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Welcome to the Dream World, I will kill you.
~ Death Thirteen's quote from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future.
It may also interest you to know that I'm a genius! I may poop in my diapers, but I know a hell of a lot more than you fools!
~ Mannish Boy
~ Death Thirteen's catchphrase.

Mannish Boy is a minor antagonist from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders. Mannish Boy is a eleven-month-old baby, who controls the Stand known as Death Thirteen, which attacks people on their dreams.

In Japanese, he was voiced by Miki Nagasawa in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future and Ikue Otani in the anime. In the latter's English dub, he was voiced by Tara Sands, who also voiced Mokuba Kaiba in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters and Curious in My Hero Academia.


Mannish Boy is a mysterious, Stand-using infant who was somehow recruited by DIO to kill the Stardust Crusaders. He encountered them in Yarpline, United Arab Emirates, where he put himself near the village well and seemingly subconsciously guided a random townswoman to take him in.

Mannish first attacks Kakyoin by having his Stand, Death Thirteen enter Kakyoin's dreams. In his dream, Kakyoin is riding a ferris wheel with a dog at his side when suddenly Death Thirteen attacks with his scythe, missing Kakyoin and impaling the dog through the head instead, killing it. Kakyoin wakes up before the Stand can attack again, but is unable to remember anything about his dream except that it was terrifying. As he heads outside with Polnareff he finds a child screaming and crying that his dog has been stabbed through the head and killed. Though Kakyoin feels a strange sense of déjà vu and Polnareff admits he finds the murder of a dog to be sickening, they both decide it has nothing to do with them.

They find Joseph Joestar arguing with the owner of the local airfield, who has canceled their rental of his Cessna airplane because the baby has a fever and needs to be airlifted to a hospital. Seeing no other choice, the Stardust Crusaders agree to take the baby with them in the airplane. The group head up into the sky, sure of their own safety, as they don't believe a baby could be a Stand user, there is no crew to betray them like Impostor Captain Tennille, and they made sure the plane itself isn't a Stand like Forever's Strength.

On the plane, Kakyoin and Polnareff both fall asleep and once more find themselves on the Ferris Wheel. Polnareff is shocked to find a dead dog on the seat next to him, and Kakyoin informs him that this is the same dream he'd had the previous night. Realizing it's only a dream, Polnareff dismisses the dead dog. He says that in a dream you can do anything you want with no consequences, which he shows by conjuring a bucket of popcorn and an ice cream cone.

As Kakyoin attempts to explain the truth of their situation, Death Thirteen appears, ripping its way out of the dog's carcass and calling Polnareff stupid. Death Thirteen proves its control over the dream world by turning Polnareff's ice cream cone into a cone full of earthworms. Kakyoin and Polnareff try to summon their own Stands to defend themselves, but are unable to do so. Death Thirteen grabs Polnareff and prepares to kill him with his scythe, but Polnareff suddenly disappears, woken up by Joseph so that he can change the baby's diaper. As with Kakyoin earlier, Polnareff forgets the dream the moment he wakes up.

As Death Thirteen attacks Kakyoin in the dream world, his real body begins spasming, kicking Joseph in the head and causing the Cessna to spin out of control. Death Thirteen fuses Kakyoin's body into the beam of the Ferris Wheel to stop his flailing and fills his mouth with eyeballs to gag him as well. Death Thirteen tells Kakyoin to stop struggling before he kills them both, which leads Kakyoin to realize the baby is a Stand user. Kakyoin tries to wake himself up by cutting his arm with a pocket knife, but Death Thirteen explains he can't wake up unless woken up from outside. Meanwhile, Joseph manages to stop the plane from hitting the ground, but then hits a palm tree, ripping the plane's wings off and crashing them in the middle of the Saudi Arabian desert.

As the group settle in, Kakyoin feels twinges of pain in his arm and pulls back his sleeve, revealing that he had carved the words "BABY STAND" into his arm. Kakyoin tries to confront the baby but is talked down by the others. He begins doubting until he sees the baby kill a scorpion that comes near his bassinet by skewering it with his diaper pin. Now sure of himself, Kakyoin tries to tell the others but comes on too strong and only manages to convince the others that he's gone insane from exhaustion. Desperate, Kakyoin summons Heirophant Green to attack the baby, but he's knocked out by a blow to the back of the head by Silver Chariot.

As the Crusaders finally lay down to sleep, they find themselves in Death Thirteen's carnival. Polnareff remembers everything, saying that actually Kakyoin was right and they're all in danger. Polnareff realizes Kakyoin should be in the dream world and goes to find him, but his hair suddenly grows and grabs onto some nearby posts, immobilizing him. Jotaro is stangled by his own chain and Joseph is immobilized by his prosthetic hand growing too big for him to move it.

Jotaro summons Star Platinum, which seems to work, but Star Platinum attacks Jotaro instead and is revealed to be an illusion created by Death Thirteen. Death Thirteen explains that since Stands are a manifestation of the mind and dreams are the mind laid bare, Stands can not be brought forth within the dream world.

Just then, Heirophant Green appears and attacks Death Thirteen. Kakyoin explains that since Heirophant was already summoned before he fell asleep, it appeared with him in the dream world just like the groups' sleeping bags, Joseph's prosthetic hand, and the dog from before. Heirophant Green grabs onto Death Thirteen from behind so he couldn't be struck by the scythe, but Death Thirteen still believes he has the upper hand. He says that Kakyoin's compassion which has prevented him from killing a baby is his fatal flaw, and calls the clouds together into a hand to grab the scythe and seemingly cut Heirophant in two. However, as Death Thirteen gloats, Kakyoin reveals he was just pretending to be dead; he actually unraveled his Stand into a string that wormed its way into Death Thirteen's head to control it. With the threat of decapitation by its own scythe, Kakyoin orders Death Thirteen to heal the cuts on his arm and wake them all up.

The next day, everyone has forgotten the Stand except for Kakyoin, who remembered due to having his own Stand in the dream with him. Kakyoin informs Mannish Boy that he won't kill him or even injure him, that Mannish should go back to his mother and never bother them again, or else he will be punished "in a manner such as this". As he says this, Kakyoin scoops a bit of poop from Mannish' diaper and mixes it into the baby food which Polnareff and Joseph feed to the baby, not knowing what it has in it.

Powers and Abilities[]


Death Thirteen

Lali Ho! It's romantic, wouldn't you agree? Being able to die in a dream?
~ Death Thirteen

Mannish Boy controls the Stand known as Death Thirteen. Whenever someone sleeps near Mannish Boy, he can transport them to Death Thirteen's dream world. Death Thirteen has complete control over everything inside this dream, being able to freely manipulate any object that appears in the dream no matter how seemingly innocuous it may be. The only rule is that if Death Thirteen wants to cause physical injury or death, it can only do so using its scythe.

Once the victim is in Death Thirteen's dream world, they can not wake up unless someone outside the dream world wakes them or Death Thirteen itself wills them to wake up. If the victim does wake up, they do not remember the dream unless they had their Stand with them in the dream. Because the victim's mind and spirit are kept in the same state they were in when they fell asleep, Stand users can not call upon their Stands in the dream world unless their Stand was already manifested when they fell asleep.

Mannish Boy's one weakness is his youth. He is nearly defenseless in the waking world due to being an 11-month-old baby who can not yet walk or speak. Even in the dream world, he has no experience actually engaging in combat and loses quickly the moment he's faced with a real challenger.



  • Mannish Boy's name comes from the Mannish Boy eponymous Muddy Waters song.
  • His Stand, Death Thirteen is named after the 13th Tarot card of the major arcana, Death, which symbolizes self-awareness and transformation.
    • Additionally, Death Thirteen is the only Stand in Stardust Crusaders whose appearance resembles the illustration of the Tarot card, as well as the only stand that bears the number of its respective card on its name.
  • In the Super Famicom video game adaptation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, Mannish Boy instead attacks the Stardust Crusaders on a plane heading to India.
  • Mannish Boy originally had no name, and was only given one in the art book JOJO A-GO!GO!.
  • Oddly, despite not being related to the Stone Mask Vampires, Mannish Boy noticeably has large fangs.
  • Death Thirteen's abilities to drag people inside and kill them in dreams might be a reference to Freddy Kruger's abilities, which are a near-exact replica of. Only the weapon is different: Death Thirteen uses a giant scythe as opposed to Freddy's clawed glove.
  • Death Thirteen's signature phrase, "Lali Ho!", is a reference to the Dragon Quest spell of the same name.
  • Unlike the other Stands with names hailing from the major tarot arcana, Death Thirteen resembles its design on the card perfectly.


           JoJo's Bizarre AdventureTitle Villains
Phantom Blood Logo

Dio Brando
Wang Chan | Jack the Ripper | Bruford | Tarkus
Dario Brando

Battle Tendency Logo

Pillar Men
Kars | Wamuu | Esidisi | Santana
New York Police Officers | Brass Knuckle Gangster | Rudol von Stroheim | Donovan

Stardust Crusaders Logo

Agents of DIO
DIO | Enya Geil
Tarot Stand Users
Gray Fly | Impostor Captain Tennille | Forever | Devo | Rubber Soul | Hol Horse | J. Geil | Nena | ZZ | Steely Dan | Arabia Fats | Mannish Boy | Cameo | Midler
Egypt 9 Glory Gods
N'Doul | Oingo | Boingo | Anubis | Mariah | Alessi | Daniel J. D'Arby | Pet Shop | Terence T. D'Arby
Kenny G. | Vanilla Ice | Nukesaku

Diamond is Unbreakable Logo

Agents of DIO
Mansaku Nijimura | Enya Geil
Morioh's Stand Users
Activated by Keicho's arrow
Anjuro "Angelo" Katagiri | Keicho Nijimura | Akira Otoishi | Tamami Kobayashi | Toshikazu Hazamada | Yukako Yamagishi | Rohan Kishibe | Bug-Eaten
Activated by Yoshihiro's arrow
Yoshikage Kira | Yoshihiro Kira | Ken Oyanagi | Yuya Fungami | Stray Cat | Toyohiro Kanedaichi | Terunosuke Miyamoto | Cheap Trick

Vento Aureo Logo

Diavolo | Vinegar Doppio
La Squadra Esecuzioni
Risotto Nero | Formaggio | Illuso | Prosciutto | Pesci | Melone | Ghiaccio | Sorbet and Gelato
Unità Speciale
Squalo and Tiziano | Carne | Cioccolata | Secco
"Leaky Eye" Luca | Polpo | Mario Zucchero | Sale

Stone Ocean Logo

Agents of Pucci
Enrico Pucci | Johngalli A. | Thunder McQueen | Foo Fighters | Miraschon | Lang Rangler | Sports Maxx | Viviano Westwood | Kenzou | D an G | Guccio | Miuccia Miuller | Ungalo | Rikiel | Donatello Versus
DIO | Corrupt Lawyer | Gwess | Wes Bluemarine | Racist Detective

Steel Ball Run Logo

Valentine's Subordinates
Funny Valentine | Diego Brando | Oyecomova | Pork Pie Hat Kid | Dr. Ferdinand | Ringo Roadagain | Blackmore | Sandman | Eleven Men | Scarlet Valentine | Mike O. | Wekapipo | Magent Magent | Axl RO | D-I-S-C-O | Alternate World Diego
Mrs. Robinson | Boomboom Family (Andre Boomboom | L. A. Boomboom | Benjamin Boomboom) | Dario Brando | Soldier | Abusive Husband

JoJolion Logo

Locacaca Organization
Damokan Group
Tamaki Damo | Jobin Higashikata | Yotsuyu Yagiyama | Aisho Dainenjiyama | A. Phex Brothers
TG University Hospital
Tooru | Satoru Akefu | Poor Tom | Wu Tomoki | Urban Guerilla
Rock Organisms
Dolomite | Doremifasolati Do | Dododo De Dadada | Obladi Oblada | Radio Gaga
Ojiro Sasame | Kaato Higashikata | Zaihei Nigatake | Milagro Man's Stand User


HOWLER Company
Acca Howler | Bobby Jean | Lulu | Laem Chabang | Ningbo | Key West
Jodio's Group
Jodio Joestar | Dragona Joestar | Paco Lovelantes | Usagi Aloha'oe | Meryl May Qi
Hawaiian Police Officer | Wild Cat Size | Dragona's Bully | Yokohama


Rohan Kishibe | The Vagrant | Naoko Osato | Mutsu-kabe Hill Yokai | Ikkyu | Gods of the Mountain | Under the Moon | Moon Rabbit | Yoma Hashimoto | Yabubako-Hoshi | Eve | Eco-Terrorist


B.T. | Police Officer | Kuroyama and Akagawa | Date | The Leader | The Major | Manabu | Manabu's Family | Outlaw Guys


Edvard Noriega | Funnier Valentine | The Funniest Valentine | Antonio Torres | Maria Torres | Alejandro Torres | Javier Cortes | William Cardinal | Dio Brando | Diavolo | Yoshikage Kira

Miscellaneous Spin-Offs & Novels
Old Man Stand User | Agents of DIO (Absalom | Michal | Scribe Ani | Dija Maker | Petsounds) | Child Killer | Rigatoni | Sogliola Lopez | Takuma Hasumi | Teruhiko Futaba | Hanae Orikasa | Sezione Droghe (Vittorio Cataldi | Angelica Attanasio | Vladimir Kocaqi | Massimo Volpe) | Prisoner 27 | Heaven Ascension DIO | Scatola | Koji Kiyohara | Kazuki Karaiya | Fabio Ubuh | Izahela Mena-Mena | Dos Santos | Écue-Yamba-O's Stand User | Fernando Alhorn
