Matsuri is a major antagonist in the Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga series. She is a god tree that takes on the form of Moegi Kazamatsuri when one of the Claw Grimes bit her.
After Moegi was attacked and bitten by a Claw Grime of Code during his attack on the Hidden Leaf Village and Code holding down on Ten-Tails in another dimension, the Ten-Tails split a part into four different beings with one of them bring Matsuri. As Matsuri appears in the middle of a conflict between Boruto and Code, Matsuri watches as Boruto and Hidari clash before Boruto and Code left the area.
Matsuri, Jūra, Hidari, and Mamushi have a meeting where Jura explains how they are evolving self-awareness and knowledge. Matsuri notes that she could feel the negative emotions of Ino-Shika-Cho group. As the God Trees discuss their plan and who they want to devour, Matsuri expresses her interests in wanting to devour Sarutobi Konohamaru.
Moments later, Matsuri and group of Claw Grimes infiltrated the Land of Wind to attack and fight Gaara and group of younger ninjas. She chides Gaara for his injuries and that he should be more concerned about his own well-being than the children behind them. She states that she is willing to let the children go if Gaara stops resisting. Shinki breaks free of the sand to shield and protect Gaara from the Claw Grimes causing him to be bitten to become a tree. Matsuri notices that Shinki used a sealing jutsu before being bitten and that he protected Gaara. She thinks out loud that the new god tree that will emerge in form of Shinki will be an interesting teammate.
After her mission in the Land of Winds, she appears in the God Tree hideout with Hidari, Mamushi, Jura, and the God Tree in the form of Shinki. She witnesses Jura giving the new God Tree the name Ryu. Ryu notices that Code is hiding within their hideout and drags him out. As Code tries to attack Jura, Jura deflects his attack and tells him to take down Boruto to which Code begrudgingly notes while telling them that he will take them down before leaving their hideout.