The Nopino Goblins, known as the Yōkai in the Japanese version, are recurring antagonists in the Pocky and Rocky series (KiKi KaiKai in Japan). They are a group of creatures who are corrupted into causing havoc by evil forces.
In the past, the Nopino Goblins were corrupted by a spell cast by an evil spirit, but were saved by Pocky after she removed the spell.
While partying one night, the Nopino Goblins were visited by a mysterious figure in a black mantle, who cast a spell on them that caused them to agitate them and cause them to rampage. The only Nopino not affected was Rocky the Raccoon, who was asleep at the time. After waking up to find his friends angry and rampaging, Rocky rushed over to Pocky to get her help in figuring out what was wrong with them.
Suddenly, Pocky's shrine was attacked by a group of Nopino Goblins led by Zuzu, leading Pocky and Rocky to team up to fight them. After defeating the Nopino Goblins and curing them, Zuzu told Pocky and Rocky of the figure in a black mantle who had visited them while they were partying. Hearing this, Pocky and Rocky believed the Nopino Goblins in the forest must be in danger and ventured into there to search for any clues.
In the forest, Pocky and Rocky were faced by the yokai Bamboo Warrior. The Bamboo Warrior declared that he would tell them where the Black Mantle was only if they defeated him. After beating the Bamboo Warrior however, he simply fled the scene and left the pair with no clues as to where Black Mantle was. Eventually though, the pair found the Gorgonzola Octopus Snake Laken and learned after beating it that the Nopino Goblins had been driven crazy by the Gorgonzola Goblins, an invasive force from faraway lands who sought to conquer Japan.
While venturing through the Gorgonzola fortress, Pocky and Rocky came across numerous Nopinos being held in cages in the prison area. After defeating Dr. Lee, Pocky and Rocky set free all the Nopino Goblins before going on to confront the source of the conflict, Black Mantle.
After Black Mantle was defeated, all the Nopino Goblins (and their Gorgonzola counterparts) were freed from his spell. As the Gorgonzolas sailed back to their own land, Rocky and the Nopino Goblins thanked Pocky and said goodbye to her before returning to the forest to celebrate in peace.
- The word "Nopino" is likely a play on "Nippon".
Villains | ||
KiKi KaiKai Pocky and Rocky Gorgonzola Goblins Pocky and Rocky 2 Pocky and Rocky with Becky Pocky and Rocky Reshrined |