Nobuyuki Kazaya is a scientist at the Nichisei University who experimented on Yukina Sawaki. He was insistent to go deeper and deeper into Yukina's powers despite being warned by his "brother". He serves as an overarching antagonist of Kamen Rider Agito.
In Mana's eyes he was a kind father who cared about his daughter Mana and would never hurt anyone. He told her stories and even bought her presents displaying how much he cherished her.
Due to him losing his wife and carrying a compassionate personality. Although after meeting with Yukina and Shouichi Tsugami they noticed Yukina's developing powers, unbeknownst to them granted by the Overlord of Light. Therefore Kazaya experimented on Yukina and sought to invent the world's first superhuman. Although on one day Yoshihiko Misugi disagreed with him and that day Kazaya was also killed.
This being because Yukina lost control and mistakenly crushed his organs. His effects were felt because since she died the overlord of light awakened the power in Tetsuya her brother. In all causing the Akatsuki incident and the entire superhuman genocide.
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