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How dare you! You, who consort with Romulans, invoke my father's name to support your traitorous arguments! It is an offense to everything I hold dear. And to hear those words used to subvert the Federation! My father was a great man. His name stands for integrity and principle. You dirty his name when you speak it. He loved the Federation, but you, Captain, corrupt it. You undermine our very way of life. I will expose you for what you are! I have brought down bigger men than you, Picard!
~ Satie's angry rant at Picard after he quoted her father.

Admiral Norah Satie (simply known as Norah Satie) is an antagonist who appears in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Drumhead".

She was portrayed by the late Jean Simmons.


The daughter of respected Federation jurist Aaron Satie, Norah was the Starfleet Admiral who signed the orders for Jean-Luc Picard to take command of the USS Enterprise-D in 2364. Later that same year, she worked with other officers, including Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-D, to uncover the Neural Parasite conspiracy against Starfleet Command.

In The Drumhead Satie was called in to lead the investigation of an explosion that occurred within the Enterprise-D warp core. Initially sabotage was suspected. Soon, however, things took a dark turn when her Betazoid aide, Sabin Genestra, detected that Crewman Simon Tarses was hiding something. Genestra soon learned that Tarses had a Romulan grandfather and he became a suspect. Even when the explosion was found to have been an accident due to a design defect in the warp core hatch, and not an act of sabotage Satie refused to back down. She turned her investigation into a witch-hunt to root out Romulan spies within the Federation. When Picard refused to aid her in her quest and protests her actions, she put him on trial. In addition, she had Admiral Henry of Starfleet Security brought in to observe all future hearings on the matter.

At the trial, Picard unsuccessfully tried to convince Satie to end the trials. Satie then proceeded to question Picard about his numerous violations of the Prime Directive and about his Klingon security officer Worf (whose father, Mogh, was accused of being a Romulan collaborator at the time). She then asked Picard about his experienced as Locutus of Borg and taunted him about his culpability in the destruction of nearly 40 starships and the deaths of about 11,000 people during the Battle of Wolf 359. Satie then proceeded to question Picard's integrity and loyalty to the Federation.

This led Picard to recite a quote by her late father about freedom and the rights of sentient beings, causing Satie to launch into a crazed rant and declare that she "brought down bigger men than you, Picard!" In doing so, she exposed her paranoia and arrogance, totally destroying her credibility in the process. Admiral Henry got up and walked out of the room in disgust, and the hearing was recessed.

Admiral Henry soon brings Satie's unlawful investigations to an end, declaring there will be no further hearings on the matter, and Satie departed the Enterprise-D. Worf notes to Picard that, after her rant, people most likely will probably not trust her anymore; however, Picard cautions that her or someone like her will always be around, waiting for the right climate to spread fear and paranoia.


I've seen this before. The specter of conspiracy on a starship is a frightening one.
~ Satie
When Starfleet ordered me here, it was with the express command that we work together on this problem as equals. My father taught me to avoid partnerships. Most of them are woefully lop-sided.
~ Satie
[My father] was an extraordinary man. Every night at the dinner table, he would pose a question for debate. My big brothers and I would wrangle it around, from one side and the other. Father would referee, and he kept a stopwatch on us so we'd have to learn brevity. But he wouldn't let us leave until he thought we'd completely explored the issue.
~ Satie reminiscing about her childhood.
Captain, I always preferred working alone. That way, if something goes wrong, I don't have to go far for the cause. I resented you being assigned to me, but I was wrong. We're going to be quite a team.
~ Satie to Picard.
And while you're being so generous, you give a saboteur a chance to strike again. Last time it was just a hatch cover. What if, next time, it's more serious? What if lives are lost? Can you afford not to act?
~ Satie to Picard.
Let us keep our perspective, gentlemen. Just because there was no sabotage doesn't mean there isn't a conspiracy on this ship. We do have a confessed spy.
~ Satie
How can you be so incredibly naive? Captain, may I tell you how I've spent the last four years? From planet to starbase to planet. I have no home. I live on starships and shuttlecraft. I haven't seen a family member in years. I have no friends. But I have a purpose. My father taught me from the time I was a little girl still clutching a blanket, that the United Federation of Planets is the most remarkable institution ever conceived. And it is my cause to make sure that this extraordinary union be preserved. I cannot imagine why you are trying to block this investigation. There have been others in the past who doubted me. They came to regret it.
~ Satie to Picard.
I have news for you, Captain. I've been in constant contact with Starfleet Command. The hearings are not going to stop. They're going to be expanded. [...] I'm going to get to the heart of this conspiracy if it means investigating every last person on this ship.
~ Satie to Picard.
Captain, do you believe in the Prime Directive? [...] In fact, it's Starfleet General Order Number One, is it not? [...] Would it surprise you to learn that you have violated the Prime Directive a total of nine times since you took command of the Enterprise? I must say, Captain, it surprised the hell out of me.
~ Satie, to Picard during his interrogation.
Tell me, Captain, have you completely recovered from your experience with the Borg? [...] It must have been awful for you, actually becoming one of them, being forced to use your vast knowledge of Starfleet operations to aid the Borg. Just how many of our ships were lost? And a loss of life, I believe, measured at nearly 11,000. One wonders how you can sleep at night, having caused so much destruction. I question your actions, Captain. I question your choices. I question your loyalty.
~ Satie taunting Picard during his interrogation.
I have nothing more to say.
~ Satie's final lines.


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Star Trek: The Motion Picture: V'Ger | Klingons (Barak)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: Augments (Khan & Joachim)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock: Klingons (Kruge, Torg, Maltz, Klingon Gunner) | Valkris
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home: Whale Probe | Kamarag
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier: The One | Klingons (Klaa & Vixis) | Sybok
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country: Khitomer Conspiracy (General Chang, Nanclus, Valeris, Admiral Cartwright, Patrick West, Harlan Burke, Thomas Samno, Kerla)
Star Trek Generations: Tolian Soran | Klingons (Lursa & B'Etor)
Star Trek: First Contact: The Borg (Borg Queen)
Star Trek: Insurrection: Son'a (Ahdar Ru'afo & Gallatin) | Matthew Dougherty
Star Trek: Nemesis: Remans (Shinzon, Viceroy, Tal'aura, Suran & Donatra)
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