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Lost Highness Duke Rakushaasa is the hair-themed Highness Duke Org of the Ogre Tribe Org and the main antagonist of Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai.

He is voiced by the late Shōzō Iizuka who previously voiced Iron Man Mask General Temujin, Volcano Mask General Magman, Crescent Moon Mask, Wing Mask, Horn Mask, Sword Mask and Commander-in-Chief Golden Mask in Himitsu Sentai Gorenger, Battalion Leader Chameleon in J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai, Satan Egos in Battle Fever J, the majority of the Vader Monsters in Denshi Sentai Denshiman, Führer Hell Saturn in Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan, Jeeg and Davon in Dengeki Sentai Changeman, Gokiraagin, Butarugin and Goriwashigin in Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman, Dora Kinkaku in Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger, Bara Gold in Chouriki Sentai Ohranger, PP Chiipuri in Gekisou Sentai Carranger, Morgumorgu in Seijuu Sentai Gingaman and later voiced Hyde Gene in GoGo Sentai Boukenger and Great King Mons Drake of the Planet in Tensou Sentai Goseiger.



As with all Orgs, Rakushaasa formed several thousand years ago from the anger and hatred expressed by humans and desired to conquer the world and turn it into tier paradise. This brought them into conflict with the Animarium and they went to war under the leadership of the most powerful of their kind; Ura, Shuten and Rasetsu as well as Rakushaasa. However, at some point during the battle, he absorbed such immense power that it caused his horn to be damaged and sent him into a coma. As a result, he avoided being defeated and sealed away with the rest of the Duke Orgs.


In 2001, shortly after the death of Shuten and emergence of Ura, Yabaiba and TsueTsue launch an Orgette attack in a quarry. Although the Gaorangers dispatch the Orgettes easily, the activity awakens Rakushaasa which also empowers the two Duke Orgs and some Orgettes to make them even stronger. Fully awakened, Rakushaasa freezes all of the Gaorangers (except for Kakeru) in place. Although he manages to rescue Sae, Rakushaasa restrains the rest with tentacles and drains their spirits to make himself stronger and render them helpless.

Kakeru tries to destroy him with the Gao Mane Buster but none of the Orgs are hurt so the other Gaorangers flee and Rakushaasa sends his compatriots after them whilst he fights Kakeru. Rakushaasa immediately defeats then ties up Kakeru with his tentacles and sends him into an illusionary world whilst he keeps draining the Gaoranger's warrior spirit. Inside, he generates illusions of Turbine Org, Plugma Org, Tire Org, Wedding Dress Org, Signal Org, Bulldozer Org, Boat Org and Cell Phone Org to attack as he watches. However, despite the attack by the Baron Orgs and Duke Orgs, past Sentai Rangers form the Dream Sentai and are able to help the Gaorangers defeat the illusions. Frustrated, Rakushaasa brings Kakeru out of the illusion and affixes him to a cross to lure his friends to their deaths with help from "TsueTsue" and "Yabaiba."

At that moment, the real TsueTsue and Yabaiba appear and reveal that the two Duke Orgs with him are Miku Imamura and Sokichi Banba in disguise as they catch him off guard to wound him then free Kakeru. Enraged, Rakushaasa summons Orgettes and the four remaining Baron Orgs but they are all defeated by the Dream Sentai and the Gaorangers defeat Yabaiba and TsueTsue. After laying a beat-down with thier claws, the Gaorangers regroup and shrug off an eye blast before Kai defeats him with his Milk Tornado Drop and Gaku defeats him by tricking him with a tentacle. With Rakushaasa down, Kakeru cripples the Highness Duke Org by shooting him in the horn with the Gao Mane Buster Final Mode before they finish him off with the Evil-Crushing Hundred-Beast Sword.

Much to thier surprise though, Rakushaasa enlarges himself without TsueTsue's help and leaves to destroy the city so they summon GaoMuscle but Rakushaasa almost immediately manages to completely dismantle it. Despite this, GaoLio rams him back and reveals an armada of past Sentai mecha which are able to decimate the Highness Duke Org but he remains standing so the Gaorangers form GaoKing. They use the Soul Bird to unleash the Super Animal Heart finisher which Rakushaasa is able to resist until they channel all of the past Giant Robos as a power source which pushes past his defenses and obliterates Rakushaasa. However, Rakushaasa revives himself a third time by absorbing the power he gave to TsueTsue and Yabaiba when they try to flee and after blasting down both the Gaorangers and Dream Sentai prepares to retreat so he can restart his plans another day, but the Gaoranger use an improved version of the Gao Soul attack empowered by the power of the past 25 Sentai teams that finally obliterates Rakushaasa for good.

Despite being a Highness Duke Org, Rakushaasa is not revived for the final battle against the Gaorangers. This is because, unlike the other Highness Duke Orgs, he was not a component of Hyakkimaru and thus can't be remade into Ultimate Org Senki.


Lost Highness Duke Rakushaasa was a completely ruthless and cruel Duke Org willing to kill others to make himself stronger.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Power: Lost Highness Duke Rakushaasa was the third most powerful member of the Ogre Tribe, second only to Ultimate Orgs Hyakkimaru and Senki, as he effortlessly defeated the Gaorangers and the past Sentai.
    • Empowerment: Whilst awakening, Rakushaasa's power was able to empower TsueTsue, Yabaiba and some Orgettes to make them far more powerful.
  • Strength: Rakushaasa was able to hold Kakeru in the air with his tentacles and, when giant, hold back the Super Animal Heart with one hand.
  • Durability: Rakushaasa survived hundreds of laser blasts, missile strikes, blasts from Delta Mega and Guardian Beast Tyrannosaurus' Tyranno Sonic without a scratch.
  • Tentacles: Rakushaasa was able to fire the blue-white tentacles on either side of his face to restrain his enemies.
    • Electrocution: Rakushaasa could send blue lightning along his tentacles to fry his enemies that were strong enough to devastate GaoMuscle.
    • Warrior Spirit Draining: Rakushaasa could use his tentacles to drain the fighting spirit of his enemies which would eventually kill them.
      • Illusionary World Generation: Using his tentacles, Rakushaasa was able to send all of the Gaorangers into his illusionary world where he had complete control.
  • Orgettes Summoning: Rakushaasa was able to summon Orgettes to aid him in battle.
  • Depth Perception: Lost Highness Duke Rakushaasa had depth perception despite having four eyes.
  • Org Generation: Rakushaasa was able to "resurrect" six past Baron Orgs by flashing his horn.
  • Eye Blasts: Rakushaasa could fire red energy blasts from his eyes that caused large explosions but didn't faze the Gaorangers. When giant though, it took down GaoMuscle with a single blast.
  • Reviving: Rakushaasa could revive himself after his death.
    • Enlarging: Rakushaasa was also able to make himself grow after his death without the need for TsueTsue's Org Seeds.
  • Lightning Blasts: Rakushaasa was able to fire a stream of lightning from his horn strong enough to make the V-Rex rear up in pain.


  • Horn: Lost Highness Duke Rakushaasa's immense power cracked his horn which caused him to go into a coma for thousands of years.


  • Org Spear: Lost Highness Duke Rakushaasa wielded a giant white forked staff in combat.


So I could devour the warrior spirits I needed to awaken. The warrior spirit, possessed only by those who are true warriors, is thier will to fight. Your spirit is next.
~ Lost Highness Duke Org Rakushaasa's first words after TsueTsue gave his origins to Kakeru.
Well then, GaoRed. I shall kill them before your eyes! This will be your moment of despair!
~ Rakushaasa when confronted by the Gaorangers.
My horn! How dare you!
~ Rakushaasa after being shot in the horn by the Gao Mane Buster Final Mode and his last words before his initial defeat.
I have had enough of you scum. I will destroy everything in this world.
~ Rakushaasa upon growing.
Curse you all!
~ Lost Highness Duke Org Rakushaasa after being shot by the V-Rex and his last words.


  • Rakushaasa's name was derived from the Rakshasa, creatures in Hindu mythology who are also called "man-eaters" and are often depicted as antagonists in Dharmic religious scriptures.
  • Rakushaasa was the only Highness Duke Org to not be adapted into Power Rangers Wild Force.
    • This was due to appearing extensively around several unadapted Sentai mecha and Rangers as well as his costume being modified for the series itself as Ultimate Org Hyakkimaru for flashbacks (which got adapted as the Master Org's original form in Wild Force).

See Also[]


           Logo-gaoranger Villains

Ogre Tribe Org
Org Master | Orgettes
Ultimate Org: Hyakkimaru | Senki
Highness Org: Rakushaasa | Shuten | Ura | Rasetsu
Duke Orgs: TsueTsue | Yabaiba | Rouki | Kyurara & Propla | DoroDoro
Three Org Brothers: Zeus Org | Poseidon Org | Hades Org
Baron Orgs: Turbine Org | Plugma Org | Wire Org | Camera Org | Temple Bell Org | Tire Org | Wedding Dress Org | Boat Org | Signal Org | Cell Phone Org | Bulldozer Org | SamuraiDoll Org | Copy Org | Freezer Org | Vacuum Cleaner Org | Bus Org | Clock Org | Glasses Org | Bike Org | Human Body Specimen Org | Lawnmower Org | Chimera Org | Karaoke Org | Vase Org | Bowling Org | Tombstone Org | Charcoal Grill Org | Blacksmith Org | Magic-Flute Org | Juggling Org | Animal Tamer Org | Monitor Org | Tinplate Org | Kurushimemasu Org | New Year's Org | Steam Engine Org

Cooyranger | Shaderanger

