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I have herpes! I look awful! It looks like there's only one thing I can do! I must die with honor! HARI KARI!!!
~ Nene in Nene Interactive Suicide.

Nene is the tritagonist of the Pico series, serving as a major protagonist in Pico's School and the titular main protagonist of Nene's Interactive Suicide. She also appears in the rhythm videogame Friday Night Funkin as the secondary antagonist of WeekEnd 1. She is an Asian student with suicidal tendencies and a highly promiscuous nature.


Nene has a pink dress, light pink pants and a shirt, with white eyes. Her hair is black and has a pink handband. In Nene Interactive Suicide, she has herpes all over her mouth, while in Pico Roulette, she has large buck teeth, shown as a stereotypical depiction of an Asian.


Nene is a young teen who is a suicidal and perverted girl. She was a popular student at school, claiming that she and Jordan Katalano will be in the yearbook as the best couple. Her deviance is known by her friends and other people, as she is a masochistic but does have some "limits" to her pure deviance. Despite all of this, she is Christian, with the Bible on her nightstand and makes a prayer to God to end her life. She is shown to have a penchant for knives in Friday Night Funkin', a trait originally seen in fan Flashes.

She believes in dying "with honor" when she found she has herpes; she must find ways to die by suicide so she can avoid being humiliated by her friends.



Pico and Nene are friends. Even though their interactions make them seems like enemies. In Pico's School, Nene wanted to Pico to kill her and in Resident Pico, Nene rejects Pico's offer to protect her from zombies. But later in the game she advises Pico to run away, meaning she doesn't want him to die.


Darnell and Nene are confirmed to be friends. But they never interacted enough with each other, meaning they are not really close.


Pico's School[]

Oh god! The blood! The violence! The tension! I don't want to live through another minute of this! Please end my life, and spare me this anxiety!
~ Nene begging Pico to kill her.

Nene begging for Pico to kill her,

In Pico's School, Nene begs to Pico to kill her. You can choose to kill her or spare her by just leaving.

Nene Interactive Suicide[]

In Nene Interactive Suicide, Nene wakes up with herpes after kissing Jordan Katalano. When she realizes this, she wanted to die with honor by killing herself by drinking milk, hanging herself on a ceiling fan, praying to God to get stuck with a lightning bolt, jumping out of the window, shooting herself with a gun, or cutting her wrist with open a razor blade. If you pick the razor blade, Nene will talk to her mother when she bleeds.

Pico Roulette[]

In Pico Roulette, Nene is a playable character.

Resident Pico[]

In Resident Pico, Nene shows up in the beginning of the game to warn Pico about the zombies. Pico tries to protect her, but she says that she "can't wait to get her brains eaten" before running off.

Friday Night Funkin'[]

Nene is a minor character in Friday Night Funkin', as she is seen in Weekend 1 watching Darnell and Pico rap battle while sitting on a detached A-BOT. Acting as a Girlfriend character.

Newgrounds Rumble[]

In Newgrounds Rumble, Nene is a playable character, having 2 knives. She goes into battle to become the "King of the Portal" to prove that she is not just a token girl. At the end of her story mode, she kills herself after becoming the ruler due to her not being able to handle the pressure. Convict disguises himself as Nene to take her place.


This looks so much easier on television... I never knew this took so long!
~ Nene
Dear Lord, who art in heaven... Please free my soul from this earth and welcome it in your holy kingdom. End my life, and I shall be eternally grateful.
~ Nene
Protect me? Protect yourself! I can't wait to have my brains eaten!
~ Nene



  • In the now deleted Pico's World, Nene is stated to enjoy necrophilia and bestiality. This was later deconfirmed by Tom Fulp (be it out of forgetting about the hub or retconning elements of it) to be little more than "nasty internet rumors".[1]

External links[]


           Pico logo Villains

Goth Punks
Casandra | Hanzou | Alucard | Cyclops

Uberkids | Big Brown Bary | Giko | Nene | Darnell

Piconjo | Adolf Hitler | Unnamed Parents

Leroy (Pico) | Roc | José

           NewgroundsRumble Villains

Piconjo | Hank | Grunt | Nene | Convict

See Also (Heroes From Newgrounds Rumble)
Alloy | Alien Hominid | Salad Fingers | P-Bot | Samurai Asshole | Pico | Tankman | Fancy Pants

           Friday Villains

Main Characters
Daddy Dearest | Mommy Mearest | The Monster | The Spirit

Guest Characters
Darnell | Nene

