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Villains Wiki

Take that! And that! And one of these!
~ The Liu-bots' mantra as they attack people.
I am Lucy Liu. Give me your spines!
~ Lucy Liu threatening the Planet Express crew

The Lucy Liu Robots, also known as the Lucy Liu-bots, are the main antagonists of the Futurama episode "I Dated a Robot". They are robotic clones of the actress Lucy Liu, sent by the file-sharing company Nappster to kill the Planet Express crew and prevent them from revealing that the company are kidnapping celebrities and illegally downloading them.

They are voiced by Lucy Liu, who also portrayed O-Ren Ishii in Kill Bill and Kalypso in the DC Extended Universe.


Lucy Liu is one of many famous people of the 20th century whose head is cryogenically preserved in the 31st century. However, the file-sharing company Nappster holds her hostage so their customers can illegally download copies of her body and personality onto blank robotic frames for the purposes of sex and dating.

In "I Dated a Robot"[]

Series protagonist Philip J. Fry downloads a copy of Lucy Liu onto a robot in order to fulfill a lifelong fantasy of dating a celebrity. He programs her to be in love with him, and they constantly make out, although she is unable to say his name in anything other than a robotic monotone.

Bender is offended by the idea of humans dating robots, so he goes with Turanga Leela and Dr. John Zoidberg to Nappster headquarters to shut the company down. They discover that the company is holding celebrity heads against their will - they are actually called "Kidnappster" - and rescue Lucy Liu's head. In an attempt to stop them from revealing the company's secrets, Nappster's CFO downloads Liu's likeness onto an army of robotic clones, and sends the Liu-bots after them.

The Planet Express crew flees from the Liu-bots into a movie theater, where Fry and his Liu-bot are watching one of the real Liu's movies. When the Liu-bot army invades the theater, Fry and company hide in the projection room, where Zoidberg finds a five-ton bag of popcorn, and sends it pouring onto the Liu-bots, destroying every robot it touches by clogging their circuits. The Liu-bots eventually start eating the popcorn, however, and spitting the kernels at Fry and his friends with the force of bullets.

Fry's Liu-bot destroys the army by aiming the projector at them, which causes the popcorn kernels inside the robots to pop with such force that the robots blow up. In the process, however, she sacrifices herself by walking into the line of fire, forcing a tearful Fry to deactivate her.


          FuturamaTitle Villains

Major Villains
Mom | Walt, Larry & Igner | Killbots | Invasa | Hoverfish

Earth Government
Richard Nixon | Professor Ogden Wernstrom | DOOP (Zapp Brannigan & DOOP troops)

Bender Bending Rodríguez | The Robot Devil | Lrrr | Nudar | Dark One | The Big Brain | Yivo

Supporting Villains
Alcazar | Alpha Funbag | Ambassador Mervin | Andrew & Mugger | Bart Simpson's Creatures | Basil | Bev | Chaunakah Zombie | Chelsea | Computer Judge | Destructor | Donbot | Dr. Banjo | Dr. Brutalov | Dr. Kind | Edna | El Chupanibre | Elzar | Fishy Joe | Fnog | Flamo | Francis X. Clampazzo | Giant Unattractive Monster | Glurmo | Headless Spiro Agnew | Hypnotoad | Joey Mousepad | Langdon Cobb | Leo Wong | Leonardo Da Vinci | Lucy Liu Robots | Master of the Hunt | Melllvar | Michelle | Morbo | Morgan Proctor | Pickles | Princess Flavia | Project Satan | Roberto | Robot Mayor | Robot Santa | Schlump and Fleb | Silicon Red | Slurm Queen | Pa | That Guy | Thubanian Leader | Tunneling Horror | Unattractive Giant Monster | V-GINY | Worms of Cologne | Zookeper

Groups & Species
Amazonians (Thog, Kug & Ornik)| A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. | Robot Mafia | New New York Police Department | MomCorp | Masked Unity | History's Greatest Villains | Sunset Squad Robots | Spheroids | Thubanians | Robot Elders | Pine Barrens Hunt Club | Nintendians

Turnga Leela (Dial L for Leela, Wicked Witch)
Bender Bending Rodríguez (Giant, Beachmaster)
Dr. Zoidberg (Lobster, Round Wheels)
Others: Brrr

Video Games
Futurama: The Game
Mom | Walt, Larry & Igner | Sun God Impostor | Destructor

Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow
Mom | The Robot Devil | Billionairebot

Aliens for the Ethical Treatment of Humans | Fry Puppet | Glab | Honest Brannigan | Honest Brannigan's Assistant | Homicidal Bender Bots

See Also
The Simpsons Villains | Disenchantment Villains
