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Villains Wiki

Logia is the lead commander of the Impactors and the secondary antagonist of Chouseishin Gransazer. He is an agent of the Warp Monarch sent to carry out an operation to wipe out humankind and the rival of Sazer Tarious. He also controls a personalized mecha called "DaiLogian".

In his human guise, Logia uses the alias of Shuichi Hoshiyama.

He is portrayed by Shinnosuke Abe.


Arrival on Earth[]

Following the death of Karin Saeki, Logia and his subordinates Lucia and Radia were sent by the Warp Monarch next to carry out an operation to wipe out humankind. Logia formulated a plan to hijack Guntras and send it into sun, where the giant robot's oxygen would make it go supernova and create a shockwave that would kill everyone on Earth. At some point he assumed the guise of Shuichi Hoshiyama and became Professor Wakui's assistant in order to obtain the Guntroller after it was repaired.


Logia berates Lucia for disobeying his orders which almost got herself killed by Tarious and Tragos.

Following Radia's defeat against the Water Tribe, Logia appeared and ordered him to stand down, but Radia disobeyed and made another attempt to defeat them, resulting in him being killed by Chouseishin Leviathan. Afterwards, Lucia attempted to go avenge him, but Logia ordered her to stand down while he carried out his plan to hijack Guntras. As Shuichi Hoshiyama, Logia convinced Professor Wakui that the JSDF sought to weaponize Guntras for their own ends and led him to isolated area where he could continue his research, guarded by Lucia. However, Wakui deduced that Logia and Lucia had malicious intentions and deliberately sabotaged the Guntroller by swapping one of its chips with a broken one. As a result, when Logia tried to operate Guntras to battle the other Chouseishin, the Guntroller malfunctioned. Logia and Lucia thus set out to recapture Wakui and obtain the fixed chip from him. After obtaining the chip and fully repairing the Guntroller, Logia attempted to direct Guntras to fly into the sun, but was delayed by a sunspot. When Lucia was defeated in battle and captured by the Gransazers, Logia went to rescue her, allowing the other Gransazers to attack him and retake the Guntroller from him. Despite this, Logia was able to retrieve Lucia and bring her back to their ship for her to be healed.

Vendetta Against the Gransazers[]

Logia screams out Lucia's name

Logia screaming out Lucia's name in despair.

However, Lucia sought revenge on the Gransazers for pitying her and used an Accelerator to enlarge herself for one last battle against them. The Accelerator amplified Lucia's powers and enabled her to overwhelm the Chouseishin, but quickly drove her into a mindless rampage. After the Chouseishin combined with Guntras to form DaiSazer, the newly formed mecha was able to defeat her, but the Gransazers stopped just short of killing her, hoping that if they spared her life the conflict would end. Despite this, Lucia's body was already overcharged by the Accelerator and she passed away not long after returning to regular size. Logia took her card as a memento and vowed to avenge her.

Mika, Professor Horiguchi and Logia Ep24

Logia tells Mika and Professor Horiguchi that he'll be waiting for the Gransazers to come to the Whale God Island so he could fought Tenma with their respective mechas.

Logia then summoned DaiLogian to Earth to use it to defeat the Gransazers. Before confronting them, Logia attacked Sazer Remls and Tawlon and in order to provoke Tarious so he'd make a mistake. He also attacked Gorbion, but Gorbion was saved by Pisces and Gans' interference. Logia then challenged Tenma to a one-on-one match between Garuda and DaiLogian. Once Tenma arrived, he and Logia entered their mecha to do battle. Logia and Tenma fought evenly matched until the other Gransazers arrived to form DaiSazer. The combined might of DaiSazer was able to blast DaiLogian's arm off and send Logia out of the mecha, leading Tarious to take to the ground as well to continue the battle. Tarious defeated Logia, only for Logia to grab Tenma and lift him into the air to kill him in a suicide attack. However, realizing that such an act would go against is pride as an Impactor, Logia drops Tenma at the last second before exploding, but not before warning him that stronger enemies would come.

Return of Logia

Logia return for his revenge against the Gransazers.

Despite appearing to be blown up, Logia survived and made another attempt to get revenge on the Gransazers. He broke into the JDSF's Scientific Research Lab and retook his Hiro-Sniper and Dailogian from them, before setting out to capture a member of each Tribe to prevent them from being able to summon their Chouseishin. At the same time, Logia had a Gig Fighter pose as an old friend of Makoto's and shame him for becoming a Gransazer so he'd be reluctant to transform. After capturing Ryoko, Ran and Tappei, Logia set a time-bomb to kill them, but they were rescued by the other Gransazers just in time. Logia then summoned DaiLogian to crush Tarious but was pushed back by Youhi and the GranVehicles. He had a Gig Fighter plant a mind control device on Souichiro Okita and made him steer Youhi to attack the Gransazers, but the Gransazers were able to remove the device and free Okita from his influence. After the Gransazers formed DaiSazer again, they blasted him into the air and defeated him again, seemingly blowing DaiLogian up.

Tarious and Logia's final battle

The final showdown between Sazer Tarious and Logia.

Logia survived and drifted aimlessly through space in DaiLogian until he was found by Belzeus. Belzeus offered to increase DaiLogian's power in exchange for him destroying the Crystal Slab. Accepting Belzeus's offer Logia returned to Earth in an upgraded DaiLogian and kidnapped Mika and Professor Horiguchi to hold them as hostages and force Tenma to give him the Crystal Slab. Once Tenma delivered the Slab (actually a fake that had been swapped out by Akira) Logia shoots it before facing Tarious in another duel. He at first threatened Mika to get Tarious to not fight back, but the rest of the Gransazers arrived and freed Mika and Professor Horiguchi. Logia then summoned DaiLogian to fight Daisazer but Belzeus took remote control of the mecha and forces Logia out before having it leave.

Logia then abducted Mika and brought her to his hideout, only to immediately collapse from his injuries and give her an opportunity to escape. Logia then went to reclaim DaiLogian as the Gransazers were battling it and fought Tarious in a one-on-one duel to finally settle their rivalry. After he and Tenma wounded each other, Logia decided to take his leave, but not before warning the Gransazers that they still did not know the full truth of the Crystal Slab.

Full Defection[]

Logia bids farewell

Logia bids farewell to Tenma.

Logia returned again when he intervened after Brighton sneak attacked Tenma, shooting Brighton twice to kill him. When Tenma asked if he was on their side now, Logia stated that he was only out to settle his vendetta against Belzeus before leaving. He later appeared again to help Tarious battle Gorgion and save Ruby. After the two overpowered Gorgion, Logia attempted to shoot him to finish him off, but Tenma pushed his Hiro-Sniper away before it could shoot, not wanting to kill an injured enemy. Logia then admonished Tenma for his reluctantance to kill before leaving again.

After the Gransazers final battle against Cabyron, Logia arrested Belzeus to bring him before the Warp Monarch High Council to face judgment. He then bid farewell to Tenma before leaving in DaiLogian and joining the rest of the Warp Monarch fleet as they departed from Earth.



           Nav - Ultra Star GodVillains

GranSazer Logo
Warp Monarch
Karin Saeki | Sturcus | Bisil | Ramon | Kilardo Alien | Fedora | Gadaru Alien | Gorfin Alien | Omega | Troius | Gig Fighters
Impactors: Logia | Lucia | Radia | Impactor Superior
Garbans: Belzeus | Brighton | Algol | Gorgion | Cabryon

Ryuji Naito | Clo-Akelon | Kriminel | Bosquito

Justi Logo
Hades Army
Kaiser Hades | General Bacchus | Doctor Zora | Demon Knight | Zakoal
Cyber Knights: Zaurus | Morgulis | Gildoross | Armor Gunner | Rhino Slave | Zekard | Guardius | Rajimeus | Gundelon
Death Commandos: Gillmond | Destalan | Basky | Twins Knight | Danhauser
Space Beasts: Defrog | Troidon | Buglian | Gillmone | Leo Gaias | King Zero | Bulgario | Devoras | Scaraberus | Glaster

Daruga Imperial Army
Majin Daruga | Commander Adorocs | Zakoal
Legendars: Valgan | Gargoid | Gameleon | Armyul | Drake
Space Beasts: Bahadorg | Leo Gaias II | Zarigan | Egzerion | Megarion | Bulgario Army

Space Pirate Fleet Descal
Captain Barder | Raideg | Agurag | Lezekka | Sandstorm | Bankein | Gig Fighters
Three Shoguns: Blaird | Aqual | Cyclead
Space Terror Beasts: Reizaus | Winmiller | Bardress
Synthetic Terror Beasts: Big Stag | Graptor

Future Space Pirate Fleet Neo Descal
King Neo Descal | Barreda | Garade | Grouza | Jackall | Dolpick | Pierce | Rebolt | Zeoria | Arigod | Dagos | Gulnada | Ultimate | Devider | Deathmeid
Future Terror Beasts: Deathbar | Diros | Dark Geran
Synthetic Terror Beasts: Reimirad

New Bosquito | Mammoth Bosquito
