Ogrémoch, also known as the Prince of Evil Earth, was a powerful archomental from the Elemental Plane of Earth affiliated to the Elder Elemental Eye, and the twin brother of more benevolent Entemoch.
He is a major antagonist of the Dungeons & Dragons franchise, and the deity worshipped by the Cult of the Black Earth led by Marlos Urnrayle. He is also the archenemy of Sunnis, his good counterpart, and a rival to Yan-C-Bin and Entemoch, his own brother.
Ogrémoch appears as in the form of a 15-meter-tall golem made of rock and crystals. His eyes resembled chipped obsidian and his body sparkled with mica. This was by no means an accurate description, however, as few could claim to have ever seen him.
Unlike his fellow archomentals, Ogrémoch does not pursue destruction of the world. Instead, he is a miser who desires to take control over all of the resources underground, claiming they are all his. It is not because he really needs them, but because of his natural instinct as well as his stubborn belief that it is a principle of things.
Even so, Ogrémoch's greatest desire is to destroy Sunnis, his good-aligned counterpart. He is also antagonistic towards Entemoch, his more heroic twin brother.
Ogrémoch builds his domain within the Plane of Earth, in a fortress known as Stonemire, on a plateau near the border with the Plane of Magma. The heat was unbearable and fountains of molten stone, smoke, and steam were used as decoration. It is said that the foundations of the fortress are made of the entombed bodies of Ogrémoch's enemy, still alive.
Ogremoch is a fifty-foot tall humanoid chunk of rock with green crystals protruding from various places on his body. His eyes appear to resemble chipped obsidian and his body sparkled with mica.
Ogremoch was a hoarder, and believed every single resource and treasure belonged to him by right. Not out of need for the wealth, but the principle of the thing. He was filled with a need to crush anything and anyone in his path. If he could not crush them, he would outlast them.
Villains | ||
Arklem and Valindra's Agents