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This scum Midnight Man is driving Cruella insane!
So sayeth the great Lord of Darkness Sauron, or he will send Darth Vader to terminate you.

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Midnight Man

Midnight Man real name Anton Morgart is a villain in Marvel comics appearing as a exlsuive Foe for Moon Knight.

He is also the father of Jeffery Wilde aka Midnight.

Not much is known about Anton's life other than he had a son named Jeffery Wilde born of out the wedlock But he became the theif Midnight man stealing works of art and stole from various parts of the world under midnight hench how he got his name he stoles them to on art not money. Later on his 22nd day on his midnihgt thefts Midnight man would soon meet Moon Knight during his heist and the two fought until Moon knight prevails foiling his plans and was presummed Dead by drowning, However it was revealed that he survived and taken by the current then ends up in the serwers where his face got disfigured. Driven insane by living in the sewers for three days collecting trash for treashures. He would later team up with Bushman to lure Moon Knight in the sewers in a trap. Moon knight manages to escape with Midnight Man drag back in the sewer. Later escpaing this Anton learns that he has cancer and thus seeks out his illegenmate Son jeffery Wilde to spend his final days on spending time with him Training him with his secrets and presaudes him to not follow the same path of crime like he did and soon anton challaenges Moon Knight one last time and later died as a result. Later his Son Jeffery became Midnight and becomes Moon knight's ally in order to atone for his father's sins but he ended up becoming a villain instead.

In other media[]

Anton Morgat appears in the Marvel Cinetmatic universe Moon Knight tv series.There he hadn't become Midnight Man yet and attacked layla explaing his desire to steal the arts for him to own before being stopped by Moon Knight. As his actor died it is unlieky that he would return.
