Ogress is an enemy of the Hulk who appeared largely in the animated series (though she also appeared in the comic book series as a member of the Riot Squad), she was also a frequent opponent of the She-Hulk once she was introduced into the storyarc later in the series.
Ogress was one of the many gamma-mutates created by the Leader as part of his plan to clone an army of altered Hulk-like beings (many of which also had cybernetic enhancements) and was one of the few females encountered.
Unlike the attractive She-Hulk Ogress was horribly deformed and not very intelligent with a tendency to mess things up - however she was considerably strong and was able to hold her own against She-Hulk and (to a lesser extent) a relatively enraged Hulk (she stood little chance against Hulk when he was truly enraged however).
Ogress often worked with the equally grotesque Gargoyle and was somewhat of a comedy villain, though she did have her moments - on the whole though she and Gargoyle existed mainly to be thwarted by the Hulk family or to try and unsuccessfully capture/disable them.