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Mihari Masashige is a major antagonist in the 2021 Roblox horror-game The Mimic. She is the daughter of Kaito and the sister of Biwaki. She serves as a supporting antagonist in Chapter 3 of Control's Book.


Mihari Masashige is a "hideous" woman with pale-green skin, dark eyes, and a mouth slit ear-to-ear. She wears a brown flower crown and a blood-stained dress. It has not yet been revealed what she looked like when she was alive.


Early life[]

Although her new backstory hasn't yet been revealed, it is known that Mihari is the oldest daughter of Kaito and Niko, the older cousin of Kuriko and the older sister of Hana. She was born in 1875 and cursed when she was 17 in 1892, by Kintoru.

Control's Book[]

Chapter 3[]

The looping minka[]

Mihari appears in the looping minka, her head can be seen as a jumpscare in one of the closets, she doesn't appear again for quite a while.

The indigent family minka[]

Mihari first appears in the indigent family Minka, jumpscaring Yasu as he finds the corrupted spirit, the blade and the yellow rose. She then appears again on the second floor on the Minka, hunting Yasu as he rings all 5 of the bells. After her successfully rings all 5 bells, Kintoru tells Yasu to take Mihari's corrupted spirit and burn it, which he does, this causes Mihari herself to burn with white flames and collapse on the floor.

The ancestors hallway[]

Mihari appears again in the ancestors hallway, this time she cannot harm Yasu and is simply left suspended in the air by Omukade's puppet strings.



  • She is based off Kuchisake-Onna. a popular Japanese urban legend.
  • She is one of the few Control's Book monsters to have their real name said in-game
  • In the old version of Control's Chapter 3, Mihari doesn't stalk Yasu in the Minka but instead in the skull labyrinth
    • This level was removed in the Book 1 2022 revamp and replaced with the indigent family Minka
  • The name Mihari (美針) means "beautfiul needle"
  • It was confirmed by a lore writer named Itsuki that the song "Rises the moon" by Liana Flores has lyrics that fit Mihari's new lore[1]
  • The person who said "You're a murderer" when Yasu burned Mihari is confirmed to be Kintoru, not Mihari
  • Mihari has a corrupted butterfly spirit, this could imply that she lived her life as a wicked person or Kintoru decided her fate by corrupting her spirit.
  • She is confirmed to be 17 years old, born in 1875 and cursed by Kintoru in 1892[2]
  • It is unknown what her relationship is like with her father, sister or mother.




Rulers of Jigoku
Shinigami | Evil God

The Four Beasts
Kintoru | Enzukai | Yuma | Netamo

The Masashige Family
Biwaki Masashige | Daku Masashige | Futaba Masashige | Hiachi Masashige | Kaito Masashige | Keiko Masashige | Kuriko Masashige | Megumi Masashige | Mihari Masashige | Hirosa Masashige | Shizu Masashige | Kazeko Masashige | Hanzu Masashige

Kiiroibara Cult
Enzukai | Senzai Uchiumi | Rin and Mio Tsushima | Nagisa | Shosai | Tsukiya | Takane | Kyogi | Zuboshi | Kurayami | Dodomeki

Halloween Trials
Kabocha | Nagemi | Taiyo

Nightmare Circus
Ronnie | Ringmaster

Demons of Jigoku
Yurei | Nejibishoma| Akihito Uchiumi | Shinchu | Hakamori | Statues | Bugi | Mimic Isamu | Dodomeki | Haishaku | Train Monster

Aka Manto | Fleshbags | Hyakume | Kishin | Krampus | Tokitos | Umibozus | Jikininkis | Ryoshi | Kuishinbo | Teiryu | Gashadokuros

External Links[]
