The Mechanoids of usually simply referred to as the machines are a mechanised alien race appearing in Borg King's novel Empire Of The Machines. Through the novel the machines launch a massive invasion of Earth in an attempt to destroy its population and consume all resources and technology.
The Mechanoids of usually simply referred to as the machines are a mechanised alien race appearing in Borg King's novel Empire Of The Machines. Through the novel the machines launch a massive invasion of Earth in an attempt to destroy its population and consume all resources and technology.
The Mechanoids were created thousands of years ago by an unidentified race to function as workers and warriours. The Controller was created to better control the machine forces however it gained sentience. In doing so it assimilated all knowledge of the galaxy and turned on its creators who ultimately became their first victims. Their creators' homeworld was then transformed into The Mechanoid homeworld and their quest for galactic domination began.
Invasion of Earth[]
The Mechanoids eventually encountered Earth and launched an invasion. Humanity first became aware of the threat when a deep space probe was destroyed by the machines on their approach to Earth. The machine planet then positioned itself in orbit of the sun between Earth and Mars and launched orbital attacks to destroy Earth's nuclear defences. Next they launched thousand of their ships to begin the assault. Many major cities were attacked and reduced to rubble which was quickly consumed by the machines harvester ships for resource. Within one day humanities death toll had reached two billion and was continuing to rise. Military forces all over the world desperately attempted to fight back against the invaders but all weaponry proved to be useless against the machines protective shielding. Many countries suffered devastating losses with major cities including London, Washington DC, Miami, Boston and Las Vegas being completely destroyed and Australia suffering a loss of 90 percent of its military force. As a last resort a nuclear strike using one of the last remaining missiles was ordered but even that failed to make any effect on the machine forces. But despite the overwhelming odds The Mechanoids were completely destroyed seemingly by a single human child.