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Villains Wiki
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Robot: Some day… you too will die.
Omni-Man: Sure… but you should've died at birth.
~ Omni-Man to Robot after fatally wounding him.

Nolan Grayson, better known as Omni-Man, is a minor antagonist in the adult animated superhero television series Invincible.

He is an alternate version of the same character from Earth-646 who convinced his son Invincible to help him co-rule over the world in the name of the Viltrum Empire.

He was voiced by J.K. Simmons.


He most likely had the same life as his main version up until the point he successful convinced his son to rule the Earth with him in the name of the Viltrum Empire. During their rule, they would destroy towns and massacre thousands of civilians together.

Omni-Man stepped in to save his son from The Immortal and helped track down the Resistance Base and slaughter it's members, during which he fights Robot and even taunts begin by saying he should have died at birth. As he is prepared to kill the rest of the survivors with his son, Angstrom Levy manages to escape to another dimension, while the rest are presumably killed.


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           Invincible comics logo Villains

Viltrum Empire
Argall | Thragg | Nolan (Earth-646) | Conquest | Oliver Grayson | Kregg | Anissa | Thula | Lucan | Vidor | Onaan | Ursaal

Alternate Mark Graysons
Invincible (Earth-646) | Mohawk Mark | Sinister Mark | Viltrum Mark

The Order
Mr. Liu | Titan | Embrace | Face | Furnace | Insomniac | Isotope | Machine Head | Multi-Paul | Octoboss | Red Eye | Set | Slaying Mantis | Squidmen | Walking Dread | War Woman II

Lizard League
Queen Lizard | King Lizard | Supreme Lizard | Iguana | Komodo Dragon | Salamander

Global Defense Agency
Director Radcliffe | Cecil Stedman | Steven Erickson | D.A. Sinclair | ReAnimen | Rodgers | Phase Two

Flaxan Empire
Slash | Monax

Angstrom Levy | Battle Beast | Bi-Plane | Bulletproof | Cho | Damian Darkblood | Darkwing II | Data Twin 2 | David Hiles | Dinosaurus | Doc Seismic | Elephant | The Giant | Gridlock | Killcannon | King Immortal | Knuckle Buster and Force Fist | Kursk | Magmaniac | Magmanites | Magnattack | Master Mind | Mauler Twins | Omnipotus | Powerplex | Rampage | Roarface | Robot | Rus Livingston | Sanford | Sequids | Tether Tyrant | Vault | Volcanikka
