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Villains Wiki
Villains Wiki

Nyarlathotep is a playable minor antagonist in Dragalia Lost. While he initially appeared as a supporting character in the "Accursed Archives" facility event, his next major appearance establishes him as a villain as he serves as the main antagonist for the "Drifting Sorrows" onslaught event.


Nyarlathotep has the same appearance as White Nyarlathotep other than color. Whereas White Nyarlathotep was white, Nyarlathotep is black and purple.


Dragon Story[]

A boy who lived in a town full of crime and sin found a dragon known as Nyarlathotep, who saw the boy as a worthy sacrifice for his master. However, seeing how willing the boy was, Nyarlathotep felt the need to corrupt the boy first before taking his soul.

As such he provides the boy with gifts starting with money, a mansion, and servants. Then he gave the boy power that drove other jealous of him. The boy gained a status of greatness because of Nyarlathotep all because the dragon believed that excess wealth would eventually corrupt the boy.

However, instead of keeping everything for himself, the boy shared his gifts with others, prompting Nyarlathotep to take it all away hoping that this would cause the boy to grief. When the boy only smiled at him, Nyarlathotep became confused over how unfased the child was and was beginning to believe he wouldn't be able to claim his soul.

However, the boy then told Nyarlathotep that being with him is enough to make him happy. Hearing this, Nyarlathotep smiles and says "You desire me. That is greed." With this Nyarlathotep claimed the boy's soul.

Drifting Sorrows[]

After getting into contact with a woman whose husband passed away, Nyarlathotep promised her the power to bring him back with a special ritual that would be considered heretical to the Ilian Church. However, the spell alone along with White Nyarlathotep awakening briefly within Lathna results in lanterns turning into zombies that cause havoc around Grastaea, prompting Lathna and Cleo to find the source. Upon finding the woman responsible, Nyarlathotep possesses her and forces her into his form.

Now free from the library, Nyarlathotep escapes with intent on releasing the ancient one. However, Cleo and Lathna catch up with him and strike him down, sending him back to his prison.


  • Nyarlathotep is the only playable character to be first introduced not as a villain before eventually becoming a villain in a later event. Most other playable villains are introduced as such.
  • There has been the implied possibility that the Nyarlathotep in Drifting Sorrows is a different one from the Nyarlathotep in Accursed Archives. These implications though have not been confirmed.


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Dyrenell Empire
"King Aurelius" | Leonidas | Phares | Valyx | Beren | Emile | Harle | Alex

Nedrick | Ayaha and Otoha | Ciella | Volk | Kai Yan | Tartarus

Ilian Church
Origa | Graht | Basileus | Michael

Sinister Dominion
Satan | Loki (Dragalia Lost) | Lilith | Jaldabaoth | Asura | Iblis | Surtr

The Progenitor
Xenos | Morsayati | Beren | Otherworld Euden | Otherworld Halidom

Event Antagonists
King Archeole | Phraeganoth | Pumpking | Storm Sentinel | Hypnos | Manticore | Sabnock | Gustav | Valfarre | Thanatos | White Nyarlathotep | Princess Veronica | Loki (Fire Emblem) | Qitian Dasheng | Barbary | Chronos | Akasha | Hastur | Dr. Wily | Ebisu | Fatalis | The Syndicate (The Doctor, Aspedochelone, The Captain, The Overseer, The Master) | Barbatos | Thórr | Mei Hou Wang | Styx | Scylla | Carmen | Astrals | Otherworld Ramiel | Augus | Elysium | Aether | Doman | Menoetius | Shadow Emile | Madame | Anassa | Eirene | Finni | Saiga | Cardinal Lambert | Paladyn Goma | Father Glennie | Kanaloa | Nyarlathotep | Prosecutor Guaron | Gassbag | Tsukuyomi | Oki | Replica of Alberius

Adventure Story Antagonists
Bareed | Bauer | Bellina | Bishop Roalta | Burly Boys | Count Delchi | Count Dian | Doomcrier | Dorothy | Elua | Father Nikolai | Galkin | Logius | Master Xuan | Mother | Otherworld Harle | Parker | Radelle | Ramon | Robelle | Shirley | Werner | Yelda | Yurius | Zardon

Other Antagonists
Air Man | Bahamut | Bubble Man | Crash Man | EMMA | Flash Man | Heat Man | Jinlorda | Metal Man | Quick Man | Wood Man
