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Villains Wiki
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This scum Omega (Lego) is driving Cruella insane!
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Omega is the overarching antagonist of the 2010 LEGO® film LEGO: The Adventures of Clutch Powers.


Omega is one of the 3 most dangerous criminals in the galaxy. Prior to the events of the film he is strongly implied to be behind the disappearance of Clutch Powers' father Rock. Following this, he, Squidman and Mallock the Malign are captured an incarcerated on the supermax prison planet X4.

After an unknown period, the 3 criminals plotted and executed their escape. Under Mallock's leadership, they manage to compromise the entire prison, causing all of the guards save for the Watch Commander to disappear, but not before a distress signal is sent to Lego City. Clutch Powers and his new team are dispatched to investigate, but are ambushed by the 3 criminals shortly after accessing the prison. Mallock uses his wizardry to incapacitate the team before they steal their ship and destroy the prison's remaining transports.

By the end of the film, Mallock is recaptured, while Omega and the other criminal remain on the run.



  • Omega's status as the overarching antagonist is confirmed when Clutch tells his boss Kjeld Paywell that he found the Greek sign "Omega" in the book of his missing father Rock Powers. This implies that he was behind Rock's disappearance.
  • The description within Rock Powers' journal implies that the term "Omega" actually refers to an organization of beings. Consequently, the individual who escaped from the prison planet X4 is likely to be just one individual among many.


           LEGO Space Police Villains

Blacktron | Brick Daddy | Craniac | Frenzy | Jawson | Kranxx | Omega | Rench | Skull Twins | Slizer | Snake | Squidman | Squidtron

See also
LEGO Villains
