Shen developing a disturbing interest for his parents' fireworks in the film's prologue.
Shen overhearing Soothsayer foretelling to his parents that shall he continue his wicked ways, he will eventually be defeated by a "warrior of black and white".
Shen ordering his wolves to attack an innocent panda village.
Shen unleashing a massacre onto the Panda Village with his wolves.
Shen with some of his wolves during the attack.
Shen in shock after Li Shan defeats his wolves.
Shen banished by his parents for massacring the village of innocent pandas.
"Find more metal! China will be mine!"
Shen returning to Gongmen City.
"Now we've got the pleasantries out of the way, please leave my house."
"Yes, didn't you see the peacock on the front door?"
"What is rightfully mine; Gongmen City!"
"I'm so glad you feel that way..."
"...otherwise I'd have dragged that here for nothing."
"You want to see? It's a gift."
"Part of you here, part of you there, and part of you way over there, STAINING THE WALL!"
Shen attacking the Council.
Shen unveiling his cannon and killing Master Thundering Rhino with a single blast.
"With the weapon by my side, all of China will bow before me."
The Soothsayer informing Shen that his destined downfall at the hands of a "warrior of black and white" has remained unchanged.
"There are no more pandas."
orders Wolf Boss to bring Po to him so he can kill him
Shen practicing his greeting to Po.
"The only reason you're still alive is that I find your stupidity mildly amusing."
Po seeing the demonic symbol of when he lost his biological parents depicted on Shen's tailfeathers and realizing that Shen was there, to which the wicked peacock confirms with sadistic satisfaction.
Shen firing his cannons at the tower to kill Po and the Furious 5.
Shen kicking one of his gorilla goons in the nose for failing to kill Po and the Furious 5.
"Call in the wolves, all of them! I want them ready to move!"
"The Year of the Peacock begins now!"
Shen smiling evilly,while Boss Wolf tells it's not the year of the peacock.
"Get the wolves ready, we are loading the ships now..."
"Your magic panda is clearly a fool."
"... when all of China is my reward.
"Let the Soothsayer free, she's no use to me."
"Happiness, must be taken."
"Oh, you want to know so badly, eh? You think knowing will heal you? Fill some... crater in your soul? Well here's your answer:"
"Your parents didn't love you."
"But here..." Shen revealing his cannon to Po.
"But now is a time only for joy."
"You are going to be part of something beautiful."
"Once we get to the harbour, in front of all the world..."
"... you and your precious kung fu will die."
Shen's evil laugh when he taunts the Furious Five.
"Then China will know to bow before me."
"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO KILL THE SAME STINKING PANDA!?!" Shen anger when he is seeing Po alive.
"I SAID FIRE! FIRE!'" Shen's villainous breakdown when he lose the temper,and angry orders Boss Wolf kill Po and his friends,without care if his army die.
Shen coldly impaling Boss Wolf with his knives for refusing to fire at their own men.
Shen laughing at Po retreating.
Shen dropping his evil smile, being shocked that Po redirected the cannonball.
Shen upon seeing that his fleet is diminishing.
KEEP FIRING Shen's second villainous breakdown when he orders his army keep firing to kill Po.
Shen looks up to see his cannon destroyed beyond repair by Po.
Shen begins to question Po how did he find the inner peace.
"How did you find peace?"
"I took away your parents. Everything!"
"I scarred you for life!"
"No, they don't. Wounds heal."
"I don't care what scars do."
"... THIS!" Shen's third breakdown when he is accepting his turn to villainy,and lose all his sanity and prepares to kill Po one last time.
Shen attacking Po out of blind fury.
Shen accidentally slashing the ropes holding up his destroyed cannon.
Shen closes his eyes moments before accepting his fate.
Shen battling in Kung Fu Rumble.
Shen's bio in Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends.
KFP2 (Intro) - Lord Shen Backstory (1080p HD)
Lord Shen's past.
KFP2 - Lord Shen Is Back (1080p HD)
Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) - Shen's Weapon Scene (5 10) Movieclips
Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) - Furious Five Faces Furious Fire Scene (6 10) Movieclips
KFP2 - Lord Shen & Soothayer Final Scene Together (1080p HD)
Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) - Cannonball Factory Scene (7 10) Movieclips
Kung Fu Panda 2 - Story of Po's Childhood-0
Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) - The Boat Fight Scene (8 10) Movieclips
Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) - Skadoosh Scene (9 10) Movieclips
Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) - Final Fight With Shen Scene (10 10) Movieclips
Lord Shen's death.
KungFu Panda 3 - Emotion Scenes Part 2
Lord Shen's cameo in Kung Fu Panda 3.
Shen’s Tragic Full Story Kung Fu Panda's Complex Villain