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Margie Winters

The evil and callous Margie Winters

No choir girl ever made the A-list.
~ Margie suggesting that Dara should have sex to succeed.

Margie Winters is the main villainess from "Camp Fear," episode 1.11 of CSI: Miami.

She was portrayed by Blair Brown, who also played Rachel Dunleavy in Smallville, Christine Penmark in The Bad Seed and Nina Sharp in Fringe.


Margie Winters is the mother of teenage model Dara Winters, who was found dead near a stretch of country road. She appeared as a mourning mother when interviewed at her home by Horatio Caine and his crew, though it was later revealed as a cover for her controlling and abusive personality.

Dara's modeling career wasn't by choice; Margie forced her into the industry, which included dressing Dara in suggestive clothing. The callous villainess even forced Dara to wear a diaphragm, sending her a message that she should sleep her way to the top. Dara ran away from Margie's control and continuously went to her friend, Julie Morales, a cadet at an academy for troubled girls.

Dara went to the academy after an argument with Margie, who tracked her close to the area late one night. She expressed shock over Dara cutting her hair and attempted to force her to return home and to the life that Margie was forcing her into, only for Dara to refuse her.

In response, the evil Margie slapped Dara, who later ran away to a wooded area. While running, however, Dara tripped and hit her head on a rock, which killed her. Margie drove away afterwards; doing so with little concern for her own daughter's safety or whereabouts.

After interrogating both Julie and senior cadet Valerie Barreiro, the CSI crew connected Margie as the last person to have seen Dara alive and brought her in for questioning. Margie defended her controlling actions, stating that Dara was "special and going places," but she was throwing it all away.

Horatio later uncovered the diaphragm found at the scene, and revealed that both Margie's and Dara's prints were on the object. After this, Margie was arrested (off-screen) for her role in Dara's death.


           CSI logo Villains

CSI Vegas Villains
Peter Arnz | Matthew Babajide | Ruby Banks | Derek Barlow | Ronald Basderic | Ian Baxton | Peter Berglund | Dalton Betton | Darcy Blaine | Arthur Blisterman | Ellie Brass | Sam Braun | Emily Bridwell | Jared Briscoe | Carla Dantini | Jenny Carroll | Tanya Carrow | Casino Heist Crew | Karen Chevera | Judge Cohen | Scott Collins | Tom Cooley | Jerrod Cooper | Karl Cooper | Nigel Crane | Michael Crenshaw | Silvana Cuerto | William Cutler | Gordon Daimler | John Damon | Natalie Davis | Roy Davis | Charlie DiMasa | Max Dinello | Thomas Donover | Beth Dunbar | Mickey Dunn | Dale Durney | Bobby Esposito | Stu Evans | Esteban Fellipe | Tammy Felton | Zack Fenish | Jay Finch | Ryan Fink | Jeffrey Forsythe | Stuart Gardner | Lou Gedda | Bob Geer | Randy Gesek | Syd Booth Goggle | Kelly Gordon | Walter Gordon | Darin Hanson | Jonathan Harris | Nate Haskell | Dave Henkel | Catherine Hill | Susan Hillridge | John Himmel | Joe Hirschoff | Paul Obrecht | Eli Holt | Kristy Hopkins | Colleen Hughes | Jeffrey Hughes | The Inferno Killers | Jeri Newman | Haley Jones | Nicole Jones | Julia Barrett | Ron Kean | Kelly Goodson | Laura Kennerly | Heather Kessler | Paul Kimball | Stu Kirchoff | The Klinefelds | Paulie Krill | Kristi Holt | Diane Lambert | Justin Lamond | Zack Lawrence | Curtis LeBlanc | Bree Lindale | Roy Logan | David Lowry | Luis Delgado | David Marlon | John Mathers | Jason McCann | Frank McCarthy | Jeffrey McKeen | Richard McQueen | Hayden Michaels | Paul Millander | Tomas Molinez | Nadine Bradley | Jesse Overton | Gavin Pearson | Camryn Pose | Raina Press | Daniel Pritchard | Gary Quinn | Trevor Raymond | Taylor Reed | Stan Richardson | Jason Richter | Robert Rios | Roger Peet | Romanini's Manager | Janet Morse |Ryan Morton | Gwen Onetta | Bill Ryan | Dimitri Sadesky | Alisa Santiago | Marta Santiago | Laura Sidle | Jeremy Sikes | Gina Sinclair | Harry Steadwell | Tyler Stirling | Matthew Tarland | Oliver Tate | Bobby Taylor | The Fannysmackers | The Larkston Rape Club | The Toe Tag Killers | Tony Thorpe | Tina Collins | Clyde Tremmel | Jessica Trent | Sam Vega | Vinnie Barso | Jerry Walden | Gordon Wallace | Walter Blaine | Art Weber | The Wedding Robbers | Lenny Wesson | Agnes Kuchko | Terry Lee Wicker | Roger Wilder | Jack Willman | Harvey Wincroft | Melissa Winters | Paul Winthrop | Sqweegel

CSI Miami Villains
Aaron Nolan | Alison | Alonzo Santoya | Sean Anderson | Lloyd Arrington | Tanya Arrington | Arthur Martinez | Peter Ashford | Michelle Baldwin | Dennis Baldwin | Susie Barnham | Rick Bates | Dan Becks | Clay Bennett | Doug Benson | Charlie Berenger | Abby Biggs | Matt Bolton | James Bradstone | Jeremy Broyle | Kim Burton | Jane Caldicott | Greg Calomar | Jason Caplin | Edwin Chambers | The Chapman Attackers | Patrick Clarkson | Lloyd Cole | Jeff Colson | Dan Cooper | Heather Crowley | Kimberly Crowley | Clavo Cruz | Ramon Cruz | Rocco Damara | Henry Darius | Darren Ripley | Adam Decker | Christina Dodd | Elizabeth Williamson | Tony Enright | Memmo Fierro | Wes Gallagher | Gavin LaPorte | Chad Gibbs | Carlos Gonzalez | Zach Griffith | Larry Grill | John Hagen | Ronnie Hale | Rob Harris | Christopher Harwood | Courtney Haywood | Timothy Hewitt | Melanie Hines | Larry Hopper | Steve Howell | Isaiah Stiles | Stanton Hayes | Jake McGrath | Jason Hollings | Jay Seaver | Jeffrey Lipton | Josh Brockner | Josh Dalton | Justin Carson | Diana Chandler | Bob Keaton | Andy Kelso | Todd Kendrick | Hank Kerner | Suspect X | Dante Kroll | Kurt Sabin | Mike Lasker | Heddy Latham | Joe LeBrock | Leslie Warner | Lisa Radley | Chelsea Lopez | Tony Macken | Elena Manus | Marcos Trejo | Gabrielle Marinelli | Eve Martinkus | Marvin Duffy | Mary Kinnan | Matthew Sloan | Danny Maxwell | Valerie Metcalf | Adam Metzger | Mike Farallon | Kip Miller | Justin Montavo | Sean Moran | Ricky Murdoch | Valerie Naff | Diego Navarro | Esteban Navarro | Johnny Nixon | Randy North | Bob Norwood | Scott O'Shay | Rafik Ohmad | William Oslo | Stewart Otis | Carmel Owens | Christopher Owens | Samantha Owens | Leon Perez | Nicholas Pike | Tara Price | Deborah Radley | Hannah Radley | Carl Raines | Joseph Ratner | Jason Reger | James Reilly | Walter Resden | Antonio Riaz | Darren Riggs | Brynn Roberts | Joseph Salucci | Claudia Sanders | Ron Saris | Ivan Sarnoff | Aaron Schecter | Scott Sommer | Alexander Sharova | Victor Shetland | Lauren Sloan | Gabriel Soto | Ricky Spano | Jesse Stark | Bob Starling | Janet Sterling | Rick Stetler | Lucy Strickland | Louis Sullivan | Chris Sutter | The Everglades Immigrant Hunters | Teresa | Teen Valet Cellphone Bomber | The Hamiltons | The Selby Triplets | The Stunt Car Smugglers | Jack Toller | Nick Townsend | Tricia Quimby | Peter Truitt | Juan Marco Varon | Mario Vega | Adrienne Veston | Lindsay Wade | Lucas Wade | Jack Webster | Patti Welborn | Randell Welborn | Dennis West | Monica West | Gloria Williams | Jack Williams | Jim Wilson | Jeff Wilton | Julia Winston | Audrey Yates | Jenna York

CSI NY Villains
Anthony Colton | Debra Archerson | Bank Robbery Crew | Keith Beaumont | Hank Bedford | Drew Bedford | Mitchell Bentley III | Victor Benton | Luke Blade | Eric Blaylock | Klaus Braun | Morton Brite | Leonard Brooks | The Cabbie Killer | Annie Cartland | Shane Casey | Grace Chandler | Charles Martin | The Chinatown Bank Robbers | Colin Clark | Garland Clarke | Neal Cooper | John Curtis | Steve Davis | Wes Dillon | Clay Dobson | Hollis Eckhart | Debbie Fallon | Greek Antique Smugglers | Richard Grossman | Colm Gunn | Raymond Harris | Andy Lewis | Heather Marist | Kenny Hexton | William Hunt | Bogdhan Ivanov | Dominik Janos | Jason Cartey | Steve Kaplan | Daniel Katums | Kim Barnett | Dean Lessing | Frankie Mala | Eva Mason | Alena Maybrook | Louie Messer | Teena Milford | Calvin Montgomery | Frank Moore | Joanna Morgan | David Oka | Ophelia Dichiara | Marty Pino | Billy Rendish | Julie Rollins | Sonny Sassone | Brigham Sinclair | Eric Slovenski | Amber Stanton | Casey Steele | Luke Sutton | Craig Tomlin | Craig Tomlin | Dean Truby | Vincent Marino | Evan Westcott | David Wilson | Lucius Woods

CSI Cyber Villains
Nina Moore | Giana Luca
