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The Nexus is the overarching antagonist of the two Quake games, Quake 2 and Quake 4.

It is the core of the Strogg hivemind that guides the Strogg through its communications array to begin their campaign for destruction and conquest. In provoking the war between humanity and the Strogg, it was solely responsible for many planets to be conquered with populations under attack to be killed and assimilated to produce their numbers under leadership of the Makron and his successor, Makron Alpha, as both elected by the Nexus.



As the origins of the Strogg remain unknown, the Nexus was the core of the Strogg hivemind who gain access in guiding them by communicating with them with its communications array, guiding the Strogg to assemble for their campaign to their destructive campaign to assimilate enough flesh to reproduce their race to be the dominant force. Electing the Makron as leader, the Strogg had succeeded in invading and conquering Mars and eventually its neighboring planet, Earth, which resulted in the war between the humans and the Strogg.

Quake 2[]

With Earth conquered as a desolate wasteland, the surviving humans recognized the threat the Strogg had imposed and prepared a plan to strike back against them to determine their victory and survival for all of mankind. During the invasion, the Makron was killed in battle, Stroogos' planet defenses was taken down and the Stroggs' moon base was destroyed, but the Nexus guided the Strogg to another goal by using a gravity well to pin both ships, Deimos and Phobos, into space to be invaded and destroyed by the Strogg before having the Black Widow Guardian occupying and guarding the generator.

The gravity well was eventually destroyed, but it came with a price with the surviving human forces to be killed from the resulting explosion and the remaining wounded to be captured to become Stroggs, leaving the only survivors, Stepchild and Joker, still remaining. The explosion had also resulted in the destruction of the remaining Strogg fleet orbiting Stroggos, leaving the planet defenseless.

Quake 4[]

With the GDF regrouping to launch the second invasion of Stroggos, the Nexus starts a counter-measure to prevent the humans from winning the war and elected the Makron's successor, Makron Alpha, as the new leader of the Strogg to continue their defense on the surface. When the GDF arrived, they soon learn that the invasion is not as easy as they expected with the Strogg ground forces proving to be more powerful than the last time due to Makron Alpha's leadership ane succeeded in destroying the EMP bomb despite not being powerful enough to disconnect the Nexus's communications array and soon Makron Alpha ambushes and captures the soldier, Matthew Kane, to be converted into a Strogg. Despite Kane's partial assimilation, he was already free before he could get connected to the Nexus.

Throughout the course of the invasion, Kane manages to breach through to get to the Nexus Core he makes a second confrontation with Makron Alpha and succeeds in defeating him. Though Makron Alpha died, the Nexus still poses an opportunity for the Strogg due to the communications array it generates. When Kane reaches its chamber, the Nexus performs a step to stop Kane by generating a shield to keep itself protected from his weapons and summoning Strogg to protect it. Despite everything it throws at Kane, it was soon destroyed by him, disconnecting its communications to all Strogg to be both left in disarray and defeated by the humans, ending its reign.


  • With both Shub-Niggurath and the Strogg comfirmed to have a connection, it could be implied that the Nexus might be an artificially advanced form of her brood as it would suggest since it is a brain with both a spinal cord and augmented with components that generates a shield around itself, though this remains unconfirmed.