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Villains Wiki

Major Disaster

Major Disaster (real name Paul Booker) is a former antagonist from the DC Comics universe, who ended up becoming a reluctant anti-hero. He debuted in Green Lantern (volume 2) #43.


Paul Booker was Green Lantern's former friend and confidant. Accidentally activating a hidden control panel, he discovered Kalmaku's casebook on Green Lantern. Using this, he found the secret identities of both Green Lantern and the Flash.

Armed with his new powers, he set out to kill the crime fighters, but was defeated and was thought to have died in the ensuing explosion. However, the Injustice League were given a chance by Maxwell Lord, the then-chief of the JLI. They somehow managed to stop a terrorist attack and were subsequently sent to the South Pole to form the Justice League Antarctica, along with other nuisances G'nort and the Scarlet Skier. The team was short lived as Disaster destroyed their embassy whilst defeating a waddle of killer penguins. The team, though lacking an embassy, stayed together, acting as bodyguards for Maxwell Lord when he was in a gunshot-induced coma. They also joined the American and European Leagues, the team called the Conglomerate, and the intergalactic bounty hunter Lobo in pitched battle against Despero. Major Disaster, in an effort to stop Despero, turned

The team then received an offer from the government to work on their Suicide Squad. Major Disaster agreed, even "volunteering" Multi-Man against his will. They were sent to a small island off the coast of Iceland, to deal with a terrorist situation and an out-of-control genetic experiment. Lifeless, explosive genetic constructs who looked like kids killed Big Sir. The rest of the 'children' were shrunk by Multi-Man, who had that power in his current incarnation. Multi-Man was shot through the head soon after, but in the past he has come back from worse. Unfortunately, Clock King, who had no such powers, was shot repeatedly. In the resulting chaos, Major Disaster perceived that Cluemaster saved his life at least twice, before also being shot dead. Cluemaster survived his injuries, but with multiple scars.

Disaster stayed with the Squad until Superman gave him a chance to prove his heroic worth in defeating a number of Superman's foes.

Booker answered a general call for superheroes by Oracle. Dozens gathered, all to stop the Secret Society of Super Villains from attacking Metropolis. The confrontation, known as the Battle of Metropolis, led to many fatalities on both sides. A character that resembles Major Disaster perished; in an interview DC editor-in-chief Dan DiDio named the character killed as Boss Moxie. Booker, however, has not subsequently appeared since Infinite Crisis #7. However, an artist's rendering of a Black Lantern Major Disaster appeared in the Blackest Night: Director's Cut one-shot.

Powers and Abilities[]

Major Disaster's powers originally came from a set of weapons he used to cause natural disasters. Over time, exposure to these weapons made the powers internalize and now Disaster can cause chaos at will. His deal with Neron greatly enhanced his powers, enabling him to see the strands of chaos around him. The disasters he can now control theoretically range from being able to command asteroid showers without breaking a sweat to causing heart attacks, nose bleeds, and even making people trip up. He appears to have no real limitations, though he lacks fine control now. He has devised a force field for himself, using his powers to redirect attacks, though he seems not to use it much. While Major Disaster is adept at creating chaos, it takes him great effort to stop disasters, whether his own or natural.



           Green Lantern logo Villains

Abraham Pointe | Alex Luthor | Amanda Waller | Amon Sur | Anti-Green Lantern Corps | Anti-Monitor | Appa Ali Apsa | Arkillo | Atrocitus | Atomic Skull | Ausras and Dismas | Baaka Khu | Batman (Frank Miller) | Bedovian | Belzebeth | Black Adam | Black Hand | Black Lantern Corps | Black Manta | Black Mercies | Blackbriar Thorn | Blackguard | Bleez | Bolphunga | Brainiac | Bright Circle | The Butcher | Captain Cold | Children of the White Lobe | Controllers | Cleaners | Crumbler | Crimson Host | Cyborg Superman | Darkseid | Dark Knights | Dawlakispokpok | Deacon Blackfire | Deathstroke | Demiurge | Demolition Team | Desaad | Despotellis | Dex-Starr | Doctor Light | Doctor Polaris | Doctor Sivana | Doctor Ub’x | Dominators | Doomsday | Durlans | Earthworm | Edward Wale | Eclipso | Effigy | Entropy | Esak | Evil Star | Fatality | First Lantern | Gambler | General Fabrikant | Giganta | Glomulus | Goldface | Gorilla Grodd | Granack | Granny Goodness | Grayven | Gretti | Guardians of the Universe | Harlequin | Harley Quinn | Hector Hammond | Hellgrammite | Hunger Dog | Icicle | Invisible Destroyer | Javelin | Jimmm | Jocasta | Johnny Sorrow | Kanjar-Ro | Karu-Sil | Keepers | Kobra Cult | Kroloteans | Krona | Kryb | Khurtz | Khunds | Koyos | Ku Klux Klan | Larfleeze | Legion | Lex Luthor | Lightsmiths | Lobo | Lyssa Drak | Maash | Major Disaster | Major Force | Manhunter Highmaster | Manhunters | Maxwell Lord | Mr. Freeze | Mirror Master | Mongul | Mongul II | Mother Mercy | Multiplex | Nekron | Nero | Neron | Nol-Anj | Ocean Master | Obsidian | Ohm | OMACs | Orange Lantern Corps | Oinoori Raiders | Parademons | Parallax | Phantom Lantern | Power Ring | Power Ring Corps | Professor Ojo | Psimon | Puppeteer | Purgatory | Ocula | Queen of Fables | Ravager (Grant Wilson) | Ranx the Sentient City | Red Lantern Corps | Relic | Revenant Queen | Sarko | Saraar | Scar | Scarecrow | Shadow Market | Shark | Schlagg-Man | Shrapnel | Simon Stagg | Sinestro | Sinestro Corps | Slapper Soames | Singularity Jain | Solomon Grundy | Sorrow Lantern | Sonar | Spider Guild | Sportsmaster | Star Sapphire | Starro | Starbreaker | Starbreaker Corps | Steamroller | Steel Fury | Suit | Superboy-Prime | Suicide Squad | Tattooed Man | Thaaros | The Dawnbreaker | The Third Army | The Unseeing | Thorn | Time Commander | Tim Owens | Tomar-Tu | Typhoon | Uggha | United Planets Lantern Corps | Vandel Savage | Verrat Din | Void Hound | Wade Eiling | Warlock of Ys | Weaponers | Weaponers of Qward | Weasel | Wizard | Wotan | Wyllt | Varron | Vladimir Sokov | Xar | Zamarons | Zardor | Zod

Green Lantern: First Flight: Sinestro | Boodikka | Kanjar-Ro
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights: Krona | Atrocitus | Bolphunga
Green Lantern (2011): Parallax | Hector Hammond
Green Lantern: Beware My Power: Parallax (Hal Jordan) | Sinestro Corps (Sinestro, Arkillo, Despero, Lyssa Drak) | Kanjar-Ro

Green Lantern: The Animated Series: Atrocitus | Razer | Aya | Anti-Monitor | Ragnar | Myglom | Larfleeze | Sinestro | Scar | Parallax

Video Games
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe: Dark Kahn | Shang Tsung | Lex Luthor
Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters: Amon Sur | Manhunters
Injustice: Superman | Sinestro | Cyborg | Raven | Solomon Grundy | Killer Frost | Yellow Lantern | Black Adam | Aquaman | Cheetah | Bane | Atrocitus

           Download-Superman-Logo-PNG-001 Villains

Aethyr | Aftermath | Alex Luthor | Alexei Luthor | Amanda Waller | Amazo | Anomaly | Anti-Monitor | Atom Man | Atomic Skull | Az-Rei | Ballser | Bane | Bernadeth | Bertron | Bizarro | Black Adam | Black Mercies | Black Zero | Blanque | Blackrock | Blaze | Bloodsport | Blue Earth Movement | Brainiac | Brainiac Queen | Bruno Mannheim | Boss Moxie | Cestus | Cheetah | Chessure | Circe | Clayface | Commander Gor | Composite Superman | Cron | Cyborg Superman | Cythonna | Dark Knights | Darkseid | Deathstroke | Desaad | Deuce & Charger | Dev-Em | Devil Nezha | The Devastator | Doctor Light | Dr. Pharm | Dr. William Jennings | Doctor Manhattan | Doomsday | Dwayne Litters | Earth-Man | Eclipso | Equus | Eradicator (Dark Multiverse) | Ernest Smalley | Eve Teschmacher | Faora Hu-Ul | Female Furies | Fifth-Dimensional Imps | Forgotten Villains | Galactic Golem | General Chacal | Gorilla Grodd | Graft | Grand Scorpion | Granny Goodness | Green Man | Glorious Godfrey | Gzptlsnz | Harley Quinn | H'El | Hector Hammond | Hellgrammite | Helspont | H.I.V.E. | Hfuhruhurr | Imperiex | Intergang | Janan al Ghul | Jax-Ur | Joker | Jon Lane Kent | Justice League of Earth | Kaizen Gamorra | Kalibak | Kanto | Karkull | Killer Frost | Klan of the Fiery Kross | Kid Warlock | Kobra Cult | Lashina | Last Sun | Legion of Doom | Legion of Super-Villains | Leticia Luthor | Lex Luthor | Livewire | Lobo | Mad Harriet | Magpie | Major Disaster | Major Force | Manchester Black | Mandrakk | Mantis | Master Jailer | Masters of Disaster | Match | Maxima | Maximums | Maxwell Lord | Mercy Graves | Metallo | Mister Oz | Mongul | Mongul II | Morgaine Le Fey | Morgan Edge | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Nadira Va-Dim | Nam-Ek | Neron | Neutron | Nick O' Teen | Nimrod The Hunter | Overman | Parademons | Parallax | Parasites (Rudy Jones | Joshua Michael Allen) | Phantom King | Phantom Zoners | Planeteer | Prankster | Poison Ivy | Preus | "Princess Zala Jor-El" | Psycho-Pirate | Queen Bee | Queen of Fables | Radiant | Red Cloud | Rogol Zaar | Royal Flush Gang | Sam Lane | Scarecrow | Secret Society of Super Villains | Segret Wilson | Shockwaver | Shrapnel | Silver Banshee | Sinestro | Sleez | Solomon Grundy | Subjekt-17 | Suicide Squad | Superboy-Prime | Superdoom | Superman Revenge Squad | Superman (Earth-2) | Superman (The Dark Side) | The SuperMan | Superwoman | Spellbinder | Star Sapphire | Starro | Steppenwolf | Stompa | Tarantula | Thunder & Lightning | Titano | Toyman | Ultra-Humanite | Ultraman | Ursa | Vandal Savage | Vincent | Vincent Edge | Vyndktvx | Whisper A'Daire | William Dunn | Xadu | Xanadoth | Zod

Theatrical Movies
Superman: Lex Luthor | Otis | Eve Teschmacher | Zod | Non | Ursa
Superman II: General Zod | Non | Ursa | Lex Luthor | Otis | Eve Teschmacher | Rocky
Superman III: Ross Webster | Vera Webster | Lorelei Ambrosia | Gus Gorman
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace: Lex Luthor | Nuclear Man
Superman Returns: Lex Luthor
Man of Steel: Sword of Rao (Dru-Zod, Faora-Ul, Nam-Ek, Jax-Ur, Tor-An, Car-Vex, Nadira & Dev-Em II)
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Lex Luthor | Anatoli Knyazev | Doomsday | Mercy Graves | Joe Chill | Zod | Steppenwolf
DC League of Super-Pets: Lulu | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves | Whiskers | Mutant Guinea Pigs

Direct-to-video Movies
Superman: Brainiac Attacks: Brainiac | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves | Mr. Mxyzptlk
Superman: Doomsday: Lex Luthor | Superman Clone | Doomsday | Toyman | Mercy Graves
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: Lex Luthor | Major Force | Metallo | Amanda Waller | Toyman | Solomon Grundy | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Lady Shiva | Giganta | Mongul | Captain Cold
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse: Darkseid | Female Furies (Granny Goodness, Mad Harriet, Lashina & Stompa) | Doomsday
Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam: Black Adam
All-Star Superman: Lex Luthor | Solaris | Parasite | Nasthalthia Luthor | Bar-El & Lilo-El
Superman vs. The Elite: The Elite (Manchester Black & Hat) | Atomic Skull
Superman: Unbound: Brainiac
The Death Of Superman: Doomsday | Lex Luthor | Intergang (Bruno Mannheim) | Mercy Graves | Cyborg Superman
Reign Of The Supermen: Cyborg Superman | Darkseid | Parademons | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves
Superman: Red Son: Superman | Brainiac | Lex Luthor | Joseph Stalin | Superior Man | Batman
Superman: Man of Tomorrow: Parasite | Lobo | Lex Luthor
Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons: Starro | Lex Luthor | Penguin

1940's Superman
Bulleteers | Inventor | Mad Scientist | Indian Scientist

Superman: The Animated Series
Lex Luthor | Brainiac | Darkseid | Metallo | Toyman | Intergang (Bruno Mannheim, Spider Spinelli, Blaine) | Mercy Graves | Joey | Parasite | Dr. Vale | Lobo | Gnaww | Preserver | Kanto | Earl Garver | Jax-Ur | Mala | Prometheon | General Hardcastle | Weather Wizard | Livewire | Bizarro | Kurt Bowman | Luminus | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Lex Luthor (Brave New Metropolis) | Mercy Graves (Brave New World) | Superman (Brave New Metropolis) | Titano | Desaad | Kalibak | Karkull | Corey Mills | Suit | Maxima | De'Cine | Granny Goodness | Steppenwolf | Parademons | Female Furies (Lashina, Mad Harriet, Stompa) | Volcana | Kurt | Darci Mason | Sinestro | Unity | Reverend Amos Howell

Brainiac | Dru-Zod | Doomsday | Lobo | Jax-Ur | Kol-Da | Lis-Ser | Daron-Vex | Araame | Lyta-Zod Clone

Superman & Lois
Tal-Rho | Ally Allston | Bruno Mannheim | Lex Luthor | John Henry Irons | Leslie Larr | Intergang (Boss Moxie, Thaddeus Killgrave, Onomatopoeia & Atom-Man) | Superman (John Henry Irons' Earth) | Reno Rosetti | David Fuglestad | Zeta-Rho | Zod | Mitch Anderson | Bizarro | Inverse Society (Lana-Rho, Jonathan-El & Erin Wu) | Phillip Karnowsky | Kit Faulkner | Emmitt Pergande | Otis Grisham | Cheryl Kimble | Hacksaw Kronick | Amanda McCoy | Milton Fine

My Adventures With Superman
Task Force X (Sam Lane, Amanda Waller, Slade Wilson, Damage & Atomic Skull) | Livewire | OMACs | Intergang (Silver Banshee, Mist & Rough House) | Parasite | Lex Luthor | Heat Wave | Mr. Mxyzptlk | League of Lois Lanes | Overman | Vicki Vale | Kryptonian Empire (Brainiac, Nemesis Omega & Kara Zor-El) | Checkmate | Dr. Killgrave | Thomas Weston | Metallo Drones | Amazo | Bloodsport

Video Games
Superman Arcade: Emperor Zaas | Lex Luthor | Metallo | Parasite
Superman: Shadow of Apokolips: Lex Luthor | Darkseid | Metallo | Livewire | Parasite | Kanto | Mercy Graves | Volcana
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe: Dark Kahn | Lex Luthor | Scorpion | Shang Tsung | Darkseid
Injustice: Superman | Brainiac | Doomsday | Aquaman | Black Adam | The Flash | Sinestro | Lex Luthor | Wonder Woman | Joker | Darkseid

See Also
Legion of Super-Heroes Villains | Lobo Villains | Smallville Villains | Steel Villains | Superboy Villains | Supergirl Villains | Superwoman Villains

           Flash-Logo Villains

Abra Kadabra | Angle Man | Anti-Monitor | Aquaman (Flashpoint) | Black Flash | Black Hand | Bloodwork | Brain | Brother Grimm | Cadre | Calculator | Captain Boomerang | Captain Cold | Cheetah | Chillblaine | Chronos | Cicada | Clive Yorkin | Clayface | Cobalt Blue | Dark Knights | Deadshot | Deathstroke | Doctor Alchemy | Doctor Elementnal | Doctor Light | Doctor Nightmare | Doctor Polaris | Double Down | Eclipso | Enchantress | Fallout | Fraction | Fiddler | Future Flash | Felix Faust | Granny Goodness | Giganta | Girder | Godspeed | Golden Glider | Goldface | Gorilla Grodd | Hector Hammond | Icicle | Inspector Pilgrim | Killer Frost | Kobra Cult | Lady Flash | Lex Luthor | Livewire | Magenta | Major Disaster | Maxwell Lord | Merlyn | Mirror Master | Miss Murder | Mongul | Monsieur Mallah | Murmur | Neron | Nnives Maroney | Klarion the Witch Boy | Pied Piper | Poison Ivy | President Thawne | Psycho-Pirate | Queen Bee | Ragdoll | Rainbow Raider | Razer | Red Death | Renegades | Reverse-Flashes (Inertia, Professor Zoom, Daniel West, The Rival, Zoom & Dark Multiverse) | Riddler | Rogues | Savitar | Shade | Shadow Thief | Sinestro | Starbreaker | Star Sapphire | Solomon Grundy | Speed Demon | Suicide Squad | The Thinker | Thorn | T.O. Morrow | Tobias Whale | Toyman | Trickster | The Uncoiled | Turtle | Vandal Savage | Warp | Weather Wizard | Wonder Woman (Flashpoint)

Dark Flash | Sword of Rao (Dru-Zod, Faora-Ul, & Nam-Ek) | Al Falcone | Reverse-Flash

Season 1: Reverse-Flash | Captain Cold | General Wade Eiling | Gorilla Grodd | The Mist | Heat Wave | Weather Wizard | Tony Woodward | Rainbow Raider | Hartley Rathaway | Peek-a-Boo | Everyman | Clyde Mardon | Multiplex | Simon Stagg | Blackout | Clock King | Captain Boomerang | Clay Parker | Vincent Santini | The Trickster | Trickster/Axel Walker | Anthony Bellows | Bug-Eyed Bandit | Royal Flush Gang | Golden Glider | Deathbolt | Negative Speed Force
Season 2: Zoom | Reverse-Flash | Captain Cold | Killer Frost (Earth-2) | King Shark | Dr. Light (Earth-2) | Geomancer | The Turtle | Time Wraiths | Tokamak | Heat Wave | Atom-Smasher | Anthony Bellows | Sand Demon | Lewis Snart | Gorilla Grodd | Vandal Savage | Dark Archer | Damien Darhk | Weather Wizard | The Trickster | Tar Pit | Deathstorm (Earth-2) | Reverb | Trajectory | Pied Piper | James Zolomon | Griffin Grey | Rupture | Girder | Speed Force | Black Siren
Season 3: Savitar | Dr. Alchemy | Killer Frost | Captain Cold | The Rival | Black Flash | King Shark | Mirror Master | Top | Plunder | Gorilla Grodd | Solovar | Reverse-Flash | Magenta | Shade | Dominators | Trickster (Earth-3) | Clive Yorkin | Time Wraiths | Music Meister | Abra Kadabra | Reverb | Vigilante | Speed Force | Heat Monger
Season 4: The Thinker | Marlize DeVoe | Samuroid | Kilg%re | Gregory Wolfe | Amunet Black | Matthew Norvock | Killer Frost | Hazard | Black Bison | Dwarfstar | King Shark | Anthony Bellows | Peek-a-Boo | Dark Arrow | Overgirl | Reverse-Flash | Prometheus (Earth-X) | Quentin Lance (Earth-X) | Trickster II | Prank | Crucifer | Siren-X
Season 5: Cicada (Orlin Dwyer & Grace Gibbons) | Reverse-Flash | Gridlock | Block | Spencer Young Vanessa Ambres | Icicle | Weather Witch | Weather Wizard | Rag Doll | Monitor | Zoom | Savitar | The Thinker | John Deegan | A.M.A.Z.O. | Psycho-Pirate | Silver Ghost | Matthew Norvock | Peek-a-Boo | Goldface | King Shark | Gorilla Grodd | Godspeed | Negative Speed Force | Bug-Eyed Bandit
Season 6: Bloodwork | Anti-Monitor | Eva McCulloch | Black Hole (Joseph Carver, Ultraviolet, Dr. Light, & Sunshine) | Reverse-Flash | Mirror Duplicates | Monitor | Psycho-Pirate | Matthew Norvock | Godspeed | Pied Piper | Echo | Lex Luthor | Amunet Black | Goldface | Gorilla Grodd | Solovar | Rag Doll | Negative Speed Force
Season 7: Mirror Monarch | Speed Force | Godspeed | Black Hole (Mirror Master, Top, & Olsen) | Mirror Duplicates | Bashir Malik | Deon Owens | Chillblaine | Ultraviolet | Reverse-Flash | Sunshine | Abra Kadabra | Matthew Norvock | Psycho-Pirate
Season 8: Reverse-Flash | Deon Owens | Deathstorm | Despero | Negative Speed Force | Royal Flush Gang | Xotar | Top | Chillblaine | Damien Darhk | Bashir Malik | Blockbuster | Goldface | Sunshine | Dr. Light
Season 9: Red Death | Cobalt Blue | Negative Speed Force | Captain Boomerang II | Fiddler | Chillblaine | Pied Piper | Murmur | Goldface | Rainbow Raider | Tar Pit | Hazard | Grodd | Bloodwork | Reverse-Flash | Zoom | Savitar | Godspeed

Video Games
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe: Dark Kahn | Deathstroke | Catwoman | Kano | Lex Luthor | Scorpion
Injustice: Superman | The Flash | Yellow Lantern | Sinestro | Killer Frost | Solomon Grundy | Gorilla Grodd | Captain Cold | Reverse Flash | Deadshot | Wonder Woman

See Also
Impulse Villains

           Justice League InternationalVillains

Amanda Waller | Black Hand | Black Mass | Bronze Tiger | Cadre | Calculator | Captain Boomerang | Carol Ferris | Clock King | Cluemaster | Crowbar | Darkseid | Deadshot | Despero | Doomsday | Dreamslayer | Funky Flashman | Granny Goodness | Injustice League | Kite Man | Lobo | Major Disaster | Manhunters | Maxwell Lord | Neron | Overmaster | Professor Ivo | Queen Bee | Royal Flush Gang | Rumaan Harjavti | Shatterfist | Sinestro | Starbreaker | Star Sapphire | Virman Vundabar | Weather Wizard | Wizard

           TheSuicideSquad Villains

Adam Reed | Amanda Waller | Arkham Knight | Apex | Bane | Basilisk | Brimstone Brotherhood | Bizarro | Black Adam | Black Hand | Black Lantern Corps | Black Manta | Black Mask | Black Spider | Blackguard | Bloodsport | Blockbuster | Bolshoi | Brainiac | Bronze Tiger | Burning World | Captain Boomerang | Captain Cold | Catseye | Catman | Catwoman | Calvary Corporation | Cheshire | Cheetah | Chemo | Chronos | Christian Fleischer | Clayface | Clock King | Copperhead | Count Vertigo | Crime Syndicate of America | Cyborg Superman | Darkseid | Deadshot | Deathstroke | Doomsday | Doctor Light | Doctor Destiny | Eclipso | El Diablo | The Enchantress | Electrocutioner | Firefly | Fist of Cain | Female Furies | General Wade Eiling | Gentleman Ghost | Giganta | Gorilla Grodd | Grey Lora | Harley Quinn | Heat Wave | Hellslayer | Icicle | Jacuil | James Gordon, Jr. | Jason Todd | Javelin | Jihad | Joker | Joker's Daughter | KGBeast | Killer Croc | Killer Frost | Killer Moth | King Shark (Earth 63) | Klarion | Kobra Cult | Lamia | Lex Luthor | Lobo | Magpie | Major Disaster | Major Force | Major Zastrow | Man-Bat | Manchester Black | Manhunters | Master Jailer | Match | Manticore | Maxwell Lord | Mindboggler | Mirror Master | Mongul | Mr. Bloom | Mr. Freeze | Multiplex | Nocturna | Orca | Owlman | Parademons | Parasite | Peacemaker | Penguin | Pesta | Plasmus | Plastique | Poison Ivy | Professor Zoom | Punch and Jewelee | Red Shadows | Red Orichid | Riddler | Rocket Red Brigade | Rustam | Seraphine | Shrapnel | Silver Banshee | Silver Swan | Sinestro | Solomon Grundy | Slipknot | Starro | Star Sapphire | Suicide Squad | Talon | Tattooed Man | The Thinker | Tyler Reese | Ultraman | Vandal Savage | Victor Sage | Victor Zsasz | Yigeren | Weasel | Zebra-Man

Batman: Assault on Arkham: Riddler | Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Killer Frost, King Shark, Black Spider, KGBeast) | Joker | Penguin | Scarecrow | Victor Zsasz | Bane | Two-Face | Poison Ivy | Quincy Sharp
Suicide Squad: Eyes of the Adversary (Enchantress & Incubus) | Suicide Squad (Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, El Diablo, Killer Croc, Slipknot & Amanda Waller) | Joker's Gang (Joker, Jonny Frost, Panda Man & Monster T) | Griggs
Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay: Professor Zoom | Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Bronze Tiger, Copperhead, Punch and Jewelee & Count Vertigo) | Killer Frost | Blockbuster | Silver Banshee | Vandal Savage | Scandal Savage | Professor Pgy | Tobias Whale | League of Assassins (Deathstroke) | Two-Face
The Suicide Squad: The Thinker | Starro | Suicide Squad (Bloodsport, Ratcatcher 2, Harley Quinn, Peacemaker, King Shark, Polka Dot Man, Captain Boomerang, Blackguard, Mongal, Javelin, The Detachable Kid, Weasel, Savant & Amanda Waller) | Silvio Luna | Corto Maltese Armed Forces (Mateo Suarez & Vera)| Kaleidoscope | Calendar Man | Double Down | Karma | Ratcatcher | Polka Dot Man's Mother | Bloodsport's Father

Suicide Squad Isekai: Undead King | Suicide Squad (Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Peacemaker, Clayface, King Shark, Ratcatcher, The Thinker, The Enchantress, Killer Croc, & Amanda Waller) | Joker

Video Games
Injustice: Joker | Brainiac | Black Adam | Captain Cold | Cheetah | Darkseid | Deadshot | Killer Frost | Poison Ivy
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League: Brainiac | Justice League (Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, Batman) | Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang & King Shark) | Gizmo | Penguin | Lex Luthor | Poison Ivy | Riddler

See Also
Harley Quinn Villains | Peacemaker Villains
