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Mike de Bonair is an antagonist from Layton Brothers: Mystery Room. He is 45 years old and has been described as affable.



Mike de Bonair had created and directs a radio show with Dwight Dread as his long-time partner. He soon became successful due to Dread's bright character and voice. However, de Bonair profited from stealing the radio station's accounts and Dread eventually caught him. To protect his public image, de Bonair allowed Dread to borrow money from him on numerous occasions. He soon became sick of Dread blackmailing him for the money, so he planned to kill him.

One day, de Bonair suggested to Dread that on the day of the show where Dolly Hollerday would guest star, Dread would pretend that he would die from drinking his tea after receiving a fax about death. Dread agreed to it and de Bonair soon enlisted the help of Anice Brewer, a tea lady of the radio station. Her part was to send the tea to the guest and the host and the fax to Dread.

On the day of the show, Mike de Bonair went to the station first along with the sound man, Randal Mann. Dread came with Hollerday and her manager, Melody Smith. The plan went off well at first, but Dwight Dread decided to improvise by eating one of Smith's macaroons instead of the tea and then planning to show his death was fake using a yellow handkerchief. After de Bonair had Mann switch the radio show to an ad, forced Hollerday and Smith into the waiting room and Mann to call for help, de Bonair congratulated Dread for pulling off the prank and gave him a cup of tea he had poisoned. After Dread died, de Bonair went to the storeroom where Brewer was located and, not knowing her name and profession, gave her a poisoned cup of coffee. As expected, Brewer soon succumbed to the effects of the poison and to frame her for Dread's murder, had a perfume bottle containing the poison placed in her hand. However, Brewer had briefly survived after he left the storeroom and to let someone know she didn't commit suicide, she threw the bottle against the cabinets to make the bottle broken beyond recognition.


"Sniffer" Hague had Inspector Alfendi Layton and Lucy Baker investigate what happened on the show. They found that de Bonair was the only suspect without an alibi, but Alfendi was only 43.6% sure that he was culprit due to how little he originally knew about the case. To call de Bonair in for questioning, they had requested Hollerday to lie about meeting de Bonair at the Mystery Room office. Though lacking evidence, Mike de Bonair's schemes were soon exposed when he accidentally told them the bottle was originally a perfume bottle when the investigation team didn't even know what the bottle was. Although he tried to think of another explanation, de Bonair admitted everything.

Mike de Bonair was later convicted of the murder of Dwight Dread and Anice Brewer and was placed in a prison cell. He later chatted with Zach Carrière about escape methods.


  • "Mike" is short for microphone, as referencing to his career as a radio director.
  • His surname contains the words "on air", a reference to the radio show, and also was derived from the word "debonair", meaning affable.


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