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Lurin was a Ferengi male featured in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Rascals. He was portrayed by Mike Gomez, who had earlier played DaiMon Tarr, the first Ferengi seen on screen in a Star Trek production.
Lurin and the group of Ferengi he led were not affiliated with the Ferengi Alliance. In 2369 he and this group of Ferengi salvaged some old Klingon birds-of-prey, using them to capture a colony on Ligos VII and used the population as slave labor to work the planet's dangerous mines. Lurin and his people lured the Enterprise to Ligos VII with a distress call. They launbched an attack on the Enterprise, which was not expected given that the Federation and the Klingon Empire were allies.
Boarding the Enterprise Lurin and his people captured the crew of the Enterprise and forced them to work in the mines on the surface of Ligos VII along with the colonists. Lurin took as hostages the children on the ship - which included the de-aged Captain Captain Picard, Ensign Ro, Keiko O'Brien, and Guinan - to secure the cooperation of Commander Riker.
Picard was able to talk the Ferengi into taking him to see Riker under the guise of Riker being his father. Picard was able to ask Riker to grant full computer access to the classroom terminal, which Riker did when the Ferengi demanded he unlock the computer. Picard, Ro, O'Brien, and Guinan were able to use that access to formulate a plan to successfully retake the Enterprise. Picard walked into his ready room to find Lurin sitting in his chair and pointed a phaser at the Ferengi, telling Lurin that he was sitting in the Captain's chair.
Lurin and his people were then taken into custody. The Ferengi Alliance quickly disavowed all knowledge of Lurin and his pirate group.
Several years later after Worf was reassigned to Deep Space Nine following the destruction of the Enterprise-D, he complained to Constable Odo about the security breaches on Deep Space Nine. Odo replied by reminding Worf of the time Lurin and his people captured the Enterprise, and pointed out that if a ship like the Enterprise was hard to keep secure, a space station like Deep Space Nine was even harder to secure.