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Villains Wiki
NOTE: This page is for the film adaptation's portrayal of Lucinda, as she's not a villain in the original novel, so only add context relating to the film.

Lucinda Perryweather (or just simply Lucinda) is the overarching antagonist of the 2004 film Ella Enchanted, an adaptation of the 1997 novel of the same name.

She's a fairy godmother would provides Ella with a "blessing" to always be obedient to those who give her requests or commands. However, while the novel paints Lucinda as a misguided figure who genuinely wanted what was best for Ella, learned the error of her ways and came to regret her "gift", the film adaptation turns her into a more malevolent figure as she intentionally curses Ella with the obedience spell and is completely apathetic to Ella's suffering.

She was portrayed by Vivica A. Fox.


Lucinda is very unpopular amongst the kingdoms and the other fairies. as she had gained a reputation for providing awful blessings to babies and showing a complete lack of empathy of the victims.

On the day of Ella of Frell's birth, Ella's mother and the housekeeper Mandy would provide for the baby, but they'd suddenly notice that Lucinda was arriving at their house, and they tried to hide Ella away in a cabinet, not wanted Ella to receive a blessing from her. Unfortunately, the cabinet door would swing open, revealing her hiding spot. Lucinda was conflicted over what blessing to provide Ella with, but she quickly get annoyed over Ella's constant crying, to which she'd give her the gift of obedience which she'd use to shut Ella up and gleefully toy baby Ella with. Mandy rightfully calls Lucinda out on giving Ella a terrible gift and order Lucinda to take back her blessing, to which she refuses and threatens to turn Ella into a squirrel if they were ungrateful for her "gift". She states that they should be grateful for her gift and the she gave them the perfect child, only for baby Ella to pee on Lucinda, which Ella's mother would snicker at.

Over the years of Ella's childhood, her gift of obedience would prove to be a burden upon her as people close too her would use her tendency against her, although Ella would occasionally manage to find some loophole in orders she's given. At some point Mandy would inform Ella about the cause of her tendency to always obey -- namely Lucinda's blessing. Mandy was unable to reverse the spell's effects as only the caster could do so, but she asked Lucinda to deal with the issue, Lucinda threatened to take away Mandy's eternal youth if she asked her again.

Years later, Ella would take a journey as she met Char, and was forced into a deal with his uncle Sir Edgar into killing Char at midnight so he could keep his control other the kingdom. She would have Char tie her up in thick chains to a tree hoping to hold off the urges look enough to prevent the killing from occurring. Later on, Lucinda would find her near a spot where was tied up in chains (despite not wanting to be there). Ella was glad to see Lucinda, as she reminds her of when they last met and asks her to take the gift back. Ella would explain her predicament with how was forced to do something terrible to a guy she loved, but Lucinda failed to comprehend that someone didn't like one of her gifts and refused to take responsibility for Ella's situation. She frees Ella from her chains despite her pleas not to, gives her a fancy outfit and encouraging her to go to the ball despite her predicament, all while being completely unsympathetic to her pain.


  • Throughout the years, there's been a constant claim from various viewers stating that Ella could have had her obedience curse broken in an instant if somebody had just told her to ignore the spell or to only obey commands if she wants to.
  • Lucinda's portrayal in the film is far worse than how she was in the novel the film's based on. In the novel, Lucinda genuinely wanted what was best for Ella and those she blessed, and was simply misguided rather than downright evil. She even learned the error of her ways after becoming a victim of her own spell and came to regret her "gift". But the film's take on her takes away nearly all of Lucinda's sympathetic factors, and has her be known to provide the worst gifts. But unlike in the novel, she shows absolutely no sympathy over her victims misery, makes threats to people who ask her to take a gift back, and upon re-encountering Ella, not only does she refuse to take back her gift, despite Ella clearly being unhappy with it and forced to harm a guy she loved, she refuses to take responsibly for Ella's predicament, and sets her up to go to the ball, even though she'd unwillingly harm her boyfriend, all without showing an ounce of remorse or guilt over the circumstances, pretty much cementing her role as a villain in the film.

