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Villain Overview

Tell me... what is it that you truly fear?
~ Michael using his fear exhibition powers as opposed to his twin's desire exhibition powers.
Welcome home. So... how do you like the mess I've made, Samael?
~ Michael confronting Lucifer at Lux.
Sharing a face with you! Guess what? When your twin is the Lightbringer, turns out you have no choice but to live in the shadows.
~ Michael explaining his own kind of "Hell" and his hatred of being Lucifer's twin.

Michael, previously pronounced as Mi-ka-el, is the main antagonist of the TV series Lucifer.

He is an archangel and the titular character's evil identical twin brother. Having grown up living under his twin's shadow, he intends on ruining his life in an act of spitefulness to prove himself as the better twin between the two of them. His bigger plan was revealed to be him wanting to succeed his father as the new God and Sovereign of Heaven, resorting to any means necessary to accomplishing this goal, including using his own family members as puppets and even incite a war between them. He is also the archenemy of Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker.

Like his brother Lucifer, Michael is portrayed by Tom Ellis.


Physically, Michael fully resembled his twin brother Lucifer from head to toe whilst in his human form. However, the two of them could be told apart based on a few details, with the first being his angels wings since his are raven black with the right one being damaged unknowingly because of his self-actualization, whereas Lucifer's are majestic white with both of them being fully intact.

After a confrontation at Lux, Lucifer used a demon blade to carve a large scar across his face so he wouldn't impersonate him again. While Lucifer wears stylish clothes due to his deep care about his appearances, Michael doesn't and wears an ill-fitting blazer, a flimsy turtleneck and loose chinos. During the final fight at the stadium, Michael sported a black armor that was similar to medieval gladiator armor.

Besides his wardrobe and physical appearance, Michael's self-actualization causes him to stand with a slope in his shoulder, and he also speaks with an American accent as opposed to Lucifer's British accent. Other distinctive postures include drinking with his left hand as opposed to Lucifer being right-handed, and considering that he doesn't have the liver Lucifer has, Michael drinks vodka instead of whiskey.


Powers and Abilities[]

Michael Demiurgos Wings

Michael presenting his black angel wings to Mazikeen.

  • Angelic Physiology: Michael shares many of the same abilities as all the other angels, such as his near immortality, supernatural physical abilities as well as untold mystical powers. He has shown several of his natural divine and mystical abilities as well. As the second oldest Angel in existence, Michael’s powers are far superior to his lower ranking Angelic siblings, and most of his Archangel siblings as well; with only the likes of Amenadiel and Lucifer being able to defeat him, due to the former’s elder status, and the latter’s superior fighting skills. Michael has displayed the following abilities, such as;
    • Preternatural Strength: Like other Angels, Michael possesses incredible amounts of physical strength and fortitude. He is capable of fighting Amenadiel on equal terms, despite Amenadiel being the strongest of angels. He is also capable of fighting alone two powerful Angels, Lucifer and Amenadiel, in hand-to-hand combat. He has shown being able to single handedly hold off the combined physical might of Amenadiel and Lucifer as well as overpower them on some moments.
    • Near Immortality: Like all Angels, Michael is invulnerable to age, ailments and nearly all forms of weaponry in all of creation, except for supernatural weaponry.
    • Regenerative Abilities: Michael possess innatural regenerative abilities which are superior to humans, animals and demons. He healed from the damage done to his face by Lucifer with only a scar remaining.
    • Interdimensional Travel: When Michael possessed his Angelic Wings, he could willingly travel between Heaven and Earth. Since Lucifer amputated Michael's wings, Michael cannot travel between realms anymore until his wings regenerate back.
    • Fear Manipulation: Like the other angels who have their own unique special power (such as Lucifer drawing out people's desires and Amenadiel slowing down time), Michael's special power is manipulating the fears possessed by living beings. He could draw out people's deepest fears and use them against his opponents or to manipulate them effectively.
    • Light Manipulation: While appearing to Dan, Michael was able to supernaturally manifest divine light behind him.
    • Biology Manipulation: Michael was able to somehow cause Charlie to develop flu like symptoms in order to play on Amenediel's fears of Charlie's possible mortality.
  • Master Combatant: Aside from his powers, Michael is an apex martial arts fighter as he was able to hold his own against both Lucifer and Amenadiel in one fight despite the assistance of Mazikeen. During his confrontation with Lucifer and Amenadiel, Michael used technique and deflective attacks on his brothers. He also displayed incredible throwing accuracy, as he attempted to kill a human with the demon blade.
  • High Intelligence: Aside from his fear inducement, Michael was still possessed of a great intellect, with and cunning. It has been stated numerous times that Michael prefers to use his wit and intellect to outsmart, observe and play everyone around him against each other. Michael would always prefer the use of his wit and manipulative mastery over physical confrontation, and only engage sin physical confrontations as a last resort.
  • Unrivalled Manipulation: He is an extremely talented manipulator since he could exploit people's fears and use them to hurt Lucifer, such as Mazikeen wanting a soul, Dan fearing about Lucifer being the devil, Chloe being afraid of Lucifer changing and Amenadiel growing scared about the possibility of Charlie being mortal and therefore vulnerable to sickness, suffering and death.
    • Manipulative Patterns: Michael's manipulations always happen in loop-like patterns, leading to more chances for his manipulative skills to shine. He was able to use whispers to convince Lucifer to make questionable decisions that include his rebellion, his corruption of Eve and leaving Hell for a vacation on Earth and other activities. He states that this was all in a bid to show how he has power over's Lucifer's own free will through his wit alone.
  • Deductive Analysis: While impersonating Lucifer, Michael was able to show himself to be surprisingly competent at detective work. He can even combine his deductive abilities with his fear manipulation to extract vital information from suspects.


Linda: What about "Michael"?
Amenadiel: No. Definitely not Michael.
~ Amenadiel bluntly declining Linda's suggestion to name their son Michael, which foreshadowed the archangel's true colors.

Although religion has often praised Michael as God's most majestic angel due to the story of the rebellion in Heaven, it is in fact quite the opposite. While Lucifer is still an anti-social narcissist with family issues, he felt remorse for anyone he offended and/or hurt and was capable of both redemption and feeling love; whereas Michael makes his devilish twin brother look like a saint. In his entire family, he was disliked by his siblings, including Amenadiel who bluntly refused to name his son after him while showing disgust and anger towards the very mention of his name.

Amenadiel: You see, you pride yourself on exploiting everyone's fears, but we've always known yours. You're terrified that Lucifer is better than you. That he'll always be better than you.
Michael: Please. Our brother? The Devil? The-the-the guy that was cast out of Heaven for all eternity?
Amenadiel: Exactly, Michael, because despite even that, you know, deep down... he'll always end up winning.
~ Amenadiel confronting Michael over his deep fears in regards to his obsession with beating Lucifer.

Michael is the polar opposite of his brother Lucifer in every sense.

After his first appearance, while he presents himself as charming and well-mannered, Michael is pathologically driven by a superiority complex with the inner nature of an overgrown man-child, all of which he first developed during his childhood after growing increasingly jealous of his twin brother's popularity. Wanting to prove himself as a better angel than Lucifer through the means of skill, charm and intellect, Michael grew more and more desperate to prove this and would go to great lengths considered both unethical and unholy to do so, which include psychologically tricking Lucifer into making questionable decisions and trying to ruin his life on Earth to make him give into his darker impulses. These actions are what led Michael to become so arrogant and egotistical that he believes he will take the credit for Lucifer's decisions, by also making people blame him for everything that's been going wrong in their lives. He also has no problems with using his own family as pawns, as evident when he presumably gave Charlie a common cold so he could manipulate Amenadiel's fears for his health.

According to Lucifer, Michael used to be a cowardly manipulator who would always never make good on his threats towards his siblings, as he would take great pleasure in using his fear-exhibiting powers to manipulate with them but would always end up with them getting their own on him. This indicates a high level of psychopathy and sadism, even when he was younger. However, as time went on, he became more and more confident in making his threats reality as he went on to manipulate Chloe with her fears of Lucifer being different, Linda about her past failure as a mother and Dan after tricking him into learning about Lucifer's true nature. He remains sadistic when he arrives on Earth, when he constantly taunted Amenadiel about how he cannot protect Charlie from sickness due to being mortal, or when he revealed to Chloe the truth about her existence. He is also a hypocrite for whenever he uses his powers to psychologically toy with his enemies' fears, he is deep down trying to use them to hide his own fears and jealousy about how he believes that Lucifer is indeed better than him and always will be. He was also shown to be a sadomasochist, as he smiled and even laughed during his fights with Amenadiel and Lucifer - However, having his wings cut off brought so much pain even he couldn't enjoy it, being left screaming in agony.

Behind all of his displayed charisma and manipulations, Michael hides a great level of childish anger that he cannot hide whenever he is rightfully told that he is no Lucifer. It shows that besides his attempts to prove himself as the better twin, he cannot deny the fact that he will never live up to his brother's praise. This amount of rage-induced jealousy points to his increased psychopathy added with delusional arrogance as when Mazikeen pointed out how Chloe will find out about him, Michael was so confident that he could turn her against Lucifer before then, even though he credited her for remaining suspicious.

He was also in denial that he couldn't portray as Lucifer since he didn't fully understand him or his liking towards humans, the latter of which he finds "filthy" and inferior much like his mother Goddess did. Also, despite claiming that he knows a lot of about Lucifer's life, Michael never predicted Chloe's connection with his twin and that she knows Lucifer better than he does, thinking that using the excuse about how time in Hell changed him would be able to fool her fully.

Unlike his brother Lucifer, Michael lacks his impulsive and hedonistic tendencies. Every step Michael takes is methodical, manipulative and calculated, which made it very difficult for him to pose as Lucifer. He lacks Lucifer's expensive taste or flirtatious nature, preferring to use his wit rather than indulging any impulses. This resulted in Chloe easily finding out that he wasn't Lucifer, since she knows he would never betray or lie to her.

Despite his arrogance, Michael was still able to have some control over Lucifer's life through his machinations and turn some of his closest friends/allies against him, such as Mazikeen and initially both Chloe and Dan. He even went as far as to state that all of the steps he and others have taken, and all that has happened so far is going according to his "bigger plans," showing how effective he is at calculated manipulation of events and people alike. Even while he was no longer around, he wanted the upper-hand against Lucifer and willingly had Dan killed so he could gain leverage against Lucifer, intentionally wanting Chloe to feel guilt for Dan's death and go to Hell so Lucifer can go down with her.

Michael's relationship with God appears to be one of fear as when he saw Him arriving to break up the fighting, he showed slight terror because he knew of His great power. He immediately portrayed himself as the victim of the feud and even tried to win over God's approval when He requested that they tried to get along once more, by hugging Amenadiel and tried to with Lucifer. He seemed genuinely disheartened when God demanded that Michael was no longer welcome on Earth because of his schemes. However, it was later revealed that Michael was gaslighting him and making him believe he was losing control over his powers so he could retire and choose a successor. With that said, it means that Michael merely saw God as a pawn for his own intentions. It is unknown about his relationship with Goddess, but it's possible that it similar to his relationship with God.

In his quest for literal godhood, Michael has proven that he would go to any length to become the next deity and Sovereign of Heaven. Much like how he manipulated God, Amenadiel and Lucifer, Michael used his own siblings as puppets that he somehow charmed them to endorse him as the new God. To ensure this, he had Gabriel retrieve the Flaming Sword from their Mother's universe, which would be capable of eradicating Celestial Beings and he used it to demand the other angels' loyalty through fear.

He proved himself more than willing to kill his own family by eradicating Remiel for spying on him and helping Lucifer locate the final piece of the Sword. When confronted, he displayed no pity or remorse and merely tried to excuse his action. Although he said to Lucifer that he wanted to avoid bloodshed among his siblings, it is likely that Michael only said this so he could have an easy victory and didn't care who gets killed. Even after killing Remiel, he went against his claim and opted for a duel-to-the-death with Lucifer for supremacy, openly showing enjoyment in trying to kill him.

There have been moments that imply Michael isn't completely evil, although they all can be shot down in one way or another. He said he was sorry to Maze that she couldn't get a soul and said he didn't entirely hate her; However, he's a consummate liar, and didn't seem to mind going to war with her in the Season 5 finale. After admitting that he had Dan killed, he offered Lucifer the chance for a "happy ending" by saying he and Chloe could be in Hell together, saying that he wanted to avoid bloodshed and that he wants to give Lucifer an easy way out; However, he does this for pragmatic reasons, and is willing to murder his siblings, proving to be a hypocrite. After mortally wounding Chloe and leaving her to die in Lucifer's arms, Michael showed some form of remorse for doing so and even assured Lucifer that Chloe was now in Heaven but he would never see her again; But just minutes later showed amusement at the fact Lucifer sacrificed his life for Chloe, before trying to kill her with Azrael's Blade, which would eradicate her from existence.

At the end of the fight, Michael tried to goad an angry and heartbroken Chloe to kill him for Lucifer's death, wanting to taint his memory forever. After Michael lost his wings and was given a second chance by Lucifer, who was now the new God. Michael apparently showed loyalty as he joined the others in kneeling before him. Although this seems like a chance for him to turn a new leaf, it remains unclear if this is the case given his manipulative and vindictive nature and that he showed loyalty out of fear towards deities such as God and now Lucifer.

Season 6 reveals that Michael's punishment was being condemned to Hell, and being forced to scrub its floors for eternity, all while demons would mock him about how his plan failed because it was too complex. He doesn't talk, or do anything for that matter, and didn't even respond to when Rory called out to him, showing that he is now a broken shell of his former self. It's unknown if he actually regrets anything he's done. However, Aurora "Rory" Morningstar, Michael's niece from the future, knows about Michael and describes him as "the worst," heavily implying that he never changed his ways.


Appearances of Michael

Season 1[]

  • "Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil." (indirectly mentioned)
  • "#TeamLucifer" (painting)

Season 2[]

  • "Everything's Coming Up Lucifer" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "Liar, Liar, Slutty Dress on Fire" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "Weaponizer" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "Monster" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "Candy Morningstar" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "Deceptive Little Parasite" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "Sympathy for the Goddess" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "The Good, the Bad, and the Crispy" (indirectly mentioned)

Season 3[]

  • "City of Angels?" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "The Angel of San Bernardino" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "Boo Normal" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "Once Upon a Time" (indirectly mentioned)

Season 4[]

  • "All About Eve" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "Expire Erect" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "Save Lucifer" (mentioned)

Season 5[]

  • "Really Sad Devil Guy"
  • "Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!"
  • "¡Diablo!"
  • "Detective Amenadiel" (mentioned)
  • "BluBallz"
  • "Our Mojo"
  • "Spoiler Alert"
  • "Family Dinner"
  • "Bloody Celestial Karaoke Jam" (mentioned)
  • "Resting Devil Face" (mentioned)
  • "Nothing Lasts Forever"
  • "Is This Really How It's Going To End?!" (mentioned)
  • "A Chance at a Happy Ending"

Season 6[]

  • "Nothing Ever Changes Around Here" (mentioned)
  • "Buckets of Baggage"
  • "Pin the Tail on the Baddie" (mentioned)
  • "The Murder of Lucifer Morningstar" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "Save the Devil, Save the World" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "Goodbye, Lucifer" (mentioned)


Season 5A[]

Hello, bad guys!
~ Michael while impersonating Lucifer; also his first heard words.
Remember, detective, for you I was only gone for two months. But for me, I was in Hell for thousands of years, a few things might have changed. After all, a little white lie could be quite beneficial.
~ "Lucifer" / Michael explaining why he just lied to Ella.
Maze: What the hell are you doing here?
Michael: To right a very serious wrong. See, there I am in the Silver City, doing my thing, when Gabriel strolls in and says, "Lucifer went back to Hell, voluntarily." Well, I just cracked up, as you can imagine, but then Raphael starts going off about how Lucifer's grown, and then Remy says, "Yeah, what a sacrifice," and then pretty soon all I hear is, "Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer!"
Maze: So you're jealous?
Michael: No. I'm pissed. Lucifer finally does what he's supposed to do without whining about it and he gets praised? He rebelled against Dad. Almighty God, for God's sake. Since when do we congratulate a convict for serving a sentence? And if I know my eternally selfish brother, and I do, all this sacrifice and responsibility bullshit, it's just smoke and mirrors. I don't know who he's trying to fool, but I do know that as soon as he hears someone is up here playing with his toys, maybe even breaking a few, then he will come flying right back up to reveal his true colors. So... (in English accent) Hello, Los Angeles.
~ Michael explaining his motives to Maze.
See, I decided I'm not going to break Lucifer's life. I'm gonna take it.
~ Michael revealing to Mazikeen that he's changed his plans.
Michael: I'm Lucifer's brother. Michael. It's nice to meet-(Chloe shoots him) OW! You know that won't me kill me. (Chloe shoots him again)
Chloe: Yeah, but it makes me feel better. (Chloe shoots him for the third time)
Michael: Okay, okay, okay, I get it. I get it. So what? I guess this means you never really liked the new Lucifer.
Chloe: You're not the only one who can lie. And you are not Lucifer. I don't know why you're here, and I don't care. But I do know that I am glad, because you made me realise that all my fears that Lucifer had changed were just that. They were fears. What Lucifer and I have is special, it's real, and it doesn't matter how many lies you'll tell me, I will never lose faith... in me and him.
Michael: Oh, really? No more lies, huh? Well, how about a truth, huh? You... are a gift from God, Chloe Decker.
Chloe: What does that mean?
Michael: It means that you were never supposed to exist. Father made you for Lucifer. You were put on Earth only for him, to be his little... plaything. Now, isn't that special?
~ Michael revealing himself to Chloe and explaining that she's a gift from God.
Michael: Not like you, right? Lucifer the rebel, deciding you can do a better job than Dad? You know, I wonder how you got that idea in your head in the first place.
Lucifer: Right, that's your play, is it? Taking credit for my failed rebellion? By all means, it's yours.
Michael: Now, you see, that is the best part. All I did was plant the idea. You're the one who chose to do it. You still get to keep all the blame yourself.
Lucifer: Your lies are so tedious, Michael.
Michael: Not as tedious as your denial. 'Cause I'm not lying now, brother, and I think, deep down, you are realizing that. And once you realize that, you're gonna wonder maybe it wasn't just the rebellion that was my suggestion. What else? What about your little sexcapade in the garden, or, oh, your little vacation here to Earth.
Lucifer: That's impossible.
Michael: Mm-mm. It was quite easy, actually. All it took was a little whisper here, a carefully orchestrated coincidence there, and your pathological self-absorption, of course. Voilà! All your idea.
Lucifer: Why?
Michael: Because all our lives, you thought that you were better than me. The great Lucifer Morningstar, but you're not, are you? You're just Samael.
~ Michael revealing to Lucifer that he's been manipulating him for eons.
Chloe: What am I doing here, Michael?
Michael: This is just temporary. It's all part of a bigger plan.
Chloe: Plan? What, to make me dislike you even more?
Michael: No. But, spoiler alert: It is gonna be epic! Just you wait. Till then, I, uh... I figured we should catch up. I mean, a lot has happened since we saw each other last.
Chloe: And why would I talk to you?
Michael: Because you wanna know what they mean. The changes that my brother's been going through, although deep down, I think you already know, don't you?
Chloe: Oh, so it's this again? Trying to make me afraid of my relationship with Lucifer?
Michael: Now, you see, that's just it, detective, just like Lucifer can't create desires, I can't create fears, I just... expose what's already there, and girl, you
reek of fear!
Chloe: You don't know what you're talking about.
Michael: So... what, you're not afraid of what his newfound invulnerability means? 'Cause, you do know that we angels, we self-actualize, right? Which means him choosing to be vulnerable around you actually meant something, so I'm just, y'know, putting it out there. I wonder what this new development could mean.
Chloe: You're wrong. Lucifer and I are closer than ever.
Michael: Huh. Yeah, you're probably right. I mean, we all know Lucifer doesn't lie. So, when he tells you he loves you, you know he really means it. Right? Un... less... Oh, no. No, no, no, he hasn't said it yet, has he? Even though you said to to him? That is... ugh.
~ Michael and Chloe talking to each other in a cave, while the former exploits the latter's fears about Lucifer's love for her.
Easier said that done. Amenadiel, I am impressed. Heh. I was hoping that you would spiral out of control, but completely stopping time?! I mean... way to be an overachiever!
~ Michael confronting Amenadiel and Lucifer after the former stopped time.
Amenadiel, what makes more sense; That I somehow gave your child a cold? Or that Chucky here got sick because he's a frail little mortal who's destined to suffer and die a horrible, human death?
~ Michael intimidating Amenadiel about his son's sickness.
Amenadiel: I can't believe you used my infant son as a pawn!
Michael: I can't believe how easy it was triggering you! I mean, WAY easier that turning Lucifer's friends against him!
~ Amenadiel and Michael during their fight.

Season 5B[]

And besides, I mean, really, what's the point? I've already won. I've assembled the Flaming Sword, and thanks to it, and... [chuckles] charms, of course, I have got the majority of angels on my side.
~ Michael confronting Lucifer at Lux after orchestrating Dan's death.
Michael: What about a throne?
Lucifer: [laughs] Are you offering me my old job?
Michael: I take Heaven. You take Hell. It's kind of poetic when you think about it. And, uh, I will let you rule down there, however you sit fit.
Lucifer: Oh, gee, thanks, bro! But been there, done that, tried and failed.
Michael: Ah, ah, ah. But I haven't even told you the best part:
Chloe will be down there with you. I mean, talk about a happily ever after.
Lucifer: What are you talking about? That's impossible. Even if you become God, you wouldn't have the power to force her soul down there. Only someone's guilt can take them to Hell.
Michael: Exactly. Think about it. The father of her child is dead because of a case he was working for her.
Lucifer: Did you do all of this? Did you have them take Daniel?
Michael: No, no, no, that part was just a very... happy accident, but when they told him they had him... [chuckles] brother, I realised I have a golden opportunity.
Lucifer: So you... you've... told them to kill Dan?
Michael: You're welcome!
~ Michael revealing he's the mastermind behind Dan's death.
Looks like we have the numbers. Consider the vote complete, and me... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!! (everyone looks at the sky in confusion: Nothing happens) GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! (still nothing happens) Aw, come on! I thought there'd be a little some sort of flash of lightning, maybe.
~ Michael's failed dramatic attempt at becoming God.
When I win, you won't be crawling anywhere. This is to the death.
~ Michael proclaiming his battle with Lucifer will be to the death.
Do it. Do it!
~ Michael trying to convince Chloe into killing him; also his last heard words.


Michael's (Lucifer) Biblical Appearance

Michael's Biblical appearance.

  • In the Bible, Michael is one of the archangels and the leader of God's army, which he led against Lucifer and the fallen angels during their rebellion.
    • He also appears in the DC Comics as "Michael Demiurgos" and is a major protagonist. He is the second most powerful archangel and is the only one who can conceive children, thus resulting in the birth of his daughter Elaine Belloc.
      • However, despite clearly being the same character, Michael is never called "Michael Demiurgos" in the actual series, but simply Michael.
  • Regarding his dual roles in Season 5, his actor Tom Ellis explained, "So in terms of Lucifer and Michael being different, I had to go old-school in that and figure out physicality and voice and how a character walks, as opposed to any sort of transformative prosthetics."
  • In an interview, Tom Ellis admitted that he felt like a fraud while portraying Michael. He explained, "Getting into character as Michael in the first instance was weird, because [he] really enjoyed it. But at the same time, [he] hadn't felt that way on this set for a long time, in that [he] was living in new territory for [him] as a character."
  • Michael can be seen as the main antagonist of the entire series, as he is revealed to be the one who influenced Lucifer into rebelling in Heaven, seducing and corrupting Eve in the Garden of Eden, and retiring from ruling Hell to living on Earth, thus setting up the events of the entire series.
  • Some fans theorize that this Michael is in fact the one that Father Kinley was investigating and blaming for the many terrible events throughout human history. However, this is yet to be confirmed and Michael on the show is more like what the Bible described Lucifer as.
  • His facial scar is a reference to Lucifer Morningstar's appearance in the Sandman comics.
  • Because of his personality, motives, and actions, Michael garnered a disliking from both the fans and the series's cast that the hashtag #MichaelIsADick started trending on social media.
  • According to producer Joe Henderson, Tom Ellis had an acting double through actor Phil Kruse during Michael and Lucifer's scenes together, including their fight scenes. He went on to explain that Tom would act opposite Phil and they would switch roles.
  • According to producers Joe Henderson and Ildy Modrovich, Michael would seek out redemption during Lucifer's new role as Hell's therapist after the end of Season 6. However, given the show's unlikeliness to continue, it's unknown if this would actually happen.

External Links[]


           1280px-Lucifer tv logo.svg Villains

Abaddon | Amenadiel | Azazel | Basanos | Beelzebub | Belial | Cain | Demons | Despondeo | Fenrir | First of the Fallen | Gabriel | Great Darkness | Izanami | Lilith | Lucifer Morningstar | Metatron | Mazikeen | Sandalphon | Takehiko

Lucifer Morningstar | Mazikeen | Amenadiel | Eve
Main Antagonists
Michael | Amenadiel | Goddess | Marcus Pierce | Father Kinley | Vincent Le Mec
Recurring Antagonists
Jimmy Barnes | Jacob Williams | Malcolm Graham | Lee Garner | Uriel | Perry Smith | Burt | Jason Carlisle | Reese Getty | Decoy of Sinnerman | Julian McCaffrey | James Reiben | Demons (Dromos & Squee) | Pete Daily | Les Klumpsky | Gabriel
Lindsay Jolson | Carmen Grant | Dr. Medina | Eric Doyle | Vanessa Dunlear | Roberta Beliard | Wes Williams | Ray Codfree | Jenson Glory | Patricia Hightower | Bianca Ruiz | Lieutenant Herrera | Athena Burns | Alvin Kapitski | Mack Slater | Gil | Don Zeikel | Alexa Lee | Cece | Joel | John Barrow | Luke Reynolds | Oscar Rivass | Toby Golden | Leona Franklin | Jacob Tierning | Tahir | Doug | Mandy | Detective Dancer's actor | William Kincannon | Hank | Kevin McCarthy

See Also
Sandman Villains | Constantine: The Hellblazer Villains | Arrowverse Villains
