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Villains Wiki

Kyu, kyu, kyu. Okay. Master, this way.
~ Macaron's first words to her victim.
More more drill!
~ Macaron before trying to remove Mizuki's organs and her last words in the film.

Macaron is an organ harvesting Playboy bunny-like employee of the Maid Cafe Haikyo, the partner of Ichigo Daifuku, a member of the Kuchinawa Gang and a minor antagonist in the Mashin Sentai Kiramager spin-off Mashin Sentai Kiramager Spin-Off: Yodonna.

She was played by Moe Amatsuka.



Ichigo Daifuku's past is unknown as it was never revealed but she was an assassin who had no qualms about murdering others with her signature weapon being a switchblade inside her shoe. When the Kuchinawa Gang was formed by the powerful businessman Hideki Kujirasaki and established the Maid Cafe Haikyo, she joined the cafe but also became a member of the Gang. With her partner in crime Macaron, her role was to lure men into the back with the promise of sex but would then be restrained and stripped of thier organs to be sold on as profit.

Mashin Sentai Kiramager Spin-Off: Yodonna[]

Macaron and Ichigou Daifuku are first seen at the Maid Cafe Haikyo manipulating a male customer and flirting with him before luring him into the back with the promise of sex. Instead, the man is tied down to a table where Yanako Nishinoura plans to cut out his organs. Later, they take another man into the back to harvest and Mizuki follows them only to be captured instead. Zuo demands that she hand over the phone containing the video about the Kuchinawa Gang's illegal dealings but she refuses so he has Ichigo and Marcaron prepare to remove her organs. Instead, former Yodonheim general Yodonna takes control of her body; easily defeating the henchmen. After Mizuki knocks out Ichigo, Macaron throws her down and tries to kill her with her drill only to be knocked down and choked out. She does not regain consciousness afterwards and is left for the Tokyo Police.

It is very likely that Macaron later receives life imprisonment for her actions and will spend the rest of her life behind bars.


On the surface, Macaron appears to be a bubbly airhead but is in actuality a manipulative and evil sadist who takes great pleasure in seeing her victims get thier organs stolen.

Skills and Abilities[]

  • Manipulation: Macaron is a skilled manipulator, being able to use her and Ichigo Daifuku's looks to lure men into the back room of the Maid Cafe Haikyo.
  • Organ Harvesting: Despite using a power drill, Macaron is able to easily and quickly remove human organs from a still living host without damaging them.


  • More More Drill: Macaron usually used a power drill to harvest her victim's organs.


           MSK-Kiramager LogoVillains

Dark Empire Yodonheim
Emperor Yodon | Galza | Carantula | Yodonna | Shadon | Numajo | Minjo | Bechats
Jamenshi: Rugby Jamen | Vise Jamen | Neanderthal Jamen | Joystick Jamen | Digital Camera Jamen | Oven Jamen | Freezer Jamen | Hyakunin Isshu Jamen | Music Jamen | Reset Button Jamen | Meteorite Jamen | Steam Locomotive Jamen | Marshmallow Jamen | Whac-A-Mole Jamen | Sumikae Jamen | Glue Jamen | Fishing Rod Jamen | 3D Printer Jamen | Safe Jamen | Speaker Jamen | Bomb Jamen | Super Glue Jamen | Mannequin Jamen | Radio Jamen | Nazokake Jamen | Golf Jamen | Football Helmet Jamen | Tooth Decay Jamen | Wire Jamen | Maneki-neko Jamen | Movie Jamen | Night Pool Jamen | Karaoke All Jamen | Showcase Jamen
Jamen Beasts: Faucet Hildon | Rugger Ligany‏‎ | Vise Shellga | Paleolith Basra | Catcher Ligany | Cloud Hildon | Cold Hot Dagames | Heian-kyō Basra | Stage Shellga | Hassha Button Ligany | Haejigoku Shellga | Diesel Basra | Wanage Hildon | Hassha Ligany | Hammer Basra | House Loan Dagames | Glue Shellga | Motorboat Basra | Gold Bar Ligany | Jukebox Hildon | Super Glue Shellga | Projector Gomoryu | Torso Hildon | Pinch In Out Dagames | Tank Ligany | Shield Shellga | Sengoku Basra | Cart Hildon | Turntable Gomoryu | Kiba Basra | Jishiki Shellga | Cat Can Ligany
Darkness Megabeast Mechas: Smog Jouki

Director Minosaur

Beef Rib World | Great Beef Rib World

Kuchinawa Gang
Hideki Kujirasaki | Yanako Nishinoura | Zuo | Shimasa | Ichigo Daifuku | Macaron | Tetsu Enoshima

Monstone | Jaaku Monstone | Remudon | Datula | Mose | Hern | Dr. Iokall | Hanidora
