Nathaniel Tryon, referred to as Neutron, is a minor antagonist in season 8 of the television series Smallville, appearing in the episode "Injustice". Neutron is based on the DC villain of the same name who appears as an enemy of Superman.
He was portrayed by Jae Lee.
Neutron was in the woods with his team members watching a disguised Eva Greer as Chloe Sullivan running into the arms of Clark Kent. After this happened, he and Livewire tracked Doomsday to a garage in Granville.
They were ordered by Tess Mercer to merely follow the beast and call for back-up when they found him. But Doomsday became aware that he was being followed and attacked Neutron and Livewire.
Neutron retaliated against the beast with his radioactive blasts but they failed to harm Doomsday in any noticeable way. Neutron was gruesomely wounded trying to defend himself and Livewire from the beast but Doomsday killed him and escaped.
Plastique and Parasite arrived to find Livewire watching over Neutron's lifeless body. Livewire took his death hard and mourned him before she died at the hands of Tess for leaving the team.