Mechaturtle is an antagonist from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video game for the NES console. He serves as the boss of level 3.
The turtles return to their lair. The place is trashed when they arrive. Suddenly, Shredder appears on their TV. He greets them and says their master, Splinter, has been kidnapped and they must rescue him. They search Wall Street in their own van. The van reaches a road block and the turtles are forced to walk. They encounter many obstacles such as foot soldiers and robots. Eventually, they find Splinter on top of a tall building located at the end of Wall Street.
After ascending the stairs and defeating more obstacles, the turtles find their master tied to a post. He is being guarded by Mechaturtle. He fights them but is defeated. Mechaturtle then sheds his skin, revealing himself to be a robot. He attacks with heat seeking missiles and bladed arms. He fails after enduring too many hits. Mechaturtle explodes and the turtles free their master.
Mechaturtle's skin is half blue and half green. He wears a tan headband and joint pads which are the same color. His shell is dark green. Mechaturtle's inner appearance is a robot that is completely red.
Mechaturtle wields a sword that is similar to the one Leonardo uses. However, the sword doesn't inflict damage (possibly due to incomplete programming). Mechaturtle can perform the same flips and jumps that the Ninja Turtles are capable of doing. In his robotic form, he deploys heat-seeking missiles. Also in the second form, Mechaturtle uses a blade instead of his sword.
- Many fans mistake Mechaturtle as Slash, who is another villain in the TMNT franchise. These characters are entirely separate. Slash's body is greener than Mechaturtle. Also, Slash isn't a robot.