Back at school, Adrien admits that he was wrong about how he asked Marinette to handle Lila and Chloé, as they have now manipulated everyone; Marinette promises that they will expose them, eventually. Lila wins the election by a landslide, Marinette putting up no resistance so she can later prove to everyone who she really is. Afterwards, Lila crushes her Alliance ring and retrieves her phone from her locker. She views all of the secrets Nathalie had sent to her—including Gabriel's birth name, Gabi Grassette, his discovery of the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculouses, his deals with Tomoe, the Miraculous spellbook, his preservation of Emilie, and the importance of his wedding rings. Lila declares that now Gabriel's secrets are hers, and the Butterfly Miraculous soon will be as well.

In "Confrontation", Lila and Chloé are put in charge of representing their peers during their class council meeting, where teachers analyze their students' files to determine if they can pursue their chosen careers; a position that leaves Marinette and Adrien concerned. Marinette hands the class' files over to Lila and Chloé, who promise to represent their interests. Immediately afterwards, Lila has Sabrina shred the files in Chloé's room. She explains her plan to have Sabrina forge new files, using her talent for forging people's handwriting that won't represent the students' interests, and then lie that Marinette forced her to replace them; ruining the students' futures and Marinette's reputation. Sabrina refuses to take part in Lila's plan, but she and Chloé force her compliance. The next day, Adrien delivers his file to the three, who enter the new temporary restroom in order to review it.

Seeing that Adrien's file only says that he isn't sure of anything but his love for Marinette, Chloé disposes of it, and Lila orders Sabrina to write an even worse forgery for Adrien. Lila and Chloé attend the council meeting, where the former justifies each of her classmates' odd career paths. As a result of their sabotaged career paths, Miss Bustiers' class fall into despair, leading to Juleka being akumatized back into Reflekta. Once Juleka is de-akuamatized by Ladybug and Cat Noir, Lila also pretends to expresses confusion about the changed files, saying that she presented the files that Marinette handed her. Chloé uses the fact that Marinette's file was the only one unchanged as evidence that she sabotaged the others. Lila kicks Chloé for her impulsive accusation, then says that there is no other explanation for what has happened.

She says that Marinette has destroyed her friends' future and now risks losing them and being forever seen as a liar. Marinette calmly asks how she could've forged the files, as she can't imitate handwriting, but Sabrina can. Sabrina admits to being the forger, and Lila asks her to reveal who ordered her to do it. To her surprise, Sabrina turns on her and Chloé as she revealed that they forced her to forge the files. Lila plays Sabrina's outburst off as if she is being manipulated by Marinette, and offers to forgive her. Sabrina furiously declares that she has proof that will expose them and will have them place in jail by her father, and runs off. Lila and Chloé use their positions as class representatives to follow Sabrina into the temporary restroom. Lila calms Chloé down and asks to know what Sabrina's supposed proof is, certain that she can invalidate it with another lie and everyone will believe her. As she reveals her true nature to Sabrina, she goes as far as to threaten her by saying if she was above anything, she can convince her father to put her in jail unless she hands over the proof she has.

Sabrina replies that she had no proof until now, and reveals a one-way mirror hidden in the restroom, with Miss Bustier's class on the other side, including Marinette and Principal Damocles. Marinette explains that Sabrina had called her earlier about Lila's plan; she had Sabrina agree to go along with it, while she tricked Mr. Damocles into having the temporary restroom built so she could place the one-way mirror to help expose the truth to everyone and prove that Marinette had been right all along about Lila, but no one would believe her until seeing it for themselves. Knowing the truth, a furious Mr. Damocles immediately expels Lila and Chloé for their actions. Miss Bustier and Alya apologize on behalf of the class for not believing Marinette sooner. However, an angry Chloé calls her father, who—under orders from his wife, Audrey—invalidates Damocles' decision and refuses to let him revoke the forged files. Damocles is brought to despair by this decision, and targeted by Monarch. Marinette then notices Damocles' Magical Charm lighting up in response to positive encouragement, and has Lila and Chloé escorted out while the rest of the class is brought in.

Lila leaves the school afterwards, ignoring Chloé's demands to know what their next plan is. While this happens, Miss Bustier's class' encouragement empowers the Magical Charm into a shield that purifies the akuma, saving Mr. Damocles from being akumatized again. Mr. Damocles then disobeys Mayor Bourgeois' orders and revokes the forged files, before resigning from his position as Principal, finally having enough of having to bow to Mayor Bourgeois' orders just to make his daughter happy. Some time after this, Lila calls Chloé to tell her that the war has only began, and that she should get ready. At the same time, she removes her hair—revealed to be a wig—and walks up to Collège Paul Bert. The students outside identify her as Cerise Bianca, and ask if her shooting has finished. "Cerise" claims that she had to return for their class council meeting, as it would be a shame if their class representative was missing.

In "Collusion", Chloé returns to class, remaining in contact with Lila/Cerise through an earpiece. She advises Chloé to let Marinette continue thinking she is strong, while looking at a conspiracy board documenting Paris' superheroes, villains, and influential figures. Under Cerise's instruction, Chloé acts even more disruptive than usual, and uses her influence over Principal Mendeleive to get Marinette expelled and Miss Bustier fired. Once this happens, Cerise removes them both off of her board. She later follows Mayor Bourgeois when he heads for a meeting with Gabriel and Tomoe, advising Chloé to remind her father that he must obey her. Cerise disguises herself as a servant and enters the Le Grand Paris hotel, ordering Chloé to activate her Alliance camera when she barges in on her father's meeting.

Chloé obeys and Cerise guides her rant about how her father has no authority over Paris without Ladybug and Cat Noir, and how she would ban superheroes from Paris if she were in charge. Cerise spies on the meeting from nearby, and observes Gabriel's growing interest in Chloé's proposition through the camera. Once Chloé is escorted out, Cerise compliments her demonstration of power. Not long after, Chloé is notified about her father's supposed confession to abusing his authority—leaked and manipulated by Gabriel—and receives a call from the latter. Gabriel offers her a gift of power, which Chloé turns down, as she already has it. Cerise points out that her father will likely be out of office soon and that she will have to face punishment for her actions if he loses his position, quickly making her reconsider.

After Mayor Bourgeois resigns, calming down and de-akumatizing Miss Bustier/Miss Sans-Culotte in the process, Chloé bursts into the mayor's office, joined by reporters and Tomoe's police robots. Again guided by Cerise, she accuses the heroes of helping a supervillain force her father to resign from office, and attacks them with her robots, forcing them into retreat. Later, Chloé elects herself as the new mayor of Paris and addresses her citizens in a press conference. She momentarily hesitates in her speech, until Cerise advises her that nothing is more powerful than a lie. Chloé agrees with this and continues her announcement—declaring that power will return to the people of Paris and Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Monarch are now outlaws.

In "Revolution", Cerise Bianca continues speaking to Chloé through her earpiece, advising her during a press conference about her new status. During a meeting with Gabriel and Tomoe about her accomplishments and the police robots, Chloé leaves her Alliance camera on for Cerise. Cerise later watches a recording of the meeting, taking an interest in Tomoe's laptop, and compliments Chloé's performance. Soon, Monarch teleports into the mayor's office to offer an alliance with Chloé. She refuses until Cerise advises her otherwise; thus, she is akumatized into Queen Mayor, gaining the ability to control enhanced police robots armed with the powers of the Turtle, Ox, Bee, Horse and Rooster Miraculouses.

At Queen Mayor's press conference where she announces her intention not to host elections, Cerise guides her speech from afar, and observes Ladybug and Cat Noir arriving to confront her. The heroes are captured by Queen Mayor's robots, although they inspire the people of Paris to revolt against her, overcoming their transformation limitations in the process. This foils Gabriel and Tomoe's plans to regain control of the situation, and Cerise watches as they are forced to flee. Cerise then observes as Queen Mayor is de-akumatized and forcibly taken away by her father, seizing the opportunity to steal Tomoe's discarded laptop. Cerise returns to her lair and starts to break into the laptop with a screwdriver.

In "Re-creation", Cerise is seen watching Alec Cataldi's show Live Your Childhood Dream while hacking into Tomoe's laptop. The show is quickly interrupted by Alec breaking down over a nightmare, followed by a news report about supervillains called the Miraculized emerging across the world in search of Ladybug and Cat Noir, believing that they have kidnapped Adrien and Kagami—the result of Gabriel and Tomoe's endgame plan to defeat Ladybug and Cat Noir. Seeing this, Cerise (having escaped being infected by Nightormentor's nightmare dust by hiding in her underground lair) smiles and begins donning a new disguise for herself. She takes Tomoe's laptop and mounts her bike, riding out of her lair. Soon, she arrives at the Agreste mansion during the midst of Bug Noire's battle against Monarch.

Using Tomoe's laptop, Cerise disables the mansion's security systems and enters, noticing the crater in the floor caused by Bug Noire's Cataclysm, and Bug Noire using her Lucky Charm below. In the aftermath of the battle, Gabriel sacrifices himself to make his wish, and Marinette repairs the reconfigured Miraculouses, although she is unable to find the Butterfly Miraculous which somehow ends up in Cerise's hands.

During the events of Miraculous World: London, after just claiming the Butterfly Miraculous, Cerise traps Nooroo inside a forcefield to prevent him from escaping her lair and forces him to Akumatize her into Timestalker so she can learn Ladybug's identity throughout her timeline, ensuring she would retain that information along with Gabriel's secret information of his last attack and his accomplices by writing it all down in a journal. Ignoring Nooroo's pleads to not read her journal, Cerise uses her gained knowledge of Ladybug being Marinette to Akumatize herself into Specter Looter so she can steal all the Miraculouses from right out under Marinette's nose while she's sleeping. She then summons Gimmi to grant her unknown wish which almost destroys everything, including the timeline, alerting Alix in her Burrow, as she summons Marinette (who has just noticed her missing Miraculouses and the wish) to use a time displaced Ladybug Miraculous from when she first became Ladybug to uncover the identity of Specter Looter and Timestalker as Chronobug. After failing to stop a taunting Spectral Looter from stealing the Miraculouses because of her intangibility, upon reviewing the events of Gabriel and Marinette's final battle in "Re-Creation" , Chronobug notices Timestalker spying on her and writing the information in a journal, which makes Chronobug realize that both supervillains are the same person who stole the Butterfly Miraculous. Chronobug intercepts Cerise while she is Timestalker around when Marinette, as Bug Noire, was freeing Kagami and Adrien from their solitary confinement in London after undoing the actions of Operation Perfect Alliance with her Miraculous Ladybug and rewrites the journal page that reveals her identity to keep Cerise in the dark. Upon seeing the late Gabriel's name where Marinette's should have been, Cerise snaps in a blind fury over being outsmarted by Chronobug, kicking her table down, and paralyzing Nooroo when he celebrates Ladybug's secret identity being safe, before putting on the Butterfly Miraculous and vowing revenge as the new unseen Hawk Moth. But Cerise's actions only reminded Marinette of how she first lost the Miraculouses to Gabriel when she was tricked by Felix and he got access to them via her yo-yo and the Dog Miraculous' Fetch ability and decided to split the restored Miraculouses among her chosen teammates on a permanent basis to prevent a repeat of their theft from happening ever again, especially Tikki and Plagg to summon Gimmi.

Some time after Marinette gives the Miraculous back to her friends, Cerise anonymously calls Mr. Damocles in order to register at his new high school for the upcoming school year. Once the call ends, Cerise expresses looking forward to seeing Marinette again before she and her lair are consumed by a mysterious blue flash.

Season 6[]

As Season 6 under the new Unreal Engine animation opens, Lila, under her supervillain name of "Chrysalis" with the Butterfly Miraculous, takes steps to ensure her Akumatization of her victims goes more smoothly than how it did for Gabriel. To that end, she disguises her voice when communicating with her victims, sounding like a mixture of multiple male and female voices, and offers them the power to fulfill their desires through her Ultrakumas, offering them the option of renaming their Akumatized supervillain forms themselves before performing the transformation. She also threatens to revoke the transformation if they show the slightest hint of betrayal with revealing her identity by having the Ultrakuma partially emerge from the infected object to remind them that they will lose their new powers if they double-cross her.

In "The Illustrhater", Lila shoos away Maya, a young girl who just wanted to show off her drawings, to later help her become her victim for Akumatization, transforming her into the Illustrhater by infecting her sketchpad with an Ultrakuma, allowing Maya to bring her drawings to life to cause havoc in Paris. When Illustrhater is confronted by Ladybug, Cat Noir, Rena Rouge, and Carapace, Lila reminds her of the threat if she betrays her, forcing the four Miraculous heroes to find some way to lure Illustrhater to them. Using her Lucky Charm of a case for drawing and coloring materials, Ladybug has Carapace fill it up for her, then with Rena's help using Mirage, makes it look as if she can make even better artwork than Illustrhater. Despite Lila's warnings, Illustrhater falls for it, allowing Ladybug to disarm her so Cat Noir can destroy the sketchpad with Cataclysm, reverting Maya back to normal, before Ladybug fixes the damage with Miraculous Ladybug after catching and purifying the Ultrakuma. Not at all discouraged by the defeat, Lila continues to remain undiscovered as she plans her next move, while gloating to herself that Ladybug will never know her true identity, or about "them".

In "Sublimation", Lila, or someone allied with her, is at the Olympic Stadium when a young Belgian girl with prosthetic legs named Sublime is preparing for a trial run to earn a sponsor in her attempts to reach the World Championships. However, circumstances thanks to Marinette, both as herself and as Ladybug, cause Sublime to fail her trial run, and bust her prosthetic legs as well, leaving Ladybug horrified of what she's done to Sublime because of her own paranoia. Sublime's mother, Caroline, becomes so upset, especially after Bob Roth refuses to sponsor Sublime after what happened, that Lila takes advantage of her distress and Akumatizes her as Sublimation to take revenge. During as Ladybug and Cat Noir fight her, when Sublimation's powers prove ineffective to Ladybug and Cat Noir due to already being at the best of their abilities, Lila, as Chrysalis, retaliates with sending Antikumas through Sublimation to try and de-power them. She gets Cat Noir, but Ladybug manages to disarm Sublimation of her Akumatized object, destroy it, and purify the Ultrakuma released, before later using her Miraculous Ladybug to fix both the destroyed medal and Sublime's prosthetic legs as atonement for having caused all this in the first place. Having witnessed it, Lila, or her accomplice, departs without anyone seeing them leave the stadium, maintaining Lila's anonymous status as the new Butterfly Miraculous holder.

In "Daddycop", Lila attempts to Akumatize Sabrina after sensing her heartbreak and despair after having her hopes of having a fresh start with Marinette and the other girls crushed unintentionally by Marinette, but Lila barely gets a chance to talk to Sabrina before, remembering what Ladybug taught her, Sabrina rejects the Ultrakuma, refusing to be corrupted by it. Not giving up, Lila instead has her Ultrakuma infect Sabrina's father, Paris Police Lieutenant Roger Raincomprix's, patrol cruiser, playing off his love for his daughter and anger over her heartbreak with being apparently rejected by Marinette and the other girls to corrupt him into Daddycop, using his lasers to brainwash the people of Paris into zombies who only wish to give Sabrina their love, with his first victims being Alya, Juleka, Rose, Mylene, Kagami, and Zoe. When Cat Noir attempts to distract him as Astrocat, Lila has Daddycop face Astrocat so she can hit him with an Antikuma, forcing Astrocat to revert back to Cat Noir due to his powers being nullified, but is saved by Ladybug, who becomes Cosmobug to keep Daddycop distracted. In the meantime, Sabrina, having been encouraged by Ladybug to keep the Dog Miraculous and Barkk and become Miss Hound again, summons Max/Pegasus for assistance, and together with Cat Noir and Cosmobug, they manage to lure Daddycop into a trap, allowing Miss Hound to tag his cruiser with Fetch, recall it, and Cat Noir destroys it with Cataclysm, reducing it to a rusted wreck and freeing the Ultrakuma. Cosmobug rescues the restored Lt. Raincomprix before turning back into Ladybug and purifying the Ultrakuma, then using her Miraculous Ladybug to restore everyone affected by Daddycop's lasers back to normal, along with restoring Roger's cruiser, and then gifting Roger a new Magical Charm to protect him.

In her lair, Lila reverts back and voices her contempt at her plan failing, and when Nooroo tries to reason with her, Lila paralyzes him, and even goes so far as to not even call him by name, simply calling him "Kwami" and snarling that she did not give him permission to speak before going back to writing in her journals as she contemplates her next move.
