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The Dark King's words take precedence above all.
~ Mystvearn's absolute devotion to his liege.
You're correct, Avan. This body is King Vearn's. King Vearn's original body. King Vearn entrusted me with it, and ordered me to hide its identity. At the same time, he allowed me to use its power to fight when necessary. Obviously, I require King Vearn's permission to do so. I am the black Myst that covers King Vearn's true face. I am Mystvearn!
~ Vearn revealed his true identity after Avan exposed it.
Thanks to this accursed body, I was able to meet King Vearn. And King Vearn told me, "It was your destiny from birth to serve me." King Vearn needed my abilities. I needed a great master like King Vearn. I must continue to work for King Vearn!
~ Myst elaborating his connection to Vearn to the Heroes.

Mystvearn, originally called Myst, is the secondary villain in the Dragon Quest spin-off manga Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai. He is the first, foremost and most devoted servant of Vearn. Although he is first introduced as one of the six Commanders of the Dark Army under Hadlar, he is revealed to have always been Vearn's real right-hand man. He mostly remains silent and never lets anyone who saw his face live to tell the tale.

In Japanese, he was voiced by Keiichi Nanba in the 1991 anime as Mystvearn, Takehito Koyasu in the 2020 anime as Mystvearn, and Toshio Forukawa in the 2020 anime as Myst. In English, he is voiced by Alex Zahara as Mystvearn.


Myst is a wraith-like mass of Dark Aura (life-energy stemming from Evil), who needs to possess others so as to sustain himself (ideally a vessel compatible with his dark powers). His possessed victims turn black and surrounded by his purplish Dark Aura, unless their living functions are halted like Vearn's young half, and a shadowy horn-shaped crest appear on its forehead; in fact Mystvearn's face.

When covering his vessel with the hooded cloak called his "Shadow Raiment", he shrouds it with his Dark Aura and assumes his regular aspect. As such, his cloak is some sort of container, inside which his Dark Aura expands, hiding his vessel in darkness.


While I can become strong simply by stealing the body of others, I cannot grow strong through my own efforts. Anyone who could do that, I respected. I envied them.
~ Myst revealing his hidden envious nature to the Heroes.

Mystvearn is cold, callous, uncaring and threatening, only speaking when he absolutely must. He is blindly devoted to Vearn, to such extent that even when he disapproves his liege's decision, he puts his feelings aside without a shred of remorse. The only way to send him over the edge is to make him feel like he failed his liege. Expect him to jump and kill anyone he believes has mocked Vearn in any way, or even suggested.

Mystvearn is highly haughty and contemptuous towards creatures of the surface. He is absolutely ruthless, being willing to use any mean to defeat his foes, although he prefers direct battles. He also always finishes all his enemies off, never bothering with surrenders. Yet, he also harbours great respect and admiration for powerful warriors, mixed with envy stemming from his own inability to fight without a support. He has strong pride as a high-ranked warrior of the Dark Army and deeply resents being told that the might he is so proud of is not his own.

No matter which side they are, Mystvearn commends those with courage and determination; thus, supporting Hadlar for his renewed resolve and praising the heroes and their comrades in earnest. On the other hand, he openly voices his utter contempt for dishonour and cowardice, leaving people like that live only if they are useful to Vearn. He has no uses of the weak Darklings such as Zaboera and made it clear when he tried to use him. In addition, he has no tolerance for those who disrespect individuals who are stronger than them, as he displayed when he threatened Zaboera as the latter disrespected the far more respectable Hadlar (despite the latter's betrayal), making it clear he is not worthy to speak ill of the evolved Hadlar.

Powers and Abilities[]

In his basic form, Mystvearn is non-corporeal and as such immune to attacks, but his only power is possession. He can briefly possess someone and discard them later, but when he chooses a vessel, his consciousness destroys their soul, reducing them to a living puppet. As he uses someone else's body, he can (and will) fight to the fullest, not caring if it breaks from the strain. Mystvearn can only use his powers when possessing someone. It is implied that his might depends on his host's own might and compatibility with darkness, hence his desire to make Hyunckel as powerful and as adept with Dark Aura as possible. Only Light Aura can truly harm him.

It first appears that, as a Commander, he only surpasses Hadlar in his specialty (Dark Aura for him) but he is in fact far superior, at least on par with Hadlar's and Baran's mightiest forms, and so much more when he unveils Vearn's younger self. His full aura is hardly bearable, even to the heroes. Millennia of possessing mighty fighters gave him tremendous skills in hand-to-hand fighting or with bladed weapons, speed, spryness and physical strength, enough to effortlessly swat spells aside. He can wield an evil-looking sword but he prefers fighting without weapons.

One of his signature techniques, the Beat Deathstringer, extends his steel claws to strike at high speed no matter the distance, strong enough to pierce steel like nothing. He can extend one to ten claws, at once or one at a time, to strike up to ten distinct targets. He can turn his elongated claws into tentacles to grab and squeeze targets, or send them underground to make them erupt around his targets and strike from every angle at once. By extension, his Deathstringer Blade technique fuses every finger of one hand into a blade of variable length, which he wields with incredible proficiency, fighting with two blades against his mightiest foes.

Mystvearn can only use magic to fly and teleport, but he can sense auras, spread mist all over, move without his limbs, become invisible (or at least nigh imperceptible), and perform some level of telekinesis. He is the greatest master of Dark Aura to exist, firing it as deadly purple beams, blasts, waves or circular onslaughts around him. He can also concentrate his might on the sphere of Dark Aura at his core; to fire mightier blasts, up to tremendous waves, or to absorb and reflect back spells and Aura blasts. He is all the deadlier in that wounds inflicted by Dark Aura take a long time to heal, even with the mightiest Healing spells. This grants him his three other techniques.

  • The Dark Puppetry Aura Hand: a lasting bolt of Dark Aura (wires in the anime) paralyzing his target and gradually draining their life-force. With it, he can animate skeletons, levitate foes and control their limbs to make them wound themselves.
  • The Dark Puppetry Aura Decimation Field: a large net of Dark Aura around him, trapping everyone as with the Aura Hand albeit much stronger, even flying foes. He can even increase its might further. Escaping without external help is almost impossible.
  • The Dark Aura Ultimate Hand: his mightiest attack, focusing all his Dark Aura on his palm and striking too fast to dodge, obliterating all, should it be the divine, nearly indestructible Orichalcos metal.

When Vearn grants it, Mystvearn can unveil Vearn's second body to use its full power. By doing so, only Vearn's other half can match him. Vearn's divine physical strength enables him to tear Orichalcos apart without effort and to crumble huge walls with the mere pressure of a small movement. And the pressure of his Dark Aura is even more destructive. Since Vearn's body is frozen, it is immune to nearly every form of attack in existence. Mystvearn also becomes able to use one of Vearn's powers, Phoenix Wing: a high-speed palm thrust pushing away physical blows and reflecting back any spell or Aura blast with flawless precision.



The Dark Army was a fleeting dream of the last few decades. […] Armies come and go but I have been around for thousands of years! And for most of them, I alone, have protected King Vearn!
~ Mystvearn

Myst, as he was first named, came into being millennia before the story; born from the spirit and hatred of the darklings (demons) and dragons, who have been battling ever since the Dawn of Time in the Underworld. Desiring immortality, Vearn separated his body in two and cast a spell powered by a solar eclipse to freeze his unused half, for it to remain at its peak, making him undying unless both bodies were destroyed. He recruited Myst and tasked him to possess and protect his other half.

Myst renamed himself Mystvearn, and was appointed right-hand-man and bodyguard to the God of the Underworld. He never left his lord's side, serving as his emissary while Vearn remained unseen to justify his codename. Vearn needing to speak to rule, Mystvearn went totally silent, so that none could notice the similarity between their voices. Mystvearn became the Commander of Vearn's shadow monsters. As centuries went by, he developed an odd friendship with the Reaper Killvearn, even though the latter works for Vearn's arch-rival Velzar.

When the legendary darkling blacksmith Lon Berk left Vearn's service, bored by the lack of purpose despite the luxury provided, Mystvearn confronted him. Lon let him strike without retaliation, knowing that he could not let such a slight go unpunished, but he warned him that should they cross blades again, it would be to the death, leaving a lasting impression on the Shadow Vizier.

Mystvearn sauve Hyunckel

Mystvearn saving Hyunckel.

Around ten years before the story, Mystvearn witnessed Hyunckel's failed attempt to kill the great hero Avan and rescued him. He perfected the boy's training and taught him to master Dark Aura, to make him one of Vearn's best warriors. However, his true goal was to make him his new vessel, for the day when he would have to give Vearn's half back.

The first skirmishes[]

Mystvearn first appears when Hadlar gathers all the Commanders of the Dark Army to the Sovereign Rock Castle: a gigantic, demon-shaped, mobile fortress carved in a mountain. There, they discuss of the thorn in their side represented by the disciples of the great hero Avan. Mystvearn speaks for the first time in centuries, reminding the other leaders that Vearn's order cannot be discussed.

Ki Gan Joh 1

The Sovereign Rock Castle moving.

The Dark Army sets a full-scale attack on Valge Island to get rid of Avan's disciples after Flazzard, Commander of the Elemental Division, traps Princess Leona in ice as a bait. Mystvearn engages his Shadow Division, and catches the hero Dai with his Dark Puppetry Aura Hand technique to gradually kill him.

Dai only owes his life to Crocodine, who joined his side. Hyunckel, who also defected kills Hadlar, so Mystvearn returns to the Sovereign Rock Castle to tell him how he was revived. After Flazzard's defeat, Mystvearn offers him a Dead Armour, the mightiest of his Legion, making him his underling. But when he is beaten for good, he finishes him off without remorse and departs.

Mystvearn is present when Killvearn appears to move away the Rock Castle, and when the Dark Army's leaders witness the first meeting between Baran, Commander of the Dragon Division, and Dai, who happens to be his son. When Baran is defeated and defects in turn, Mystvearn informs Hadlar that Vearn wants to see him and watches his liege threaten his Supreme Commander with execution if he fails one time too many.

Attack on the Royal Summit[]

Mystvearn dirige le Château du Rocher-Démon

Mystvearn ruling the Sovereign Rock Castle.

Mystvearn later enters the lair of Zaboera, Commander of the Sorcerer Division, for intel, and discovers that Hadlar threw away his pride and immortality to get mutated into an extremely powerful Superior Being.

Pleased with this, Mystvearn accepts his request to buy him time and obtains Vearn's permission to use the Sovereign Rock Castle itself. He directs it to attack the kingdom of Papnica, where Princess Leona is gathering the world's rulers to form an alliance against the Dark Army.

He spreads thick fog all over to go unnoticed and starts wreaking havoc, but the powerful army of the kingdom of Bengarna fires with all its cannons on the fortress... To no avail. The cannons only revealed the real aspect of the Rock Castle, and its full weaponry.

Ki Gan Joh 2

The real appearance of the Sovereign Rock Castle.

Mystvearn unleashes his hordes of Shadow Soldiers, Shadow Ghosts and Poltergeists to fend off the heroes, channelling his Dark Aura into the Rock Caste to respawn them indefinitely.

Hyunckel attacks the fortress and Mystvearn faces him, determined to wash the stain of his former disciple's defection in his blood. Hyunckel attacks him with Dark Aura, but losing his hatred rendered it useless. Mystvearn easily overpowers Hyunckel and sends him over the edge of the fortress to his doom. He is rescued by the grappler lady Maam, but Mystvearn appears immediately after.

Mystvearn tells Hyunckel that back when he served Vearn, his power stemmed from mixing his Light and Dark Aura. Having shed his inner darkness, his former student is not a match for him any longer. He traps every hero in his Aura Decimation Field and slowly crushes them.

Le visage de Mystvearn

Mystvearn's face.

Hyunckel breaks free and strikes Mystvearn with Avan's Sky-Slash technique cutting through ethereal being, unveiling his face. Enraged, he orders his henchman to pilot the Rock Castle to crush the Royal Summit and prepares to annihilate the heroes.

But Dai appears, using his new Orichalcos Sword to free his friends and destroy the castle from within, shattering its core with Avan's Earth-Slash technique amplified by his scabbard.

Battle in the Field of Death[]

Blaming himself, a livid Mystvearn opens his cloak and unleashes his secret power to destroy them, only to be stopped by Killvearn of all people. The two take their leave, but are chased by the mage Popp, whom they lure to the Field of Death to get rid of him. Hadlar now reappears, his metamorphosis complete, and defeats Dai who sinks into the ocean. Pleased with this, Vearn confirms Hadlar in his rank of Supreme Commander and appoints Mystvearn as his third-in-command.

After Hadlar is pushed into a corner by Baran and Dai, Vearn decides to get rid of all three by detonating the Black Core he put inside Hadlar's body: a magical bomb able to nuke a continent. When they attempt to suppress the explosion, Mystvearn is sent there to detonate it and he does so despite his respect for Hadlar. Mystvearn detonates the Black Core by unveiling his true face, something only Vearn could have normally done, by fuelling it with Vearn's energy. He later witnesses the heroes' crushing defeat at Vearn's hand and when Hadlar rebels against Vearn, he holds his Orichalcos Royal Guard in place.

The Final confrontation[]

Lon Berk versus Mystvearn

Lon Berck versus Mystvearn.

At the execution of Crocodine and Hyunckel, in fact a trap, Mystvearn offers to spare Hyunckel, if he drinks concentrated Dark Aura. He predicts that Hyunckel will do so hoping to boost his own power, planning to overwhelm and corrupt him. However, Hyunckel is able assimilate the Dark Aura and the party barges in with all their allies.

Zaboera appears and summons countless mighty Underworld monsters. Yet, the alliance hold their own and Mystvearn is locked in combat with none other than Lon Berck, who fights as well as he forges and now sides with humans; enabling the disciples of Avan to storm the Vearn Palace.

As everything seems lost for the Dark Army, Mystvearn opts to return to the Vearn Palace to keep Avan's disciples from reaching his liege. He praises Lon Berck for rivalling his power and the allied forces for their bravery... before coldly ordering Zaboera to win this battle if he wants to avoid execution, making his disgust for his cowardice clear as day. Mystvearn confronts the heroes, including Avan himself who survived by miracle and went to train in secret, in the White Garden, the most beautiful location in Vearn Palace and swears that they will all die here.

With Avan being challenged by Killvearn and Dai heading to fight Vearn himself, he captures Maam and Popp to force Dai to return, but they are saved by Baran's resurrected surrogate son, Larhalt. Mystvearn battles the three of them, who fight him to an apparent stalemate, but he unexplainedly resists all their attacks and never seems to tire, keeping the advantage all along. It is only now that Hyunckel, Crocodine and everyone else barge in.

Hyunckel himself is too heavily damaged to battle, but he made a valuable comrade in Hym, Pawn Warrior of the Orichalcos Guard, who inherited organic life and mastery of Aura after Hadlar's death. With Hym matching Mystvearn's might and weakening his Dark Aura with his own of Light, he holds a tremendous advantage against the Shadow Vizier, dominating the fight and grievously wounding him. The heroes hesitate between unveiling the mystery of Mystvearn's mask or killing him right away, but right as they chose the latter, he reveals his true face without his liege's permission. (Since Vearn is fighting Dai and cannot hear him.)

Mystvearn démasqué

Mystvearn inhabiting Vearn's younger half.

He uses Vearn's astonishing physical strength to turn the tide, now immune even to Light Aura, crushing every hero in mere seconds, and easily withstanding every attack from Brookena, the greatest martial artist who could roll along to dodge all of his blows but was too old to land a real hit.

He catches him and holds him hostage while Popp is casting the extremely destructive spell Medroa, the only attack that can destroy him. Popp fires his spell anyway and teleports to save Brookena, but Mystvearn deflects it back at them with the Phoenix Wing technique, seemingly killing both. (In fact, they get saved by Avan but fainted.)

As the grieving heroes finally grasp Mystvearn's secret, Avan arrives shape-shifted as Killvearn, in an attempt to learn more. Mystvearn is not fooled for a second, and Avan reveals himself, having fully deduced his secret. At this moment, Vearn, who nearly-died after losing to Dai orders him to return his youthful half. Myst accept and is left in his true form, possessing Maam when she attacks him out of grieving rage.

Myst fights using Maam's huge fighting skills and their reluctance to attack her to the extreme. Avan tries to free her with his Sky-Slash Technique, but this was a bait to reach Myst's true target... Hyunckel. He infiltrates his former student's soul and tries to wipe out his consciousness to completely take over. Yet, Hyunckel saw it coming miles away and concentrates all his Light Aura at Myst, destroying him once and for all. Ironically the only thing he desired for himself was the cause of his doom.

With Hyunckel, Maam, Popp and Brookena safe, the group goes to the main tower, to face the rejuvenated God of the Underworld for the Final Battle.

In Video Games[]

Mystvearn appears in the mobile game A Hero's Bonds and the PS5 game Infinity Strash, adapting the anime. He is a boss whenever faced in the story. He is very powerful and resilient, but quite easy to defeat with a strong enough team using powerful moves. In A Hero's Bonds, he strikes or hurls bluish energy waves with his blade-hands, uses far-reaching normal or double Beat Deathstringer, fires Dark Aura spheres or close-range blasts. When unveiled, his blows can cause shockwaves of pure force or send energy waves.

In Infinity Strash, he teleports and calls forth shadow monsters. He uses his normal moves, but can also blast the ground around him with a Dark Aura circle, fire up to ten rows of enormous Dark Aura waves along the ground in succession, before him or from the sides, or conjuring a massive ring of Dark Aura spheres sweeping the arena around him while vacuuming the heroes towards him.

Mystvearn makes a cameo in the medley games Dragon Quest of the Stars, Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light, Dragon Quest Tact and Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 3 Pro, often as a bonus boss in a turn-by-turn gameplay, but sometimes playable. In Tact, Mystvearn can use the Mantle of Darkness move to boost his defence for a while. In Joker 3 Pro, he is sent to explore that world where people use monsters to fight. He uses unique moves like Disturb Wave, a powerful stats reducer, and Forbidden Action, a wave of purple energy circles dealing physical damage and hindering all targets. When beaten, he gives the player a clone of himself out of respect for their skills.


           DQ Dai english logo Villains

The Dark Army
Vearn | Mystvearn | Killvearn | Hadlar | Crocodine | Hyunckel | Flazzard | Baran | Zaboera | Zamza | Maximum | Goroa

The Dragon Masters
Galdandy | Borahorn | Larhalt

The Royal Elite Guard
Hym | Sigma | Albinass | Fenbren | Block

Velzar | Varon and Temjin | Fake Heroes
