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Villains Wiki
Villains Wiki
Harley Quinn in Scribblenauts Unmasked

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Mister Who (DC)

Mister Who is a DC Universe villain, and an enemy of Doctor Fate.


Mister Who's real name is unknown. He was born as nothing but a “hopeless cripple.” He was always tormented by his peers while he was growing up. Whn he became scientist, he developed something called Solution Z, which was based on the world’s most adaptive creatures. Doctor Who decided used it on himself so he can become “strong and tall”. Filled with resentment over the way in which he had been treated all his life, Who decided not to share his discovery, but decided to use his new abilities to steal art treasures and surround himself with beauty, and became an enemy of Doctor Fate.


            Shazam logo Villains

Adolf Hitler | Beau | Beck Geist | Black Adam | Black Lantern Corps | Blaze | C.C. Batson | Captain Nazi | Chain Lightning | Clock King | Demons | Doctor Polaris | Doctor Sivana | Evil Eye | Felix Faust | Gentleman Ghost | Georgia Sivana | Ibac | Jeepers | Kanjar-Ro | King Kull | Lex Luthor | Mister Atom | Mister Banjo | Mister Mind | Mister Who | Monster Society of Evil | Oom the Mighty | Penguin | Sabbac | Satanus | Scarecrow | Seven Deadly Enemies of Man | Sobek/Yurrd | Starro | Suicide Squad | Superboy-Prime | The Dummy | The Spectre | Three Faces of Evil | Tobias Whale | Weeper | Wicked Witch of the West | Zookeeper

Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam: Black Adam
Shazam!: Thaddeus Sivana | Seven Deadly Sins | Mr. Sivana | Brett and Burke Breyer | Robbers | Mister Mind
Black Adam: Black Adam | Intergang (Sabbac) | Demons | Ahk-Ton | Amanda Waller
Shazam! Fury of the Gods: Hesperides (Kalypso, Hespera, & Anthea) | Ladon | Brett and Burke Breyer | Thaddeus Sivana | Mister Mind | Atlas

Black Adam | Mister Mind | Doctor Sivana | Mister Atom

Video Games
Injustice: Superman | Shazam | Black Adam | Gorilla Grodd
