“ | Excitement at its finest. Abare Killer! | „ |
~ Abare Killer's role call. |
Mikoto Nakadai, also known as AbareKiller, is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Disciple of Dawn Lije) of Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger, serving as an antagonist in the first half and a major protagonist in the second half. Initially a villain for the first twenty-six episodes of his appearance (18-43), he eventually became the sixth member of the Abarangers,
He is also the overarching protagonist of Dekaranger vs. Abaranger, a minor character in Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger and the secondary antagonist turned tritagonist of Abaranger 20th: The Unforgivable Abare.
He holds the Earth counterpart of the Evolian god Dezumozorlya within him and serves as the figurehead of the Evolians.
He was portrayed by Kōtarō Tanaka.
A brilliant surgeon educated in the United States, Mikoto was a genius who enrolled in medical school at the age of ten. Having never made a mistake, Mikoto was bored with his life until he witnessed the Bakuryu attacking the city while under the influence of the Evolians, caring for an injured Ryouga Hakua in the aftermath. But the newfound excitement of destruction was halted when the Abarangers arrived and made the Bakuryu dull in his eyes. But soon, with the destruction of the Anamolicarus, the doctor found both the Dino Minder and the egg of the Bakuryu TopGaler. Soon after Mikoto left his profession to start up his "game".
Prior to his formal introduction, Mikoto observed the Abarangers from afar to study them and after enough time passes decides to fight them for a kick while mastering the Dino Minder. He first showed up by defeating the newly-deployed Trinoid 13: Yatsudenwani and enslaving him as his house servant, though warned by Asuka that his suit is a flawed prototype of the other Abaranger suits with a self-destruct mechanism that could destroy an entire city, this fact only made Mikoto even more excited as he uses the Abarangers' stolen Dino Guts energy to revive TopGaler and recruit the Bakuryu Stego to their cause after appealing to the latter's desire to become stronger via fusing into KillerOh, a combination where Stego got to be one of the two main stars as opposed to a simple situational helper.
In the events of Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger: Deluxe Abare Summer is Freezing Cold! Mikoto would try and steal the legendary Baku Laser, a powerful weapon capable of controlling the wicked Bakuryu, Chasmoshieldon and Carnoryutus; although he nearly stole it and was on the verge of killing Ryoga he was caught off guard by the appearance of Dimensional Thief Galvidi who revealed himself as the real mastermind of the Laser's theft, having manipulated all sides as "Princess Freezia" to bring the weapon to him. When Killer attempts to defeat and enslave him like he did to Yatsudenwani, Galvidi responds by using his newly-gained weapon to defeat Killer and leave him injured enough that he has to sit out of the action for the rest of the movie, Killer sent Top and Stego to aid the Bakuryu against the villainous Bakuryu that fused into BakurenOh with Galvidi a their pilot with them returning to him once they'd defeated Galvidi and BakurenOh.
In the next episodes he would begin to defeat the Abaranger over and over and create schemes intending to break their optimism, eventually getting to capture Bachycelo and Dimenoko and threatening to blow them up with bombs if the Abaranger didn't find them; while using Trinoid 13: Mukadenpanji in a joint cooperation with the Evolian in order to force the heroes into either stopping the Trinoid or saving their friends. Despite the Abarangers' efforts in defeating Mukadenpanji and stopping his plot they are unable to save their friends who are seemingly killed... Until it turned out that Killer just wanted to show the Bakuryu that their friends wouldn't come to their rescue and convince them to join him like Stego, employing the Abarangers' failure and some brainwashing to get the two to aid him in easily defeating AbarenOh when it caught up to him by combining with KillerOh into KillerOh Nagurusu Nokodon, then when Mukadenpanji tried to take the Bakuryu by surprise he defeated the Trinoid for good and left with his new allies all while mocking the Abarangers' hopeless situation.
Eventually with Lije's approval, Mikoto assumed leadership over the Evoliens by defeating the Jamen Sentai Evoranger that Mikela intended to be his most powerful monsters, and started his plans by creating KillerGhost, a non-sapient golem similar to a Trinoid which acted on his will; he used it to capture Tyrano, Tricera and Ptera so the Abarangers would despair. After KillerGhost beat them senseless he sent his creation to rampage some more but Asuka managed to give the other Abarangers the Styrizer, a mystical shield that allowed Ryoga to transform into an upgraded form, AbareMax, with it KillerGhost was defeated at last to Killer's frustration. After Jeanne and Asuka apparently perished in the destruction of the second Anomalogaris he took Asuka's harmonica and allied with Trinoid 2: Hirurindou in a bid to defeat the Abarangers by depriving them of their powers and then torment them by promising to destroy all that Asuka wanted to protect out of spite, but this caused him to suffer his first definitive defeat as he was beaten by AbarRed Abare Mode and later KillerOh was forced to retreat by the formation of MaxOhJa.
When the Dino Minder began reaching its limit, Killer grew ever more desperate and pathetic as his losses took their toll on his pride and sanity opting to spitefully keep going with his self-destructive attitude until he or the Abarangers died, even perhaps both when the Dino Minder finally exploded but when he fought MaxRyuOh one last time he was easily defeated yet again and both Top and Stego grew weary of his suicidal tendencies, abandoning him. Despite being abandoned by his partners, Killer pressed on as the Evolians' leader until the events of the Killer Giganoid happened with the Abaranger, after being given the final strongest Giganoid, Inextinguishable, as his replacement mecha he was taken to a far off location and bonded to the mecha forcefully so he could allegedly fight better with it but it turned out to be a trap so Dezumozorlya would possess him and absorb his other half so it could fully incarnate on Earth.
After Ryoga and Lijewel freed him from Dezumozorlya's control he learned that he had half of Dezumozorlya within him had been the cause of his greater intellect and superior physical capacity that resulted in his horrible childhood and after helping defeat Inextinguishable for good he decided to change his game to eliminate the Evoliens but refusing to join the heroes since he still did not care for their cause. After learning that Lijewel was forcefully transformed into a monster by Dezumozorlya to turn her into his vessel, Killer finally joined the Abarangers to rescue her. In his final game he learned that Dezumozorlya's presence within him is the reason why the Dino Minder did not self-destruct at the same time that he confronted DezumoVoorla (the fused form of Creative Messenger Mikela and Visionary Messenger Voffa) but when he seemingly had killed it the entity ambushed and took him to the interior of a revived BakurenOh where Dezumovoorla planned to absorb Mikoto's body and soul so it could fully emerge as the real Dezumozorlya but Mikoto fought back and used the Dino Guts of his friends to purge and kill the Another Earth half of Dezumozorlya from himself before helping destroy BakurenOh for good. Regardless of the victory, Mikoto was left mortally wounded after getting stabbed in the gut by Dezumozorlya and with the Another Earth half dead he had no way of recovering and on top of that the Dino Minder began to self-destruct; figuring nothing could be done about it Mikoto opted to let the explosion take him out safely away from the planet with TopGaler flying away from Earth, before the latter opted to die with him so Mikoto wouldn't be alone in the afterlife.
While he was only mentioned in the finale, an identical doppelganger of him (who was accompanied by his girlfriend who was a doppelganger of Lijewel) showed up at Dino House alongside the doppelgangers of Asuka, Mahoro and child Lije where they enjoyed a meal to the bewilderment of the Abarangers.
Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger vs. Abaranger
Mikoto's act of enslaving Yatsudenwani (and unwittingly saving him from dying at the Abarangers' hand) led to the redeemed Trinoid stealing the jewel and gingko nut batteries of Trinoid 0: Saunaginnan who was freed by Gijinfuan Kazakh and Agent Abrella so the former could conquer Earth by resurrecting Dezumozorlya from the depths of Hell as well as all the Alienizers so they could serve as Kazakh's criminal family's servants. Despite the heroes' efforts, Kazakh and Saunaginnan managed to first resurrect Genio and Succubus Hells who gathered energy to power up Saunaginnan despite being destroyed early on and later Bon-Goblin Hells, Milibar and Ben G so they could start their reign of terror, despite the team's efforts they were overwhelmed and defeated.
However, when Saunaginnan finally tried to revive Dezumozorlya, Mikoto and Top were revived instead due to the Trinoid wording his wish to revive the Evolian God as resurrecting "The Strongest Denizen of Hell"; he then helped both the Abarangers and Dekarangers defeat the revived villains and delete Saunaginaan ruining Kazakh's plan who in a fit of rage summoned his Industrial Heavy Machine to get his revenge at the same time that Saunaginnan grew giant due to his Life Berry, when they saw that the Dekarangers were handily beating their opponents on their own Mikoto and Top figured that once the Trinoid was fully dealt with they'd both fade back to the afterlife and opted to join in on the battle so they could have some fun before dying, then the other Bakuryu came in and formed KillerAbarenOh which teamed up with Super Dekaranger Robo to perform the "Gatling Drill Spin" and destroy both villains once and for all. With the threat defeated, Mikoto bid goodbye to his friends and told Asuka to give his daughter his regards before departing once again with Top back to Hell.
Years later, AbareKiller somehow returned and fought alongside not only his own team, but every single Sentai ranger in existence, against the Empire of Zangyack when it attacked the Earth in the Great Legend War. After fighting against hundreds of Gormin and their Zgormin commanders. AkaRenger noticed the fleet moving towards them, before gathering all the Rangers together and giving them the order to sacrifice their powers to wipe out the first invasion's armada.
During the events of Gokaiger, with the Zyurangers' Burai and the TimeRangers' Naoto, Nakadai appears before Gai Ikari and gives him the ability to become GokaiSilver along with the Abarangers' Greatest Power.
After the defeat of Ackdos Gill, Captain Marvelous returned all the Ranger Keys to the former Sentai heroes. It is assumed Mikoto and his teammates received their keys, allowing for them to utilize their powers once again. Since Mikoto could still transform in his deceased state, it's assumed its return was a symbolic measure as opposed to the actual return of his powers.
Zyuohger vs. Ninninger
AbareKiller appeared with his team among the first 38 Super Sentai whom collectively empowered Wild Tousai Shuriken King in its fight against the titanic Gillmarda, granting the Ninningers and Zyuohgers the power to perform the Zyuoh Ninnin Super Sentai Burst which destroyed Gillmarda with the combined power of all 40 Super Sentai.
Abaranger 20th: The Unforgivable Abare
In order to fulfill his plans of terraforming Earth to be suitable for the Neo Evolians, Trinoid #24: Abarengekko was able to resurrect Nakadai's physical form and have his personality and alignment be back to that of his pre-redemption self; immediately after resurrecting Nakadai resumes his role as the Evolians' boss albeit now unwittingly being manipulated by Abarengekko for his own ends. Nakadai leaves with the Trinoid and later upgrades him to receive the negative emotions of people who hate the Abarangers in their online posts, with their rage fueled by Aoi Iota's smear campaign against the team.
Ryoga eventually confronts Nakadai and tries to get him to remember his redemption and good qualities, eventually succeeding. AbareKiller later joined the other four Abaranger against Abarengekko and after defeating him in small form he provided Ryoga with the combined hopes and positivity of the people of Japan and the Bakuryu's own Dino Guts to turn him into Chou AbareMax, the strongest form of the Abarangers; after Ryoga defeated Abarengekko for good Mikoto faded back to the afterlife as his source of existence was gone, he bid farewell to his friends one last time.
- Initially, AbareKiller wasn't supposed to turn good and would've gone on to become the main villain of the series and final boss. However, rewrites were made in the last episodes to add last-minute redeeming qualities and a tragic backstory due to the writers feeling it'll only be natural for a Sentai warrior to be redeemed by the end of the series. His actor, Kotaro Tanaka, was reportedly not happy about the change due to how abruptly AbareKiller's redemption happened within the series but has warmed up to it later on and does appreciate it.
- AbareKiller is the first Sentai ranger to start out as a true villain of his own volition and not get redeemed in the same arc he got introduced in, even going on to become the series' central villain for a good period of time.
- Due to his initially villainous nature he had no special transformation sequence and just materialized his suit on the spot. Abaranger 20th was the first time he ever had a true transformation sequence alongside the team (though in Gokaiger the Gokaiger who used his Killer ranger key got the same kind of transformation as the other Abarangers).
See also
- Trent Fernandez-Mercer, his first counterpart in Power Rangers Dino Thunder
- White Ranger Clone, his second counterpart in Power Rangers Dino Thunder.
External links
- Mikoto Nakadai in Heroes Wiki. (Currently)
- Mikoto Nakadai in Power Rangers Wiki.
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