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Villains Wiki
Char jafar
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Lucia (Contra)


Lucia, also known as Bioroid LCR, is the female protagonist of Contra: Shattered Soldier. She is one of the main antagonists in Neo Contra.


She was Bill Rizer's partner during the events of Contra: Shattered Soldier, who was originally a cyborg designed by the late Dr. Geo Mandrake, but was unable to finish her due to his death.

For reasons unknown, however, she became one of the four elite warriors of Neo Contra.

She is eventually encountered in Stage 3 of the game and is defeated by Bill and Jaguar. She later appears as an unlockable character in Contra 4.


External links[]


           Mitko contra exampleVillains

Red Falcon
Java | Gomera Mosking | Garmakilma | Gromaides | Enemy´s Base | Godomuga | Anti-gravity shuttle | Gordea | Gava | Black Viper | Claudius

Colonel Bahamut | Deadeye Joe | Noiman Cascade | Dr. Geo Mandrake

Neo Contra
Master Contra | Guerilla Contra | Animal Contra | Plant Contra | Lucia

Neo-Salamander Force
Chief Salamander


Phoenix Army
General Phoenix

Defense Wall | Colonel Bassad | Triumvirate
