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Nekkers or nekkras are recurring antagonists of the Witcher Series appearing exclusively in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Nekkers are monsters that qualify as Ogroids. In appearance, nekkers are smaller than humans and can be snagged with children, have unnaturally long hands reaching down to the ground with four claws, white eyes on their faces, huge mouths revealing a series of large and sharp teeth, and triangular ears.
Nekkers, unlike other ogroids, can fight through agility and acrobatics, being able to jump high from a distance, they can dodge when someone makes an attack. Nekkers are sentient creatures capable of ambushing their victims in groups, surrounding them and then killing them. Nekkers are creatures that gather like in tribes, making their own nests like mole holes.
Bestiary entries[]
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings[]
Imagine a drowner that burrows tunnels, climbs trees, is more vicious than usual, and when ambushing its prey, it does so with many of its kin. Now you have a good idea of what a nekker is. These primitive creatures are the bane of the wilderness - the inhabitants of forest villages fear them, and animals give their nests a wide berth. Nekkers are social creatures, gathering in something akin to tribes, for they can only repel the attacks of stronger assailants en masse.
When nekkers venture out as a war or hunting party, they are led by chieftains. These are larger and mark their faces with red clay. Chieftains give orders, turning a wild band into an organized unit, thus they should be eliminated first.
The nekkers' basic tactic is to strike en masse. They burrow from beneath the ground and swarm upon their prey. Though primitive, the tactic is surprisingly effective. One must be ready to repel many foes at once - the fast style is best suited to this. As with other agile creatures, running from nekkers is not the best idea, for the monsters will catch up to their prey and swiftly kill it with multiple hits of their claws.
Witchers can use their full range of skills and techniques when fighting nekkers. Signs, bombs, poisons and oils that augment bleeding are all extremely effective against the beasts. Nekker nests are best destroyed with Grapeshot bombs.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[]
Take heed, gents, there's nekkers under this here bridge. If you all cross at once, without slowing or stopping, there's nothing to fear. But if your cart throws an axle and you get stuck out there... Well, close your eyes and pray to Melitele. – Kurt Hammerbach, city guardsman in Vengerberg
A lone nekker is harmless. Five are dangerous. Ten can kill even a veteran monster slayer. Particularly troublesome are the larger, stronger individuals known as warriors, as well as the rare breed of nekkers known as phoocas.
Nekkers and phoocas live in the dark woods that grow in damp, mist-filled valleys, in colonies of one to several dozen individuals. They dig deep burrows for lairs and connect them with a network of narrow tunnels. Using these passageways they are able to move at great speed within and around their colonies.
Nekkers always attack in groups and by surprise. They try to surround their prey as quickly as possible, cutting off all escape routes. Luckily their attack is for the most part disorganized, for nekkers are not gifted with great courage and individual nekkers will often hesitate before overcoming their fear and striking. When fighting them one can use this moment of hesitation to kill the braver individuals before finishing off those who remain in the back.
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Novels Vídeo games The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Hearts of Stone Blood and Wine Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Netflix TV series Monsters; The Adonis | Voleth Meir | Wild Hunt | Chernobog | Kikimora | Myriapodan | Krallach | Striga | Villentretenmerth | Djinn | Nekkers | Bruxa | Leshy | Myriapod | Zeugl | Chernobog | Basilisk | The Shaelmaar | The Werewolf | The Wyvern | The Aeschna
Blood Origin Sirens of the Deep |