Hanno Tauber, better known by the name Noah, is a major character in the Netflix series Dark, serving as the main antagonist of the first season, the secondary antagonist of the second season and a major character in the third season. He was a devout follower of Adam and Sic Mundus who wished to find his daughter, Charlotte, after she was kidnapped (unbeknownst to him on Adam's orders).
He was portrayed by Mark Waschke as an adult and Max Schimmelpfennig when young.
Noah was a soft-spoken and sophisticated individual. He believed that he wanted to free people from the constraints of time. He was remorseless about killing people to achieve his goals and did not show too much care for how the town would react to the murders. He was loyal to Adam and his vision to influence time.
It was then revealed that Noah primary goal was to reunite with his daughter, who was kidnapped as an infant. He followed Adam because he believed that he would help him manipulate the timeline so he could see his daughter again, unaware that Adam merely used this to get Noah to help him. To which Noah became furious about after finding out his true intentions which Noah didn’t want anything to do with and tried to kill Adam as well before being killed by his own sister, whom Adam used as well.
Noah was born as Hanno Tauber, with his parents being Bartosz and Silja Tiedemann. Noah killed his father after Adam convinced him to do so. Later, Adam instructed him to deliver a letter to Jonas Kahnwald in 2020, to which he travelled to. Noah met Elisabeth Doppler in the bunker while avoiding the impending apocalypse, during which he befriended the young Jonas and his great-grandmother Claudia in making the portal work.
Noah begun to suspect Claudia as she was sabotaging the portal so that it works in 2050s. He and Elisabeth later had a daughter, Charlotte in 2041, who was kidnapped under Adam's orders. Falsely convinced Claudia was behind the kidnapping, Noah left the group and travelled to 1920.
Noah studied theology to become a pastor. He had a pastorate in the town of Vechta. He took the post of pastor in Winden at the age of forty-two, going under the name Hanno Tauber.
Noah was eventually recruited by his uncle Adam and believed he was working to achieve a greater purpose: to elevate humanity by controlling time travel, which would make it possible to re-arrange events and escape the pre-determined cycle of suffering. Adam convinced him Claudia was behind the disappearance of his daughter, as he ordered Noah to begin the time-travel experiments using the chair in the bunker.
Noah later kills Claudia in revenge of his manipulation. However, when Noah took the remaining pages of the journal, he found out that he was merely being manipulated by Adam and that the latter wanted to wage war on humanity and was the true kidnapper of his daughter. He wanted to kill him for revenge as well as his plans did not align with his own plan. But since it wasn’t Adam’s fate to be killed by Noah, he wouldn’t die. Adam instead has Noah’s sister Agnes Nielsen, who is also a dedicated follower of Adam, to kill him. Noah died never having achieved any of his goals.