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Max is a minor character in Total Dramarama. In this version, Max is Owen's cousin. Coincidentally, Owen's canon counterpart has an uncle also named Max.
He retains his goal of showing off his villainy, but unlike his original counterpart, this version of Max is not incompetent, but charismatic, manipulative and turns out to be legitimately dangerous, to the point where Owen is terrified of him. While he is annoyed with Owen for ruining his challenges, he does start to respect his cousin after the latter saves his life.
Max makes his first appearance in DramaRama in "Dissing Cousins" alongside the DramaRama counterpart of Ella. He emerges from the daycare's floor on a chair, introducing himself and inviting Duncan, Beth and Harold to be his minions. Owen recalls that he and Max once went to the zoo, and Max fed his stuffed animals to a lion which caused them to be banned from the zoo. When Max prepares the other kids for his trials, Owen asks to participate in the minion competition and Max accepts, even saying the two might be friends. He first gets the kids to escape from the sandbox, but reveals that he filled it with quicksand and then lets out a snake, causing them all to panic. However, Owen throws the snake as a rope and pulls the others out (at the expense of it latching onto Cody's head). Defeated, Max angrily proclaims that nobody won, turning the other kids against Owen. The second trial involves the kids wearing chestnut hats, and Max releases four squirrels to attack them. They all escape from the slide, but Max pouts that none of them has what it takes. Owen tries to get them to stop, but they mock him because he's "losing". The third trial involves balancing on a plank in front of a pool of toxic waste, with a mutated lion/alligator hybrid (who can talk) as proof that the waste is indeed real. Owen crosses it with no effort, but Max says he didn't win as the goal is not to cross the plank, but to survive, and tells his cousin to kick it while the others are crossing. Owen refuses to harm his friends, so Max kicks it anyway, but to his disappointment Owen rescues all three of them. Later, Owen and Gwen arrange to have Ella join the minion competition, which she accepts. She completes all three trials flawlessly, but Max disqualifies her because he doesn't like her. Horrified by the thought of not being liked, Ella transforms into an actual dragon and goes on a rampage, and tries to drop a terrified Max into the toxic waste. Despite everything, Owen saves his cousin, causing Max to thank him and the two reconcile. When the dragon Ella crushes Chef's car, Max yells that she is ruining his goals to destroy and leaves the daycare. Gwen tells Ella that Max is gone, and she turns back to normal.
![]() | ||
Main | ||
Chris McLean | Chef Hatchet | The Producers | ||
Island (2007) | ||
Heather | Eva | Duncan | ||
Action | ||
Courtney | Justin | ||
World Tour | ||
Alejandro Burromuerto | Blaineley | Ezekiel | ||
Revenge of the Island | ||
Scott | Jo | Lightning | ||
All-Stars | ||
Villainous Vultures | Mal | José Burromuerto | ||
Pahkitew Island | ||
Max | Amy | Scarlett | Sugar | Dave | ||
Island (2023/2024) | ||
Julia | Bowie | MK | Chase | Ripper | Axel | Lauren | Team Skunk Butt | ||
Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race | ||
Jacques | Josee | Stephanie | ||
Total DramaRama | ||
The Skunk | Mummy | Lenny | Boogersnatchers | Robo Teacher | Winky, Blinky and Steve | Wendel | Sammy | Brightly | Painapple | Gobble Head | Cookronomnomicon | Duncan 2 | Duncan 3 | Duncan 4 | Duncan 4 + 1 | Duncan 4 + 3 | Terry Spice | Beartop Manbelow | Slick & Sly | ||
Others | ||
Sasquatchanakwa | Fang | Larry | Priya's Parents | Psycho Killer |