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Those unnecessary human emotions have made you weak Gouraigers. A warrior doesn't need human emotions or human interaction. It is time to say goodbye Gouraigers.
~ Manmaruba's words before attempting to murder the Gouraigers and a showcase of his misanthropic nature.

Third Spear, Manmaruba is an insect-like member of the Seven Darkness Spears of the Jakanja and a major antagonist in Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger. He has the ability to observe fate in an unavoidable way, making him a valuable asset to the Jakanja.

He was one of the most powerful servants of Tau Zant and the archenemy of Gouraigers, whom he often fought and wanted to kill to satisfy his master. Throughout the series, Manmaruba tried and created multiple plans of destroying the Hurricanegers and Gouraigers to conquer the Earth and find the Evil Will for his master Tau Zant. Manmaruba often used his main ability to observe human fate for fullfilling his plans. Satarakura is an extremely powerful opponent for the Hurricanegers and Gouraigers, being a deadly and formidable fighter and is overall the fourth most powerful Dark Spear in the series.

He was one of Tau Zant's top generals and helped his master to find and invoke the Evil Will to destroy and recreate the universe with Tau Zant as a god. Manmaruba's most successful and deadly plan was infecting Ikkou with the scorpion egg, which was slowly killing him. He later tried his next plan, after his revival, to kill the Hurricanegers with the special neck-rings that drained the people's life force.

He is voiced by Takahiro Imamura.


Little is known about Manmaruba's backstory. His prehistory before the events of the series and his homeworld are unknown. Just like other Dark Spears, Manmaruba was recruited by Tau Zant the 500 years ago before the events of the series. In the first episodes of the series, Manmaruba along with other Dark Spears, used and created multiple plans of destroying the Hurricanegers to find the Evil Will for Tau Zant to help their master destroy and recreate the universe and become a god. However, Hurricanegers always foiled and ruined their plans of world domination. Jakanja were later jojned by Gouraigers, who united with them and promised to help Tau Zant find the Evil Will. Gouraigers repeatedly fought the Hurricanegers and helped Jakanja seek the Evil Will, frequently defeating them. However, later Gouraigers betrayed Tau Zant and joined the Hurricanegers, after realizing that Tau Zant manipulated them. Following the death of Chuuzubo, Manmaruba went into his pupa state before emerging two episodes later in his adult form. Desiring revenge against the Gouraigers for deceiving him into thinking they were the last two spears, Manmaruba secretly infected Ikkou with a Space Scorpion egg. From this time, Ikkou started to feel horribly sick and Scorpion Egg started to grow and hatch inside his body. Once the egg would hatch, Ikkou would die. This was a part of Manmaruba's plan to kill Ikkou and get rid of him in order to make him not to stand in the way of Jakanja and also get revenge on him for betraying Jakanja and deceiving Manmaruba. Even though, Ikkou had to move to Tibet in order to heal himself from the scorpion egg, but Ikkou knew that he had to continue fight Jakanja and so the KabutoRaiger remained in Tokyo, risking his own life to stop Jakanja, while the egg continued growing and hatching.

Though observing Ikkou's death, Manmaruba also saw that he too would die and thus Manmaruba created a cocoon containing a clone of him to replace him when the fate comes to pass.

Manmaruba later participated together with the other Jakanja general in Satarakura's plan of invoking the Evil Will by sending the Wolf monsters to attack Tokyo. Satarakura summoned the three powerful wolf monsters called Ninja Wolf Beasts Fangarou and ordered them to attack Tokyo and devour the shadows of the people in order to make citizens savage and act like wolves. This Tau Zant's plan was supposed to summon the meteor shower and make it invoke the Evil Will. The wolves attacked Tokyo and started devouring shadows of the citizens, taking away their humanity and making them act like wolves. The Hurricanegers along with Shurikenger arrived at the woods and started fighting the wolv monsters, but were easily outmatched by the evil beasts. Later, the wolves escaped and fleed away and the Hurricanegers and Shurikenger chased them. However, once the heroes arrived to the quarry, they were hit by the lightning and Sargain, Satarakura, Wendinu and Furabijo arrived and attacked them. While the Rangers fought the four dark spears, Ikkou and Isshuu were at the river and Isshuu tried to help his brother with his illness by holding the scorpion egg inside his body and slowing it from hatching. However, later Manmaruba arrived with his Genin Magerappa army and attacked the Gouraigers. The brothers fought Manmaruba and Ikkou challenged the villain. However, when they fought, during the battle Manmaruba used his magic energy wave on Ikkou, which caused the egg inside his body hatching faster. Ikkou fell and Manmaruba gloated in sadistic joy that Ikkou would be dying faster. Manmaruba then left, leaving horrified Ikkou and Isshuu.

Later, Yousuke chased Isshuu and Isshuu reluctantly told him about Scorpion Egg inside Ikkou's body, and Yousuke decided to help and save Ikkou from dying. Ikkou arrived at Ikazuchi village and had a big pain in his chest. Later Manmaruba arrived to Ikazuchi village and Ikkou transformed to fight the villain. Later Ikkou came up with a plan to lure Manmaruba at night and kill him. Once the night came, Ikkou summoned Manmaruba and transformed to fight him. However, once KabutoRaiger tried to attack Manmaruba with his staff, the dark spear caught his staff and Ikkou's strike rendered harmless. Manmaruba raised the staff in the air and attacked Ikkou, demorphing and heavily weakening him. Yousuke and Isshuu arrived and Yousuke transformed and tried to fight Manmaruba, by using the technique which Ikkou showed him earlier. Yousuke made Manmaruba flat on his back, but the egg inside Ikkou's body started to hatch and Manmaruba sadkstically laughed and teleported away. After this the meteor shower began and Tau Zant's plan continued.

However, Ikkou was taken to the local hospital and Sensei Mugensai had a conversation with a doctor, who tried to heal Ikkou. However, doctor declared that the only way to heal Ikkou and save him from death was to get someone else infected and get the portion of Manmaruba's poison in order to create a cure for Ikkou. Yousuke listened to their conversation decided to trick Manmaruba and make the villain infect him in order to get the portion of poison in order to save and heal Ikkou. While other Hurricanegers were fighting the trio of wolf monsters in the city, Yousuke arrived to the top of the mountain and summoned Manmaruba to fight him. Manmaruba was tricked by Yousuke's bait and poisoned Yousuke with his venom, ymtaunting HurricaneRed that he wanted to share his friend's fate. However, then other Hurricanegers arrived and saved Yousuke, leading him to the hospital. Manmaruba was confused by this action, not understanding what Yousuke intended to do.

Later, Yousuke was brought to the hospital and doctor took poison from his body and used it to heal Okkou, when KabutoRaiger was already on the verge of death, saving Ikkou from the scorpion egg by destroying it with the antidote.

Later, Hurricanegers went to the city and managed to defeat the Wolve monsters, and later managed to destroy the combined form of the wolves in the giant size when they united. Manmaruba watched the Hurricanegers and was shocked that Ikkou was still alive, now realizing that Yousuke tricked him in order to save Ikkou. Manmaruba was shocked that his ultimate plan failed, but he still kept his hatred to the Gouraigers and prepared a backup plan to get rid of them. Later after Hurricanegers and Gouraigers successfully defeated and destroyed the wolv monsters, successfully saving the city and stopping Tau Zant's plan, Manmaruba encountered Ikkou and the two enemies decided to put the end to their rivalry. However, after the brief battle, Manmaruba was quickly destroyed by KabutoRaiger, telling himself at his last breath that the future of his own death, which he observed, was completed.

Later, after Manmaruba's death, his clone awakened and decided to get revenge on the Hurricanegers and Gouraigers by using his new plan. Observing a future where he triumphs and kills both teams during a deadly meteor shower, Manmaruba set forth to complete that future. He placed life-draining neck rings on the Hurricanegers as well as many acquaintances of the Gouraigers to force them into a confrontation at Onibi New Town. After soundly beating down the Gouraigers, the meteor shower begins, inadvertently altering his cellular structure and causing him to mutate into a rampaging creature called "Manmaruba Berserker Form".

After eating the Gouraigers, Manmaruba faces off against the Hurricanegers in Senpuujin. Though overpowering the Hurricanegers, Manmaruba later falls asleep to digest his food. The Hurricanegers take this opportunity to free the Gouraigers.

Forming Karakuri Giant with Gouraijin and Tenkuujin, the Hurricanegers and their allies engaged Manmaruba in a battle and destroyed the villain for the final time.

He was later revived in the final episode by the Evil Will to fight against the Hurricanegers and Gouraigers one last time.


  • Ikkou
  • Isshu
  • Kouta
  • Nanami
  • Yousuke



  • Manmaruba's animal motif is the scorpion.
  • His name derives from the words Monday, Sphere, and Larva.

See Also[]

  • Motodrone, his counterpart in Power Rangers Ninja Storm

External Links[]


           Logo-hurricanger Villains

Tau Zant | Iga | Magerappa
Seven Dark Spears: Bat Zhe Rumba | Furabiijo | Chuuzubo | Manmaruba | Wendinu | Sargain | Satarakura | Sandaaru
Alien Ninja Corps: Kekkaibo | Kurrisotsubo | Hanasakkadoushi | Futabutabou | Kuttukuhoushi | Yumebakushi | Higenamazukin | Octonyuudon | Kirikirimaishi | Girigirigaishi
Puppet Ninja Corps: Jishakkumo | Mogudrago | Shiransu | Gamajakushi | Tekkotsumeba | Kangaroulette | Undaigo | Chupid | Jukukinoko | Musasabisutaru | Fushokuruga
Masked Ninja Corps: Jin-Giron | Kira-Cologne | Vamp-Iyan | Omo-Karu | Bero-Tan | Gomubi-Ron | Tsukko-Mina
Fan Ninja Beast Corps: Badogi | Dezargi | Madogi
Others: Gouraigers (Ikkou Kasumi | Isshu Kasumi) | Ikki Kasumi | Chubouzu | Furabijenu | Fangol | Evil Will

Ura Seven Spears
Chubouzu | Bat Zhe Rumba | Oiranda | Aunja
