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Villains Wiki

An enormous snake that rules the Osohe Castle basement. Disturb its sleep and it will tidal wave you goodbye.
~ Battle Memory.

The Oh-So-Snake is a minor antagonist in Mother 3, serving as a major antagonist in Chapter 2. It is a gigantic snake that rules the basement of Osohe Castle.



At some point, the Oh-So-Snake began living in the basement of Osohe Castle. It's unknown whether this was before or after its inhabitants perished. It's unlikely Wess left the snake there, as he appears unaware of its presence before seeing it.

Chapter 2[]

When Wess, Duster and Kumatora find the Egg of Light, their victory is short-lived as the Pigmask Army corners them. Kumatora recklessly snatches the Hummingbird Egg, but Wess soon reveals to her that he placed traps to make sure no one steals the egg. A trap door opens, sending them all to the basement of Osohe. There are piles of skulls likely belonging to other unsuspecting people who fell victim to the snake. After they reunite with the egg however, their celebration is short-lived as the snake emerges from the water and attacks. A long battle commences, until the snake is ultimately defeated and the trio once again celebrate a short-lived victory before Fassad and Salsa pull the basement lever, causing them all to be sent out of the snake's watery domain. It's unknown what happens to the snake after this, as it never shows up outside of battle.


  • It's one of the very few enemies in the entire game to have its own unique battle music not counting harder versions of other tracks.
  • It generally resembles the Krakens from EarthBound, and could be a nod to them.
  • In Japan, its original name "Osohebi" is meant to be a pun on the words "Osohe" and "hebi", which means snake in Japanese.


            Mother Logo Villains

Giygas's Army
Giygas (2 Novelization | Manga) | Starmen (Starman Junior | Starman Deluxe) | Mooks (Dept. Store Spook) | Evil Mani Mani | Master Belch | Mini Barf | Octobots

Pigmask Army
Porky Minch (Novelization) | Masked Man | Fassad | Pigmasks | Natural Killer Cyborg | Pork Trooper | Li'l Miss Marshmallow | Mr. Genetor | King Statue | Mecha-Drago | Claymen | Chimeras (Ultimate Chimera)

Minch Family
Aloysius Minch (Novelization) | Lardna Minch

Giygas's Race | Sharks (Frank Fly) | Onett Police Force (Captain Strong) | Everdred | Happy Happyists (Mr. Carpainter) | Mr. Poochyfud | Ms. Fake | Guardian Diggers | Geldegarde Monotoli | Krakens | Sanctuary Guardians | Jealous Bass | Mr. Passion | Oh-So-Snake
