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Villains Wiki

The Minch Family are the secondary antagonists of the EarthBound/Mother 2 video game.

They are the next-door neighbors of Ness and arch-rivals of him and his family.

The family (except Picky) is villainous because of Ness’s father allegedly loaned a few hundred thousand dollars to Aloysius was never repaid and he believes that the loan brought him and his family to live in poverty, despite their home being much larger.

However parental abuse was the catalyst for turning Porky into evil since he was punished for trying to find his brother following the discovery of a meteorite in the evening before revealing his true nature by fleeing the scene by diverting the helicopter and flies away, leaving his father behind at the Monotoli Building.


Residing in the north suburbs of Onett, where they have been the next-door neighbors of Ana and her unnamed husband, as well as thier children, Ness and Tracy, for presumably a long time. Porky would be close friends with Ness (from his perspective at least), viewing him as his only friend. This would seemingly fall apart however when the father, Aloysius, let his greed set in after Ness' father didn't pay back a loan, causing him to despise the family.

In 199X, after the meteor strikes, when Porky and Picky sneak out, they return home (alongside Ness and Buzz Buzz) only to get abused by Aloysius while Lardna believes he did not abuse them enough. The parents are rude to Ness, then Lardna ends up killing Buzz Buzz, ending the buggy hero's journey.

Later, Porky and Aloysius end up taking over the town of Fourside while acting as consultants for the brainwashed Mayor Geldegarde Monotoli. This does not last long, however, as Ness ends up catching up to them, only leaving Porky to escape. By the end of the game, the family seems to have fallen apart as the parents got a divorce, with Lardna finding another man and Aloysius drinking his sorrows away at a bar.

Ultimately, the abuse by the parents would continue onto their older son, Porky, however, as he would become a catacylsmic egotist wanting to destroy the world who only becomes much worse by the events of Mother 3 which takes place thousands of years later. In New Pork City, Porky still keeps bots of his mother.


            Mother Logo Villains

Giygas's Army
Giygas (2 Novelization | Manga) | Starmen (Starman Junior | Starman Deluxe) | Mooks (Dept. Store Spook) | Evil Mani Mani | Master Belch | Mini Barf | Octobots

Pigmask Army
Porky Minch (Novelization) | Masked Man | Fassad | Pigmasks | Natural Killer Cyborg | Pork Trooper | Li'l Miss Marshmallow | Mr. Genetor | King Statue | Mecha-Drago | Claymen | Chimeras (Ultimate Chimera)

Minch Family
Aloysius Minch (Novelization) | Lardna Minch

Giygas's Race | Sharks (Frank Fly) | Onett Police Force (Captain Strong) | Everdred | Happy Happyists (Mr. Carpainter) | Mr. Poochyfud | Ms. Fake | Guardian Diggers | Geldegarde Monotoli | Krakens | Sanctuary Guardians | Jealous Bass | Mr. Passion | Oh-So-Snake
