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Villains Wiki

~ J0001's most famous quote
She doesn't love you, She thinks you're pathetic! Your mother hates you. She wishes you were never born! You should stop her... You should punish her... You should kill her, Jared.
~ J0001 manipulating Jared into killing his mother.

Muse J0001, otherwise known as "Jared", is the main antagonist in the 2021 ARG, Don’t Feed The Muse. They are the first Muse to be given to a host in Happy Meat Farms.

They are voiced by the ARG's creator Alex Bale.


Muse J0001 is a manipulative.


J0001's original appearance can be assume to be the same as all other muses, a flashy multi eyed creature with tentacles. the full appearance of J0001 after digestion is unknown, but we can tell that it has crooked teeth and a disfigured, stretched out face. it also wears a device that seems to be night vision goggles that emit bright red lights.



J0001 was planted by MOTHER in the ventilation system of the IT office. From there, they began to wander through the vents, and eventually meat Jared Warrenheim, a computer technician hired in 2016. They soon learned of Jared's difficult childhood and his issues with his mother, Margaret Warrenheim.

Meeting Jared[]

Sometime after their birth, they made first contact with Jared by speaking to him through the air ducts. he initially believed that it was a female employee in the office one floor above, but he could never find the actual source. At some point, Jared realized that the voice was very similar to his mother's. Jared's entire self-worth and identity was built around his mother. Despite constant torment, he still believes that his mother cares for him deep down, and he would do anything for her approval. J0001 knew this and would use it to their advantage. after 2 weeks, J0001 befriended Jared and gained his trust by speaking to him through the air ducts. over time, most of their conversations turned into talks about his mother. These conversations would eventually turn into a constant barrage of negative reinforcement about his mother. This would cause him to mentally replace his own mother for the Muses' queen, MOTHER. After much discussion, Jared was able to convince his mother to come to his place of work for a tour. He brought her to MOTHER’s chamber in the newly built HR building, pushed her inside and shut the door behind her. Not long after, J0001 took his form, assimilated him, and began digestion. However, several hours later, Jared was somehow able to stop the process, causing severe damage to J0001. A few days later, J0001 was successfully able to digest him and reconnected with MOTHER. However, due to being in a defective form, assimilation was no longer possible. However, they were still seen as useful in the IT department, and their body was then mechanized so they could function effectively.

IT Department[]

Sometime after Jared was digested, J0001 would continue to work as head of the IT Department. This would eventually result in the IT Department becoming in charge of monitoring all the hosts and reporting directly to MOTHER herself. One of these hosts was Victoria Campbell, the Happy Meat Farms commercial director. She had a childhood trauma involving Hair, and her home was filled with it in order to weaken her. They also made a room filled with Hair in the HR building, and used it to make her even more vulnerable. Another host, Antonio Geist (Happy Meat Farms' video editor), began hiding images of their test subjects in the HMF welcome video. From there, they removed his fingernails in order to torture him, and he was later assimilated. Another host named William Wright, a biochemical engineer at Happy Meat Farms who lead their first genome tests, but refused human trials. He was then tortured using audio conditioning. However, this would eventually break his mind, making him inviable for digestion.

The hunt for Ramona

Sometimes after J0001 entered the IT department, Ramona Bynes, an extremely powerful host and the founder of the company, managed to break the glass window of her containment chamber and escape.

At the same time J0001 was filming a video documenting the recent "motivational reinforcements" given to hosts. Just as Ramona barged in and knocked down J0001, taking their camera (as she is seen filming events Later on) along with several other classified Happy Meat Farms files.

After Ramona began to Publish the stolen files (including the video filmed by J0001) along with IT files with information on all the hosts, J0001 took quick counter measurements and hacked into the IT files deleting them of all contents save for a few. At the same time, Happy Meat farms created a ploy to catch Ramona involving J0001 and another muse belonging to Carl Matthew who was recently digested by the muse. The muse (in the form of Carl) uploads a video to his website calling out for Ramona and telling her he knows about a weapon that can take down the muses and asks for them to meet. Ramona contacts the fake Carl and gives him her location.

When "Carl" reaches Ramona's hiding place the latter asks for the weapon, but when given it Ramona realizes it's no more than a piece of plastic from the easy bake oven that burned her house when she was a kid. And before she realized what happened, she was caught and presumably killed by J0001.
