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Villains Wiki

I'll have to teach you how great I am!
~ Mad Scientist Genbu's first words enlarging himself

Mad Scientist Genbu is a turtle-themed robotic scientist and the main antagonist of episode 25 and 26 in 2000 TV series called Mirai Sentai Timeranger.

He is voiced by Keiichi Sonobe who later voiced a Tombstone Org, Octonyuudou, Trinoid 7: Jishakunagengorou, Gimonian Angorl, Nendogami, Tsubotoguro, Zaggai and Yokai Fudagaeshi.


Genbu made his first appearance when Don Dolnero released him from the custody, Genbu was paid 50 million to eliminate the Timerangers. He managed to trap the Timerangers in the Genbu Zone, composed of various pocket dimensions of his own making based on his research, summoning his Copy Timeranger, copies of the Timerangers at their zenit, on them.

Thankfully in the next episode only both Tatsuya and Yuri escape the Genbu Zone as the rest are still trapped inside. A while later Genbu made his 2nd appearance within the Genbu Zone as he got some time to chill since he is in no need of rushing. Now According to Tac Genbu is formerly a scientist who was imprisoned for sacrificing his assistants in his space-time experiments because he was obsessed with developing sub-dimensions. Which does explain the copy Timerangers and their arsenals as for the machine that Genbu created is most likely within the Genbu Zone.

A while later within the Genbu Zone Genbu used the device on his shell as he sent the boys (who're in an aquarium) right in the palm of his hand and he was about to crush them at his size, but they jumped for it. Now back in the real world Tac has devised away to free the boys within the time bubbles is by using the Assault Vector's energy dispersal functions that should be able to break up. The catch is that it'll cause an intense explosion that would wipe out anyone trapped inside, but if they fire it from both sides the sub-dimension will be destroyed and stops the explosion from happening so they'll have to fire it both at the same time and the same exact location. So a while later both Tatsuya and Yuri performed the "in-sync battleplan".

Back in the Genbu Zone Genbu manages to force the boys out of their hiding spots and sent them to the warehouse ready to face the Copy Timerangers and then back in the real world he sent Yuri (who was freed) back into the Genbu Zone. Once inside both Yuri and Tatsuya destroyed the dimension and the Copy Timerangers as well as forcing Genbu out of his hiding place.

Now enraged he removed the seal patch (that's located on his left thigh) he manages to enlarge himself prompting the Timerangers to bring out TimeRobo Alpha to battle against the giant turtle. Now during the giant battle Genbu used his ability as he creates a copy of TimeRobo Alpha to fight for him. During the fight the mech transformed into Beta as it manages to hold the Copy TimeRobo Alpha's sword down and this gives Genbu the opportunity to create a copy of Beta, but he was then ambushed by the arrival of Time Shadow. After that they destroyed the copy with the Flying Magnum then formed with Time Shadow to become TimeRobo Shadow Beta and then Genbu was recaptured by this finisher called Pressure Cannon.

See Also[]

  • Turtlecon


           Logo-timeranger Villains

Londerz Family
Don Dolnero | Lira | Gien | Zenitts | Nova | MechaCrisis | NeoCrisis
Londerz Prisoners: Mad Bomber Jekkar | Cash Extortionist Keys | Serial Kidnapper Nabal | Hitman Mad Blast | Jewel Thief Rouge | Corrupted Medicine Doc | Hijacker Nabokov | Corrupted Officer Arnold-K | Mercenary Org | Bats | Sadist Gougan | Blackmailer Gaymark | Gambler Velito | Mad Racer Baron | Sniper Reihou | Gourmet Pyromaniac Vincent | Blackmailing School Gang Leader Flan | Terrorist Sandoora | Bodyguard Hydrid | Marriage Swindler Barbera | Energy Thief Uugo | Assaulter Borg | Mad Scientist Genbu | Beautician Domiiro | Arms Smuggler Hammer | Poacher Master Hunter | Counselor Zektar | Corrupted Financier Dogoal | Stalker Detective Abel | Hacker Yuugento | Arms Dealer Banjan | Saboteur Mayden | Spiritual Filmmaker Glokun | Serial Thief Dorba | Prophet Strauss | Computer Engineer Gate | Dinal | Lupia | Real | Killer Boxer Boribaru | Sealing | Bomb-Maker D.D. Ladis
Hell's Gate Prisoners: Blaster Mad | Jagul | Emboss | Harbel

Time Protection Department
Ryūya Asami
