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Villains Wiki

Malfegor is a demon-dragon hybrid and a villainous minion in Magic: the Gathering. Due to his breed being a rarity and the benefits that being half demon and half dragon provide, Malfegor has a lot of influence on his home of Alara.


Malfegor's body is equine in frame. He has a long and large body with four legs and a tail. He has a relatively short upper body, but he has four arms attached too it, each with long and sharp claws. He also has a reptilian face with two horns protruding from the top of his head. He also has two wings that have been slightly torn for unknown reasons.


Malfegor is one of the oldest beings on the entire plane and has committed many atrocities in his time. His biggest sin was murdering one of the strongest angels on Bant, Asha. For this transgression, Malfegor was banished from Bant to Grixis. Many of Bant's residents were under the impression that he was killed. Not too much long after this, mysterious Planeswalker managed to break Alara into five separate shards, with Malfegor being stuck on the shard Grixis. Due to his size and power, he managed to become one of the most feared beings on the entire shard and gained a good amount of influence. Some time later, he captured the Planeswalker Sifa Grent and held her hostage to learn about Planeswalking. She escaped, but another Planeswalker named Dack Fayden arrived seeking Grent. Malfegor tried to study him as well, but Dack also left Grixis unharmed.

After the Mending, he was contacted by the Planeswalking dragon Nicol Bolas and the two formed an alliance. Bolas ordered Malfegor to prepare an army to conquer the other shards when the Conflux occured and he made a fearsome army. Through the machinations of Nicol Bolas, the five shards fused together and Alara was whole again. At this time, Malfegor and his army marched across Esper and managed to murder almost all of the sphinxes on the plane. He set his sights on the shard of Bant and he and his army brought death and destruction to this portion of the plane. Unfortunately, he was killed by Elspeth Triel and Rafiq of the Many.



  • Nicol Bolas had agents on all 5 shards. These agents were:
    • The Order of the Skyward Eye and Gwafa Hazid on Bant.
    • The Seekers of Carmot on Esper.
    • Malfegor on Grixis.
    • Rakka Mar on Jund.
    • And Marisi on Naya.


           Magic-The-Gathering-logo-800x279 Villains

Nicol Bolas | Urza | Ashiok | Azor | Dovin Baan | Domri Rade | Liliana Vess | Nahiri | Ob Nixilis | Oko | Tezzeret | Tibalt | Vraska | Xenagos | Lukka | Ravidel | Tevesh Szat | Geyadrone Dihada | Leshrac | Sifa Grent | Tamiyo | Ajani Goldmane | Nissa Revane | Jace Beleren | Baltrice |

Phyrexians | Yawgmoth | Mishra | Gix | K'rrik | Volrath | Crovax | Ertai | Tsabo Tavoc | Elesh Norn | Jin-Gitaxias | Sheoldred | Vorinclex | Geth (Magic: the Gathering) | Roxith | Azax-Azog | Kraynox | Thrissik | Vraan | Ezuri | Atraxa |

Multiversal Threats
Eldrazi | Slivers | Marit Lage | Sengir |

Villains by Plane
Lim-Dûl | Mairsil | Kaervek | Laquatus | Karona | The Cabal | Heidar | Weaver King | Rona | Society of Mishra |

Mirrodin/New Phyrexia

Takeshi Konda

Oba | Szadek | Lazav | House Dimir | Rakdos | Cult of Rakdos | Momir Vig | Savra | Svogthir | Augustin IV | Orzhov Syndicate | Zomaj Hauc | Mazirek |

Oona | Nath | Gaddock Teeg |

Malfegor | Marisi | Rakka Mar | Order of the Skyward Eye | Gwafa Hazid | Seekers of Carmot |

Anowan | Kalitas |

Gisa and Geralf | Avacyn | Griselbrand | Skirsdag | Olivia Voldaren | Tovolar | Ormendahl | Henrika Domnathi |

Heliod | Erebos | Phenax | Mogis |

Zurgo | Sidisi | Tasigur |


Gods of Destruction | Bontu | Razaketh | Eternals |

Kumena | Vona |



Extus Narr

