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Mevolent is the overarching antagonist of Phase 1 and one of the main antagonists of Phase 2 in the Skulduggery Pleasant novel series.

One of the most powerful sorcerers in the world and a fanatical worshipper of the Faceless Ones, he once waged war against the magical world. While long dead in the present day, his three generals Nefarian Serpine, Baron Vengeous and Lord Vile continued his plot to return their dark masters.

However in the alternate dimension known as Dimension X or alternatively the Leibniz Universe he survived, won the war and took over the entire world.

Biography (main universe)[]

Mevolent started out as the apprentice of the Unnamed, the original dark sorcerer and descendant of the Faceless Ones. After learning of the prophecy of a chosen one who would kill him with the Obsidian Blade, the Unnamed ordered Mevolent to secure the blade. Mevolent however decided to betray the Unnamed and stabbed and seemingly killed him with the blade, taking over as the leader of the church of the Faceless Ones.

He would go on to marry Serafina Dey and start a war against the rest of the Wizard community with the goal of bringing back the Faceless Ones with Nefarian Serpine and Baron Vengeous as his two right hand-men. Abyssinia the daughter of the Unnamed joined his court and had an affair with Mevolent, resulting in the birth of his bastard Cassion. After receiving major setbacks in the war, Mevolent ordered Serpine to kill Skulduggery Pleasant and several other leaders of the resistance as an example which led to Skulduggery becoming the Skeleton Detective and eventually his third General Lord Vile. Sometime after Skukduggery came back from the dead, he gave his servant China Sorrows (who had been instrumental in Skulduggerys death) a tattoo which would kill both her and the person nearest to her by burning them with magical fire so she could take Skulduggery with her if the need arose.

When Abyssinia attempted to assassinate Mevolent with the help of Vile she was betrayed, impaled and thrown out of a window by him as Vile saw Mevolent as a better leader. Years later, Abyssinia returned and waged war against both sides with a temporary alliance being necessary to bring her down.

Mevolent was ultimately killed by Cassion stabbing him from behind as revenge for his mother, unaware that he had killed his father. His death led to the end of the war, the imprisonment of Vengeous and a peace treaty with the remaining members of his army like Serpine.

Biography (Leibniz universe)[]

Mevolent Winning the War[]

In the Leibniz universe revealed in Kingdom of the Wicked, Mevolent and his forces had won the war. the two main factors that led to this alternate scenario was that Mevolent wasn't killed by Cassion and Mevolent's strongest general, Lord Vile, didn't abandon his cause.

Kingdom of the Wicked[]

Many Cleavers have joined his side as Redhoods and Sensitives patrol the streets, listening for any rebellious thoughts in the populace. A magical Internet has been invented, with every advance in technology being kept for mages. Only a small Resistance remains, made up the surviving soldiers of the army who opposed him, led by China Sorrows.

During Kingdom of the Wicked, Valkyrie is pulled into his dimension by a Dimensional Shunter. Initially, her only goal is to survive until she is returned home. However, she is captured by Baron Vengeous and thrown into the dungeons by Mevolent. The Resistance frees her with a captured Teleporter, but it is later revealed Mevolent anticipated them and tracked the Teleporter. The Resistance is ambushed and Valkyrie is shunted home.

When she returns to her own dimension, she realises that the Sceptre of the Ancients is the only weapon she can use to stop Argeddion in her own dimension and returns to Mevolent's dimension with Skulduggery. There, they enlist China's help and unexpectedly, that of Nefarian Serpine. They manage to steal the Sceptre, but until either Mevolent is dead or they return home it is useless.

Mevolent leads his army to destroy the Resistance, using God-Killer against Darquesse. She tries to kill him by telekinetically destroying every bone in his body, but he simply repairs himself and attacks her. A huge, violent fight breaks out between the two of them, and they both seem evenly matched - they can both fly, and even after Mevolent rips her head off, Darquesse repairs herself and continues the battle - until Darquesse manages to temporarily stun him, almost killing him before she turns back into Valkyrie. China almost steals the Sceptre of the Ancients, but is killed by Serpine. When Valkyrie is shunted back home, she thinks the Sceptre is still back in Mevolent's dimension. In reality, she just did not notice it coming with her.

Dying of the Light[]

In order to kill Darquesse, Skulduggery and Stephanie travel to the Leibniz Universe to retrieve the Sceptre from Mevolent as to their knowledge it is the only God-Killer left and they theorise that traveling to another dimension will be enough to cut Mevolents connection with it. Shorty after they arrive they are confronted by Lord Vile and Mevolent and their battle begins. Stephanie, not being able to use magic and therefore standing no chance against Mevolent, uses her likeness to Darquesse to try and intimidate Mevolent into backing down. Mevolent sees through this however, stating that she is not Darquesse before trying to kill her. part way through the battle Darquesse arrives and challenges Mevolent to a rematch. However, Mevolent had been preparing for this moment and pulls out a gun that shoots Darquesse with an energy beam that temporarily neutralizes her magic causing her to retreat.

Later when Darquesse has been separated from Valkyrie, her and Skulduggery travel back to once again attempt to steal the sceptre from Mevolent. However Valkyrie is captured and Mevolent orders her execution at the hands of Dr. Nye but she later escapes and the steals the sceptre as well as absorbing the gun that Mevolent used on Darquesse.


before the events of the book hordes of mortals flees from the Leibniz Universe to escape Mevolent's genocide

Season's of War[]

In the Leibniz Universe a plague that turns people into zombie like creatures called Draugar's has begun spreading around the world. Because of this Mevolent builds portals in order to invade the main universe therefore Skulduggery, Valkyrie and a few others travel to the alternate universe to kill Mevolent to stop his invasion before it begins.

Skulduggery and Tanith are captured and brought to Mevolent and displayed as trophies in his office. as the days go by he ignores their attempts to talk to him before finally telling them that since his world's Skulduggery disappeared he has lacked a worthy opponent and has grown bored, but he hopes that when he invades the main universe they will be plenty of worthy opponents for him.

During this time he orders his army to hunt down Valkyrie Cain, believing her to still be Darquesse, therefore seeing her as the only threat to his reign.

At Skulduggery's and Tanith's execution, Necromancers attack Mevolents palace. During this, Mevolent's last general, Lord Vile reveals himself to be this world's version of the Death Bringer and leader of the Necromancers.

Despite Mevolent's immense power, he is easily killed by Vile. However using the blood pool in his throne room his followers resurrect him and he travels to the main universe alone. due to his portals being destroyed he is unable to bring his army with him and therefore tries to gain the support of his main universe counterpart's followers however only his most loyal followers during the war are willing to side with him. Despite this he still poses a threat to the main universe however as the battle between Mevolent and the heros is about to begin, Mevolents former master The Unnamed appears having been recently resurrected during he events of Bedlam. The Unnamed seeks revenge against his former student for betraying him during his time as King of the Darklands. while their battle isn't seen it can be inferred that The Unnamed won, as when Mevolent next appears, he is injured.

Upon seeing his wife fatally injured, he carries her into the Eternity Gate, trapping both of them within but being able to spend eternity together, showing that his love for his wife was stronger than his love for his gods that he fought for.

Powers and Abilities[]

Mevolent has the abilities of an Elemental. He can manipulate Fire, Water, Wind and Earth. Possibly the most powerful Elemental since the Ancients, the limits of his powers are unknown. Mevolent also has powerful magical artifacts such as God-Killer, a sword that can cause wounds which do not heal and the Sceptre of the Ancients, a staff capable of turning anything its ray touches into dust. He is capable of flight due to his mastery of air. He can also, through unknown means, repair bones, organs and arteries of his body if they are broken or destroyed. Mevolent was also incredibly strong, as he was capable of ripping a person's head off with only his bare hands.


Mevolent is a loyal follower of the Faceless Ones, believing his gods to be the rightful rulers of the world, and that sorcerers should be their servants. He despises anyone who refused to serve under him, and follow the Faceless Ones, to the point that all the warlocks have been extinct due to that, and mortals all over the world are treated as inferior slaves. Despite his rather violent and cruel personality, Mevolent can be quite charismatic when he wants to be, able to reunite several sorcerers around the world, such as Baron Vengeous, Nefarian Serpine and several others, under his leadership, and wage war against the sanctuaries.


  • Author Derek Landly stated that Mevolent, loved puppies, due to finding them delicious.
    • In Seasons of War, Nefarian Serpine makes a similar statement regarding himself, requesting a puppy as part of his deal with the Dead Men, as he found them delicious.


        SkulduggeryPleasantLogo Villains

Church of the Faceless Ones
The Faceless Ones
Faceless Ones | The Grotesquery
Mevolent | Nefarian Serpine | Baron Vengeous | Lord Vile | Murder Rose | Sagacious Tome
Leibnitz Universe
Mevolent | Nefarian Serpine | Baron Vengeous | Lord Vile | Solomon Wreath | Draugr | Professor Nye
Affiliated with other groups
The Man with the Golden Eyes | Melancholia St. Clair | The White Cleaver | Tesseract
Darquesse | Argeddion | Stephaine Edgley's Reflection | Caelan | Doctor Nye | Tanith Low | Silas Nadir
