“ | My grand plan to invade the, (spits), Sidekick Academy will bring down that affront to all that is E-VILE once and for all. | „ |
~ Master XOX |
“ | Pumpkin pie! | „ |
~ XOX's catchphrase |
Martin Troublemeyer (AKA "Master XOX") (pronounced: "Zocks") is the main antagonist of the Nelvana animated television series, Sidekick. He is the ultimate supervillain of Splitsboro and archenemy of Maxum Man. But since Maxum Man's mysterious disappearance, XOX has instead been preoccupied with crushing Maxum Man's puny sidekick, Eric Needles, for interfering with his plans. Unbeknownst to Eric, XOX's secret alter-ego is Martin Troublemeyer, the father of his best friend, Trevor Troublemeyer.
XOX usually works in his secret laboratory, which is a hidden room in the same building as The Troublemeyer Residence, where he builds his inventions and plots to destroy Maxum Man. XOX sometimes works with his numerous evil henchmen, most notably his sidekick, Brute Brutal.
As XOX, he is voiced by Ron Rubin. As Martin, he is voiced by Scott McCord.
Master XOX first appeared in the episode "Like Supervillain, Like Son", where Eric and Trevor had to go down to the Megamatraz Max Security Prison for an extracurricular and take care of him. XOX was in his cell, having been arrested two weeks ago for stealing an ice cream factory. (Coincidentally, Trevor's dad had left two weeks ago to get ice cream) XOX introduced himself by playing the pipe organ and making some comedic schtick about how he made several clones of himself and ate them all. Eric and Trevor tries giving XOX his food but he refused to eat his disgusting prison food because he wanted a more exquisite cuisine like steak, ice cream, or steak flavored ice cream. Trevor found himself memorized with XOX, seeing him as some kind of an idol. Eric tried to sneak out of the conversation but XOX stole his nose right off his face with his Insta-Detachifier Glove.
Master XOX was later wheeled out of his prison cell in an industrial powered prison chamber, which had him tied up like Hannibal Lecter. He interacted more with Eric and Trevor and convinced the latter to help him conduct his diabolical plans. During XOX's time working with Trevor, the two tormented and abused Eric and had tons of fun together, almost like father and son. XOX made it clear his plans were for purely villainous world domination and Trevor was 100% okay with working with him. Trevor never got any respect and appreciation from his hero friends back at home so he thought being a villain was the only place where he could get the appreciation he deserves.
Eventually, the construction of XOX's latest invention, "The I-Cannon" was completed. Eric, Kitty, Vannah, and Susie Sweety came in to stop him. XOX fired his I-Cannon at them, making them all start itching uncontrollably, (since the "I" stands for "Itching"), all except for Susie Sweety, who had so much lotion on that she couldn't tell when the cream ended and her skin began. Susie danced up a hurricane to suck XOX up into the vortex and defeat him. XOX held on for dear life and asked Trevor to lend his hand and save him. However, Eric told Trevor that he appreciated him, giving Trevor a change of heart. He faked out XOX by making him think he'd save him, when really he was just using the Insta-Detachifier Glove to remove XOX's thumb and send him falling into the tornado, where he was never seen of again ... for the time being.
At the end of the episode, Trevor's dad finally came home after a two-week-long absence and brought some ice cream and steak for Trevor. Mr. Troublemeyer made up the excuse that he was gone for so long because the checkout line at the grocery store was really that bad. Trevor also noticed that his dad's thumb was missing but gave little thought to it. At this time, it was announced on the news that Master XOX had escaped from Megamatraz and was on the loose in Splitsboro once again.
In "A Monster Headache", Master XOX, (as Martin), brought a plant home to The Troublemeyer House. Having forgotten to bring a project to the school science fair, Trevor stole the plant and brought it to school so he could pass it off as his project, unbeknownst to Martin. After Trevor left, Martin returned to the counter, now in the form of XOX, and was confused to see that his plant had gone missing.
At the science fair, Professor Pamplemoose smelled the plant and it spit out some poisonous gasses into his face, knocking him out. Pamplemoose would wake up later, albeit in the form of a mutated flower-person. Pamplemoose would also demonstrate a change in personality, now mentally descending more and more into a maniacal supervillain by the second. This evidenced that XOX's intentions with the plan were objectively malicious, though it still remained ambiguous as to what exactly he'd be doing with the plant.
Trevor and Vana went out into the desert to find the cure for Pamplemoose's disease, which was a magical mushroom called The Magi Fungi. During their little adventure, Trevor confessed that sometimes he thinks about building a giant bomb that will explode the entire universe unless everybody gave him their eternal devotion and all their candy. This subtly foreshadowed how some of XOX's evil was leaving an impression on Trevor. Nevertheless, they delivered the Magi Fungi back to Pamplemoose and cured him and swore never to speak about said conversation ever again.
In "Days of Golly", XOX's evil henchman, Brute Brutal went rogue and broke into Splitsboro Academy to destroy Maxum Man's sidekick, Golly Gee Kid. Brute smashed the walls and floors of the school as he chased Golly Gee Kid around. Golly Gee Kid did absolutely nothing to defend himself or fight back besides run away in fear. Finally, Brute caught Golly Gee Kid and was about to destroy him until he got zapped with Master XOX's tractor beam. XOX told him that had received an anonymous call (from Eric), that Brute was acting out of turn and causing mayhem without his superior's knowledge or consent. XOX punished Brute for breaking the rules and sent him back to the evil lab. He bid the other sidekicks adieu and kindly let them know he'd destroy them all later.
In "Maxum Mom", Maxum Mom contacted XOX, assuming he was responsible for the disappearance of Maxum Man but XOX insisted that he didn't have him. This was confirmed when Eric used a hard-light hologram to pretend to be Maxum Man to trick Maxum Mom. XOX overheard "Maxum Man" say he'd be taking Maxum Mom to the fancy restaurant, Le Kapow for Super Mother's Day and planned on ambushing him there, (and trying the excellent crabcakes). As Martin, XOX took Trevor with him for brunch at Le Kapow to get closer in person with Maxum Man.
At the restaurant, Martin would pretend to drop his fork several times so that he could go under the table and turn into XOX. There, he would do various evil tricks in "Maxum Man", like butting an explosive compound on his chair or sneaking brain suckers into his food. After a while, he got the idea to make an anti-matter cannon out of shrimp forks and his portable thermo-reactor and then came out from under the table as XOX, enacting his ambush on "Maxum Man". XOX would chase "Maxum Man" around the restaurant and eventually blasted "Maxum Man", just as the hologram spell wore off, turning him back into Eric. XOX was bewildered to see the sidekick and wondered where Maxum Man went. Having been fed up with XOX's abuse toward her son, Maxum Mom punched XOX through the ceiling, sending him away.
In the end, XOX came crashing back down to earth in the form of Martin, where Trevor, none the wiser, gave him the fork that he kept dropping. Finally, Martin got his comeuppance for what he did as XOX, when he got doused in a bunch of steaming hot crab cakes by one of the waiters.
In "Endless Summer", Martin took Trevor on a father-son camping trip for the summer. Secretly, he was also planning something nefarious as XOX and this little trip was mostly for the purposes of building his evil weapon and having Trevor help him and become evil as well. Trevor unknowingly threw a monkey wrench into his plans by bringing Eric along on the trip without his permission. Martin had no choice but to go along with Eric being on the trip since he couldn't think of an excuse not to take him that didn't involve him revealing his evil secret, so he just had to take Eric along and make it work.
During the summer trip, Eric would complain about how they never actually got to leave the RV and do any actual outdoor camping. He would also grow suspicious of Martin doing weird things like collecting nuclear isotopes, forklifting suspicous crates into the RV, and sneaking off into dark caverns, all the while, having Trevor build this "Troublemeyer Family Road Trip Thingy".
Eric and Trevor followed Martin into a cave, unbeknownst to him and found XOX lasering some rocks. Martin later came back with a giant diamond. Eric and Trevor warned him about XOX, still not putting two and two together. Martin worried about them discovering his secret, so he had them locked in the RV. While sitting around inside, Eric looked through the Troublemeyer family scrapbooks and noticed how XOX and Martin looked very similar and were serving very similar roles. He came extremely close to figuring it out, before coming to the conclusion that XOX was making Martin build evil inventions for him. Although he missed the big picture, he did figure out that this "Troublemeyer Family Road Trip Thingy" Trevor was building was XOX's weapon. Unfortunately, by the time Eric figured this out, Trevor had already finished construction.
The road trip ended at Sidekick Academy, where XOX busted his way into the scene, using his now-fully-functional weapon of mass desctruction, for his "Annual End of Summer Blow Stuff Up Time". This summer, XOX's goal was to destroy Sidekick Academy. XOX's plans to destroy the school were thwarted by Eric throwing a bunch frog tacos at him, temporarily blinding him and making him drive around uncontrollably, before the machine fell over and got destroyed. The destruction laser got launched into the air, missing the target of Sidekick Academy and instead landing on Professor Pamplemoose, halfway across the world. As the smoke of the destroyed machine cleared up, XOX was now in the form of Martin. Trevor saved his dad from the burning rubble and the two had a nice father-son reconciliation.
At the end of the episode, Martin called the family road trip another great summer in the books and offered to take Eric back home to the Maxum Mansion. Although Eric was still in the dark, he still pointed out to Trevor how weird it was that Martin and XOX were never in the same room at once. Trevor completely missed the point of this and said how he noticed that Professor Pamplemoose and Vana never whistle.
In "Crudburger", Master XOX opened a burger restaurant on the evil side of town called "Crudburger", which he advertised on TV in disguise as a clown. Eric and Trevor were determined to skip school and go to Crudburger, assuming that this would increase their status as school and get people to stop making fun of them for their countless instances of comedic underwear exposure. Eric and Trevor left but Professor Pamplemoose, was not going to allow any "hooky-playing" during school hours, so he secretly followed them to try and have them caught.
XOX followed Eric and Trevor throughout town as well and attempted to destroy them with his various inventions, such as giant hammers, remote-controlled acid rain clouds, and colossal death lasers. However, Eric and Trevor successfully managed to avoid all of these, leading to Pamplemoose getting destroyed by them instead.
In the end, Pamplemoose got sick and tired of getting beaten up by XOX, so he fought back with his own death weapons and claimed that he was supposed to get custody of Eric and Trevor for truancy. XOX, however, believed that since they were on his side of the town, it was him, who had jurisdiction over them and he was going to use his powers to destroy them. This led to an all-out war between the two, which was ultimately won by Pamplemosse. All the while, Eric and Trevor hid out in Crudburger and got their desired food, completely unscathed by both XOX and Pamplemoose.
In "The Henchman Challenge", Sidekick Academy was going up against Master XOX's Henchman Vocational School in the annual Henchman Challenges.
In "Family Fun Day", Martin was with Trevor for Splitsboro's family fun day and had trouble connecting with his apathetic son.
Master XOX is a full-grown creepy and pale-skinned, white man with pitch black, stringy hair and mustache, yellow bloodshot eyes with bags under them, a big long nose, black lips, and a bunch of extremely crooked and messed up, yellowish brownish teeth. He has a hideous hunchback and talks in a horrific, ear-grating, shrill voice. He wears a dark gray jacket with black lapels, a black undershirt, blue pants, and black shoes.
Martin Troublemeyer takes on the same physical shape as XOX, albeit with a different attire and color scheme to make him appear as a generic guy. Such twisted deviations as the crooked teeth, yellow eyes, unkempt hair, etc. is converted to be normal, depriving him of any menacing features. Martin is an adult man with Caucasian skin, a full head of raven hair, a mustache, and a butt-chin. He wears a blue shirt, a purple tie, navy pants, a black belt with a gold buckle, and black shoes.
Master XOX is a ruthless, megalomaniacal supervillain, hell-bent on destroying Maxum Man and taking over the world. His interests include evil laughter, evil schemes, and evil kittens. XOX is an unhinged and off-the-charts lunatic, who will commit every kind of evil crime under the sun, from genetically modifying flowers to spit poison, to cannibalizing an army of his own clones, to blowing random stuff up for no reason. Although most of XOX's crimes are aleatory acts of chaos, done entirely "For the Evulz", there is a method to his madness, which all points to him destroying Maxum Man and taking over Splitsboro, preferably with the help of his son, Trevor, who he is also working toward converting to the dark side. XOX is incredibly wacky and goofy in nature, often quick with a joke or nonsensical performance, which greatly adds to the unpredictability of his insanity and ultimately makes him come across as more threatening just because of how crazy he is.
As Martin, he is sharply the polar opposite. Martin is a kindly, mild-mannered, typical suburban dad, who leads a rather dull and uninteresting life, with the most noteworthy stuff going on being taking Trevor on occasional family camping trips, which the latter sees as lame and boring. Martin still makes an effort to do fun things with his son because he truly loves him and wants the best for him, although it's mostly to groom him to become evil like his alter-ego. This proves that he does have some kind of a heart of gold that lies among all that darkness and gloom. Martin is polite and friendly to all the characters he interacts with, quelling any suspicions people may have about his true malicious intents, going on behind the curtain.
This two-faced man switches back and forth between Martin and XOX instantly, really having no visible transition between the two other than him simply changing attire and color in the blink of an eye, sometimes entirely on screen. This ability to make instant and unobtrusive visual alterations, greatly help him with shifting personas in public and near-effortlessly keeping his identity a secret, without being noticed by people nearby, who are otherwise not paying too much attention to what's going on.
Evil Inventions[]
Master XOX is a master scientist and engineer, who has created a wide variety evil inventions over the series, ranging from mechanical devices, to chemically-unstable potions, to genetically-modified flora and fauna.
- Insta-Detachifier Glove - The Insta-Detachifier Glove is a robot glove than XOX can use to remove things from other objects, no matter how engraved they are to their hosting object. For instance, he removed Eric's nose right from his face just by grabbing onto it and yanking it off.
- Make-A-Mini Ray - Although this invention was never shown on screen, The Make-A-Mini Ray is implied to be a shrink ray, which XOX used to shrink down the head of some giant knight guy as punishment for him annoying him with his whistling.
- Itching Cannon - The Itching Cannon, also known as "The I-Cannon", was a colossal laser cannon that XOX worked on with Trevor as his evil sidekick. He used it to zap a bunch of do-gooders and make them all starts itching uncontrollably.
- Pamplemoose Poisoning Plant - Although the real name of the plant nor exact intent of his it were ever established, it was shown that this was a genetically-engineered plant that ejected a poisonous gas that could turn anyone around it into a mutated plant person and also change their personalities to make them turn evil.
- Tractor Beam - The tractor beam is a laser gun that can stop people in their tracks and pick them up.
- XOXplosive Compound - The XOXplosive Compound is a little test tube full of a chemically unstable substance that causes gaseous explosions to any humans who come in contact with it. He put a small drop of it in Eric's chair, (thinking he was Maxum Man), which blasted him into the air after he sat down, making it look like he farted.
- Brain Sucker - The brain sucker is a genetically-engineered parasite, which XOX snuck into Eric's food. However, his plan backfired on him when the brain sucker lept out and attacked him instead.
- Portable Thermal Reactor - XOX always carries around a handy dandy little portable thermal reactor, which he never leaves home without.
- Anti-Matter Cannon - The Anti-Matter Cannon is a deadly death ray that XOX constructed on a whim, using nothing more than a few shrimp forks and his portable thermal reactor. It has two settings; "Tickle" and "Destroy".
- Unlicensed Experimental Particle Accelerator - XOX had this device lying around in his family RV. Eric played with this and accidentally atomically combusted a bunch of holes into some objects.
- Troublemeyer Family Road Trip Thingy - The Troublemeyer Road Trip Thingy is a colossal destruction vehicle that XOX spent an entire summer building for his "Annual End of Summer Blow Stuff Up Time". As Martin, he tricked Trevor into helping him build this device during their summer road trip.
- Sideburn Mutton Chops - The true purpose of these mutton chops were never explained or even demonstrated but XOX had some mutton chops contained inside of an electric forcefield and hidden in a giant safe, which Trevor broke into and stole.
- Giant Hammers - Giant metal hammers in the streets of the evil side of town that XOX can control to smash pedestrians.
- Acid Raincloud - A remote-controlled raincloud device that sprinkles down acid rain on people to burn them.
- Jumbo Death Tank - A colossal military tank, armed to the teeth with missiles, lasers, and flamethrowers. The tank is taller than most buildings, making it very inconvenient for him to talk to the people he's fighting with it. Admittedly, the machine was designed mostly for showiness rather than convenience.
- XOX usually pronounces the word "Evil" as "Eee-Vile".
- His wife is never shown, but in the Funpak short "Alien transformation", he is shown with a red-haired girl, and the two get married later in the episode. That girl is probably Trevor's mom.
- At the end of the episode "Four's a Crowd", Master XOX and Martin exchanged shocked looks when they see each other, so it is suggested they might be different people. However, this is contradicting in most episodes Master XOX appears in as he makes it obvious that he is the same person as Mr. Troublemeyer, due to an accident that temporarily and physically separated the evil and good personalities.
See Also[]
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Sidekick Academy |