The Makuta Strike Force is an elite team of six Makuta and major antagonists the BIONICLE series, serving as the main antagonists in the Karda Nui story arc.
The Makuta Strike Force was also directly known to serve the Brotherhood of Makuta as the Brotherhood sent them to invade Karda Nui in the preparation ot the Plan's final phase until they was betrayed by Makuta Teridax. They also served as the arch-enemies of the Toa Nuva.
During the final preparation of the Plan, Makuta Teridax was contacted by Gorast shortly before Matoro's sacrifice as she revealed him the location of the island called Karda Nui with the help of the Ta-Matoran criminal named Vultraz. Teridax then ordered her to inform the rest of the Brotherhood of Makuta to invade Karda Nui at once and transform all the Av-Matoran into Shadow Matoran as much as they can.
Soon after her meeting with Teridax, Gorast approached Icarax, who have taken over as the new leader of the Brotherhood and informed him that they were given of Teridax's order to invade Karda Nui. Upon this, Icarax assembled the team which was consisted of; Antroz, Vamprah, Chirox, Krika, Gorast and Bitil as he then dispatched them to their mission.
Leading the army of Rahkshi and Exo-Toa, the Makuta Strike Force travelled towards Karda Nui before Matoro sacrificed himself to revive Mata Nui. Upon arriving in Karda Nui, the Makuta Strike Force began to formulate their plan of attacking the Av-Matoran and transform them into Shadow Matoran as the team divided into two groups: Makuta Phantoka and Makuta Mistika. While the Makuta Phantoka began their attack on the Stalactite Villages, the Makuta Mistika and the army went to the Swamp of Secrets to prevent the Av-Matoran from escaping the island.
The invasion began as Antroz first have Vamprah to inflitrate the Stalactite Villages to lure the Av-Matoran into the trap as
Makuta Phantoka[]
The Makuta Phantoka is one of the two Makuta teams which consisted of Antroz, Vamprah and Chirox. Antroz also served as the team leader and this team's objective was to turn all the Av-Matoran into the Shadow Matoran in order to prevent them from becoming the Toa of Light. They are also the first team to fought with the Toa Nuva and their Av-Matoran allies.
They are modelled after the bats and are based on the monster horror movies.
Makuta Mistika[]
The Makuta Mistika is the second group of the Makuta teams which consisted of Krika, Gorast and Bitil. Krika was also the leader of this team, though he later left his position after he found out about the Plan only to be killed by Gorast for betraying the Plan. The team's objective was to patrol across the Swamp of Secrets to prevent any of the Av-Matoran from escaping from Karda Nui and find and retrieve the pieces of the Keystone to prevent the Toa Nuva from finding them.
They are modelled after the insects and are based on the sci-fi alien movies.
- Krika was the only member who have redeemed near the end of the 2008 storyline before his death after learning the truth behind the Plan.
- However, Krika is also the only member of the Makuta Strike Force who does not have the ability to fly, but he uses his mask to propel himself through the air to make great leaps. Anyway, Krika is also the only member of the Makuta Strike Force who is considered a terrestrial Makuta rather than an aerial Makuta.
- However, Krika is also the only member of the Makuta Strike Force not to be killed by Energy Storms.
- Icarax and Mutran are the only Makuta not to be members of the Makuta Strike Force.